7.4 Changing the Protocol used to Access the Web Client

By default HA Cloud uses TLS (HTTPS) to communicate between the web client and the session server. You can change this option during the installation process. However, it may be necessary to make this change after installation.

To change the protocol (HTTPS or HTTP) post-install:

  1. Open and edit <session-server>/microservices/sessionserver/service.yml.

  2. Modify the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable.

    • To use HTTP - set the variable to no-tls.

    • To use HTTPS - set the variable to tls.

  3. Restart the session server.

For example:

      value: no-tls

NOTE:Changing the protocol from HTTPS to HTTP does not change the server port. HA Cloud uses 7443 as the default port. To change the port being used see How to Change Ports.