
The query text. You can submit the following searches to IDOL Content Component:

For details on how to combine different query types and how IDOL Content Component ranks the relevance of results, refer to the IDOL Server Administration Guide.

Actions: Query
Type: String
Example: Text=Gene analysis discovered methods to determine the exact sequence of nucleotides that compose a specific gene
See Also: SplitNumbers configuration parameter
UnstemmedMinDocOccs configuration parameter

Field Restrictions

You can use Text to specify field restrictions for result documents, as long as the fields that you use to restrict results are Index fields (for details on Index fields, refer to the IDOL Server Administration Guide). This option also applies to XML attributes.

NOTE: You can refer to XML attributes in the following format:


To match multiple fields simultaneously, separate them with colons.

For example:



You can use the following Wildcards in query text.

  • ? to match one character.

  • * to match zero, one, or more characters.

TIP: Use Wildcard matching only when necessary, because it can affect IDOL Content Component performance.

You can use the UnstemmedMinDocOccs configuration parameter to specify the number of documents in which a term must occur for it to be considered in a Wildcard search. You can also use the UnstemmedTrackFields configuration parameter to optimize Wildcard queries for certain fields.

NOTE: To use Wildcards to search for numbers, you must set the SplitNumbers configuration parameter to False.



This query returns documents that contain the term Mikrotech or Microtech.

Text="Wilk* Co*ins":*/Name:Author+Arm?dale:*/Title

This query returns documents that contain a Name or Author field whose value matches the Wildcard string Wilk* Co*ins (for example, Wilkie Collins), and documents that contain a Title field whose value matches the Wildcard string Arm?dale (for example Armadale).

Consider the following scenarios:

  • A. The IDOL Content Component has two indexed documents. One document contains the word rollerskating, and the other contains the word rollerskaters (both of which stem to ROLLERSK).

  • B. The IDOL Content Component has only one indexed document. It contains the word rollerskater (which also stems to ROLLERSK).


Because this query returns all documents that contain any terms that stem to ROLLERSK, it returns both documents in situation A and the one document in situation B.


A Wildcard query returns documents only if one or more matches for the Wildcard term exist in the documents on the IDOL Content Component. If the term is matched, it is then stemmed, and all occurrences of the stem (in any document) are also considered matches.

Therefore, with this query, both documents in situation A are returned (because rollerskatin* matches rollerskating, and because it stems to ROLLERSK, which has matches in both documents), but the document in situation B is not returned (because rollerskatin* does not match rollerskater).

Text="rollerskatin*" [when AdvancedSearch=True]

This query returns documents in which the Wildcard term is matched. However, because AdvancedSearch is enabled and the Wildcard term is in quotes, the Wildcard term is not stemmed, and additional matches to the stem are not returned.

Therefore, with this query, only the rollerskating document is returned in situation A, and no document is returned in situation B.

Term Weights

You can add weights to terms in your query. IDOL Content Component returns documents that contain highly weighted terms with a higher relevance than documents that contain only terms with lower weights. Use the TermGetInfo action to find out the weight of the term. Specify weights as a number in brackets next to the term. The maximum weight is 4095, but Micro Focus recommends that you use a maximum value of 511.

For example:

Text=Cat[50] OR Dog

This query returns documents that contain the term cat or the term dog. If the term dog has a higher weight than 50 in IDOL Content Component, documents that contain the term dog return with higher relevance than documents that contain only the term cat. If the term dog has a lower weight than 50, documents that contain the term cat return with higher relevance.

Text=Cat[30] OR Dog[10]

This query returns documents that contain the term cat or the term dog. Documents that contain only the term cat return a relevance value that is three times higher than documents that contain only the term dog.

You can apply term weights to phrases. For example:

Text="cats and dogs"[100]

This query returns documents that contain the phrase "cats and dogs" and applies a weight of 100 to this phrase.

You can apply weights to terms in parentheses. In this case, the weight applies to all terms within the parentheses. For example:

Text=(cat OR dog)[100] AND (fish OR dolphin)[150]

This query returns documents that contain at least one of the terms cat or dog, and at least one of the terms fish or dolphin. It assigns the terms cat and dog a weight of 100, and it assigns the terms fish and dolphin a weight of 150.

You can use multipliers to multiply the original term weight. Type a term as *N, where N is the amount to multiply by. You can use up to two decimal places. For example:

Text=cat[*2.25] OR dog[*0.5]

This query returns documents that contain the term cat or the term dog. The term cat has 2.25 times its normal relevance. The term dog has 0.5 times its normal relevance.

You can also use any combination of these examples to apply term weights to complex phrases or expressions. For example:

Text="cats and dogs"[*3] OR (fish[100]+dolphin[150])[*1.5]

This query applies three times the normal weight to the phrase "cats and dogs". It assigns a weight of 100 to the term fish and a weight of 150 to the term dolphin. It then multiplies the weights for fish and dolphin by 1.5.

Occurrence Restrictions

You can restrict the documents that match a query term or phrase to documents in which the number of occurrences of the term or phrase is within a specified range. Specify the range with a colon-separated pair of numbers. The maximum value that you can specify in the range is 32000.

For example:


This query returns only documents in which Gene appears between 3 and 7 times (inclusively).

text="Gene therapy"[5:8]

This query returns only documents in which the phrase Gene therapy appears between 5 and 8 times (inclusively).


This query returns only documents in which a term that starts with Gene (such as Gene or Generation) appears between two and four times (inclusively).

Text=(Gene OR DNA)[4:8] AND Therapy

This query returns only documents in which the term Gene or the term DNA appear between 4 and 8 times (inclusively), and the term Therapy occurs.

You can also specify open-ended ranges. For example:

Text="Gene therapy"[10:]

This query returns only documents in which the phrase Gene therapy appears 10 or more times.

You can also specify term weights and field restrictions. For example:

text=cat[2:4]:DRETITLE + AND + cat[100][2:4]