
The references of one or more documents whose content you want to summarize.

You should percent-encode document references. This ensures that any reserved characters that are part of a reference are not interpreted as query syntax. If you are sending HTTP requests using the content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded you should percent-encode all parameter values, meaning that document references are percent-encoded twice. For more information, see Percent Encoding in Queries.

You can specify a particular reference field by using the ReferenceField parameter.

You can also return the content of specific sections in documents by post-fixing a document Reference with the following string:


where <section_number> is the number of the document section whose content you want to return.

Actions: Summarize
Type: String
Example: Reference=http%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Eexample%252Ecom%252F%253Fscript%252Epl%2526query%253Dtest%2Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Eexample%252Ecom%252F%253Fscript%252Epl%2526query%253Dcat%252Bdog
In this example documents that have the reference and are returned.
See Also: