Back Up Connectors

There are no actions that automatically back up your connectors. However, you can make a manual backup by copying the relevant files to a secondary location.

Before you copy files, you should shut down the connector, for example by using the Stop action. You can then copy the .cfg and .db files, which contain the configuration and data about the jobs that the connector has completed. You might also need to copy and back up some additional files:


Make sure you run your connector backup at the same time as your IDOL Server data index backup.
By default, connectors keep a record of the time when it extracts files from a repository, and search for updates after this time. If you back up the connector at a different time to the IDOL Server data, you might miss some updates, or reindex some data unnecessarily when you restore it.

To restore your files, you simply copy the backup files into an installation of the connector. Make sure that the configuration file name that you are restoring matches the name of the file that you replace in the installation.


On Windows, some connector installers register the DLLs. In these cases, if you copy the .exe and .dll files to a new location, they might not run.

