Authoring Bug Tracker Plugins

Fortify Software Security Center supports integration with external bug tracking systems. This integration allows Fortify Software Security Center users to log bugs for issues as they audit them in Fortify Software Security Center. As delivered, the system can integrate with Jira, Bugzilla, ALM, and Azure DevOps Server. (For specific versions supported, see the Fortify Software System Requirements document.) If your company uses a different bug tracker system, you can author a new plugin for it. This section provides information about how to author and deploy a new bug tracker plugin.

Note: In this guide and in the Fortify Software Security Center user interface, the terms bug and defect are used interchangeably.

Important! Fortify strongly recommends that you inspect the delivered plugin samples before you author your own plugin. You can find the samples in the following directory:


This section contains the following topics: