11.0 Planning Administrative Access

IMPORTANT:Review the information in Filr Administration in Filr 4.1: Understanding How Filr Works to prepare for planning for Filr administration.

19 - Administrative Access

Table 11-1 Worksheet 19 - Administrative Access

Heading, Label, or Topic:

Information and Instructions:

Full Administrators

  1. Identify those who will have the passwords required for full administrative access to the Filr system and mark the ports (8443 and 9443) that they will have access to.

    See vaadmin and admin (the Built-in Port 8443 Administrator) in Filr 4.1: Understanding How Filr Works.

Direct Administrators (Port 8443)

  1. Record the information for other users or groups that will be assigned as Direct Port 8443 administrators, and if desired, indicate their intended or assigned purpose or scope.

    Direct administrators can manage:

    • Users

    • Groups

    • Mobile Devices

    • Net Folders

    • Net Folder Servers

    Large organizations often prefer to further limit the scope through specific assignments.

    For example, an IT administrator who works with data storage might receive the assignment to manage Net Folder Servers and Net Folders.

    For more information, see “Direct” Port 8443 Administrators in Filr 4.1: Understanding How Filr Works.

  2. When you have planned for administrative access, continue with Planning Network Support.