
The name of one or more parametric fields for which to return the value in a parametric search. Separate multiple fields with commas.

As well as ParametricType fields, you can use NumericType, NumericDateType fields, and metadata fields, such as autn_date, autn_database, autn_section, autn_langtype, and autn_language.

For GetQueryTagValues, you can also use the autn_distincttermsperdoc and autn_termsperdoc metadata fields. In this case, the GetQueryTagValues action returns the results of the TermGetAll action with TermAnalysis set to True, restricted to documents that contain your search text. The <autn:value> tag contains the logn value. You can also set DocumentCount to True to find out how many of the documents have a particular autn_termsperdoc or autn_distincttermsperdoc value for each logn value.

For GetQueryTagValues, you can also use the fields that you create by using the UserMetaFields parameter as the FieldName. In this case, you must add the autn_user_ prefix to the field name that you specify. For example, if you create a field name TOTAL, you can use autn_user_TOTAL as the FieldName.



Type: String
Example: FieldName=Grape,autn_language
See Also: FieldDependence
TermGetAll action TermAnalysis parameter