Configuring a MySQL Database

If you are using MySQL as the Fortify Software Security Center database, you must configure the MySQL options file.

Caution! Fortify Software Security Center requires that all database schema collations be case-sensitive. If your installation is case-insensitive, Fortify Software Security Center cannot work correctly.

Note: For information about the supported versions of MySQL, see the Micro Focus Fortify Software System Requirements document.

Tip: If you use SSL to connect Fortify Software Security Center to MySQL, Fortify recommends that you increase the allowed number of concurrent clientClosedScanner supported by Security Fortify WebInspect Enterprise that connects to WebInspect Enterprise to receive license permissions, updates or scan data, and which also presents a user interface through which scans may be conducted. WebInspect Enterprise controls permissions for a client and also provides the policies used by clients. A client can be configured to upload scan results to WebInspect Enterprise automatically at the completion of the scan or only when specifically instructed by the user. connections by increasing the value of the max_connections system variableClosedBuilding blocks for performance indicators; storage for measurement values that count issues, conditions, and similar categories of numeric data. (in the my.cnf file). This can prevent the Too many connections error from occurring.

To configure the MySQL options file:

  1. Stop MySQL server.
  2. Navigate to the MySQL server installation directory.
  3. Open the MySQL options file in a text editor.

    Tip: To locate the options files and the order in which they are read, run the following command from a terminal: mysql --help.

    • On Windows systems, the default options file is my.ini.

      Note: The default location for MySQL 5.7 is c:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7.

    • On Linux systems, the default options file is my.cnf.
  4. In both the [mysqld] and [mysqldump] sections, set max_allowed_packet to 1G.

    If the [mysqldump] section is not there, create it.

  5. In the [mysqld] section, configure the settings in the following table. If a listed setting is not included in the file, add it.

    Setting Value

    300 (recommended) Expressed in seconds



    512M (Fortify recommends 10GB or more)

    Note: If you increase this value without also increasing the innodb_log_file_size value, uploads of large FPR files can fail.





    max-allowed-packet 16777216
    sql_mode TRADITIONAL

    Note: MySQL 5.7.5 and later versions have a default sql_mode setting that includes the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY flag. This option is incompatible with the queries that Fortify Software Security Center issues.

  6. Make sure that MySQL is set up with Barracuda or a newer file format to enable the dynamic row format feature. For more information, see the MySQL documentation for the innodb file format and for dynamic row formats.
  7. Save the file, and then restart MySQL server.