
The terms to highlight in the specified Text. You must stem the link terms (use the TermGetInfo action to find the stems of words). Separate multiple terms with plus symbols (+). There must be no space before or after a plus symbol.

If you set Boolean to True, you can use a normal query string, including field specifiers. In this case, word stems and plus symbols (+) are not required.

Use FieldText expressions to constrain highlighting hin specific fields, or to apply conditions for highlighting.

NOTE: You must percent-encode commas (,) and plus symbols (+) in the strings twice (for example, the term C++). You must not percent-encode multi-byte characters twice.

Actions: Highlight
Type: String
Example: action=Highlight&Text=Is today Friday? Please verify.&Links=todai+verifi
XML output: Is <font color=red>today</font> Friday? Please <font color=red>verify</font>.
See Also: Boolean
TermGetInfo action