
Allows you to list all documents that are stored in IDOL Content Component or any of its databases.

NOTE: This is an administrative action that can be sent only by users that belong to an authorization role that allows the Admin standard role, or which enables the action explicitly. See Authorization Roles Configuration Parameters.


This action requests a list of all documents that IDOL Content Component stores. IDOL Content Component writes the list to the backup.xml file, which is created in the directory D:\temp on the IDOL Content Component host machine.

Optional Parameters

This action accepts the following optional parameters.

Parameter Description
DatabaseMatch The database to list results from.
DontMatchID Document IDs for documents that you do not want to list.
DontMatchReference References for documents that you do not want to list.
LanguageType The language type of the PrintFields that are not ASCII or UTF-8.
MatchEncoding The encoding that a document must have to return.
MatchID Document IDs for documents that you want to list.
MatchLanguage The language that a document must have to return.
MatchLanguageType The language type that a document must have to return.
MatchReference A list of document references that can return.
MaxDate The maximum creation date that a document can have to return.
MaxID The highest document ID to list.
MaxPrintChars The maximum number of characters to print in fields.
MaxResults The maximum number of results to print.
MinDate The minimum creation date that a document can have to return.
MinID The minimum document ID to list.
OutputEncoding The encoding to convert the results to.
Print Defines the fields to display.
PrintFields Overrides fields that display by default.
ReferenceField Restricts the DontMatchReference and MatchReference parameters to the specified reference field.
StateDontMatchID The state token of a group of documents to not list.
StateMatchID The state token of a group of documents to list.
StateMatchOriginalSection Whether to return only sections from a state token that were matched in the original query.
Synchronous Whether to run the action synchronously or asynchronously.
XMLMeta Whether to return additional metadata for each result.

This action accepts the following standard ACI action parameters.

Parameter Description
ActionID A string to use to identify an ACI action.
EncryptResponse Encrypt the output.
FileName The file to write output to.
ForceTemplateRefresh Forces the server to load the template from disk.
Output Writes output to a file.
ResponseFormat The format of the action output.
Template The template to use for the action output.
TemplateParamCSVs A list of variables to use for the specified template.