8.8 Using the System Templates for Workflows

The Workflow Administration Console includes a set of pre-built workflows that you can use to create workflows. You cannot delete these system templates nor can you edit the templates directly. However, if you want, you can create a copy of these templates and use them as the base for your workflows. Additionally while creating a workflow you can choose a template from the Choose Template drop-down menu, then edit the pre-built workflows using the Workflow Builder.

These templates have pre-defined fields that you can change as per your requirement. You must ensure the status of the workflow is updated to ‘Active’.

NOTE:You must have the appropriate permissions to access the workflow catalog, and perform tasks on the Workflows page. To determine your access permissions, contact your administrator.

The following table lists the templates included with the Workflow Administration Console:



One Step Approval

Requires single approval for the workflow request to be fulfilled.

Two Step Approval

Requires two approval for the workflow request to be fulfilled.

Rest Activity Workflow

Requires details such as API URL, authentication type, client ID, and client secret for the workflow request to be fulfilled.

Quorum Workflow

Requires the specified percentage of approvers to approve the workflow for the request to be fulfilled.

For example, in a workflow with four approvers if you specify 50 as the quorum percent, when two approvers approve the workflow request, the process is considered fulfilled.

IGA One Step Approval

One step approval template for Identity Governance.

IGA Two Step Approval

Two step approval template for Identity Governance.

IGA Rest Activity Workflow

Rest activity workflow template for Identity Governance.

IGA Quorum Workflow

Quorum workflow template for Identity Governance.


  • For associating a system template workflow or a custom workflow to Identity Governance approval or fulfillment policy, you must select the respective Identity Governance request form in the Start Activity.

  • The templates prefixed with ‘IGA’ are specific to Identity Governance and include the Identity Governance request form in the Start Activity.

  • To ensure that the system template or a custom workflow created in the Workflow Administration Console integrates properly in Identity Governance, you must use the source expressions from the IGA default approval workflow while using the Notify Activity.