
Set this parameter to restrict term expansion results to terms that appear in documents that match the specified field text.

This parameter restricts documents in the same way as the FieldText parameter for the Query action.

Actions: TermExpand
Type: String
Example: FieldText=MATCH{Archive,Web,docs}:DIR:DIRECTORY
The DIR or DIRECTORY field must have the value Archive, Web, or docs.

The ACCOUNT or KONTO field must contain the number 1234567890123.

The PRICE or PREIS field must contain a number greater than 6.95, and the AUTHOR or AUTOR field must have the value Thomas Brown.

This example contains four field specifier expressions:
MATCH{George Orwell}
See Also:  

To specify how documents must match fields and field values to return as results, the FieldText parameter uses field specifiers that describe the pattern of values in fields. These field specifiers fall into the groups described in the following sections.

Field Specifiers for Common Restrictions

To find documents in which a specified field contains Use the field specifier:
a value that exactly matches one or more specified strings MATCH
a value that exactly matches a regular expression REGEXMATCH

a number

To optimize the processing time of queries for fields that contain numbers, store them as numeric fields in IDOL Server during the indexing process.


a date

To optimize the processing time of queries for fields that contain dates, store them as numeric date fields in IDOL Server during the indexing process.

a value that matches a specified Wildcard string WILD

Field Specifiers for Advanced Restrictions

To find documents in which a specified field Use the field specifier:
contains a value that falls within a specific alphabetical range ARANGE
contains a value that results in a non-zero value when a bitwise AND operation is carried out against it BITAND
contains a value in a BitFieldType field where the specified bit is set BITSET
contains a Boolean agent BOOLEANFIELD
contains Cartesian (x/y) coordinates values within a specified distance from a specified point DISTCARTESIAN
contains latitude and longitude values within a specified distance from a specified point DISTSPHERICAL
does not exist or does not contain a value EMPTY
exists, irrespective of its value EXISTS
contains a value that is similar to a specified string FUZZY
contains a value whose length is a specific number of characters LENGTH
contains multiple instances, whose values include at least one match for each of the specified strings or numeric values MATCHALL
contains multiple instances, all of whose values match in the specified strings or numeric values MATCHCOVER
contains a specified reference in a ReferenceMemoryMappedType field recursively to a maximum number of times MATCHRECURSE
contains multiple instances, at least one of whose values does not match the specified string NOTMATCH
contains Cartesian (x/y) coordinate values within a specified polygonal shape POLYGON
contains a specified string STRING
contains a value that matches specific terms or phrases TERM

Field Specifiers for Biasing Result Scores

To bias the score of results according to the numerical proximity of the specified field to a specified value: BIAS
To boost the score of any document in which the specified field has a specified date: BIASDATE
To boost the score of any document according to its distance from a point, specified by using Cartesian coordinates (x/y): BIASDISTCARTESIAN
To boost the score of any document according to its distance from a point, specified by using spherical coordinates (latitude and longitude): BIASDISTSPHERICAL
To boost the score of any document in which the specified field has a specified value: BIASVAL

Field Specifiers for Linking Queries

To link the query results with a particular value in the specified ReferenceMemoryMappedType field to documents where this value occurs as a document reference: LINK


  • In addition to document fields, you can also apply FieldText restrictions to metadata fields, such as autn_date, autn_database, autn_section, autn_langtype, and autn_language. Refer to the IDOL Server Administration Guide for details on metadata fields.

    For example:


    In this example, the autn_database metadata field must contain the substring Archiv for the document to return. For example, if the autn_database metadata field has the value Archive or Archives, this document returns.


    In this example, the autn_langtype metadata field must contain a value that starts with eng (for example, englishASCII or English_UTF8) for the document to return as a result.

  • You can use the autn_termsperdoc and autn_distincttermsperdoc metadata fields to return documents that have a specific termsperdoc logn value. You can use this to investigate the results of a TermGetAll action with TermAnalysis set to True. For example:


    In this example, documents return only if they contain between 3 and 4 (22) terms.

  • You can use multiple field specifiers simultaneously by combining them with the Boolean operators AND, NOT, and OR.

    For example:


    In this example, the PRICE or PREIS field must contain a number greater than 6.95, and the AUTHOR or AUTOR field must have the value Brown, for the document to return as a result.

    FieldText=(LESS{10}:PRICE+AND+MATCH{Penguin}:PUBLISHER)+OR+(NRANGE{20,30}:PRICE+AND+MATCH{George Orwell}:AUTHOR)

    In this example, documents return only if they meet one of the following criteria:

    • the PRICE field contains a number smaller than 10, and its PUBLISHER field has the value Penguin.

    • the PRICE field contains a number between 20 and 30, and its AUTHOR field has the value George Orwell.

  • You can use the Boolean proximity operators BEFORE and AFTER to specify the order in which certain fields occur in a document.

    For example:

    FieldText=MATCH{Penguin}:PUBLISHER BEFORE MATCH{George Orwell}:AUTHOR

    In this example, documents return only when the PUBLISHER field contains the value Penguin earlier in the document than an instance of the AUTHOR field that contains the value George Orwell.

    NOTE: For a FieldText query to successfully compare two occurrences of the same field, you must set the XMLFullStructure configuration parameter to True in your IDOL Server configuration file.

    FieldText=MATCH{George Orwell}:AUTHOR AFTER MATCH{Thomas Brown}:AUTHOR

    In this example, documents return only when one occurrence of the AUTHOR field contains the value George Orwell later in the document than another occurrence of the AUTHOR field that contains the value Thomas Brown. This query returns results only when XMLFullStructure is set to True in the [Server] section of the IDOL Server configuration file.

  • If XMLFullStructure is set to True in the [Server] section of the IDOL Server configuration file, you can use the WHEN operator to return only XML documents in which two fields that have the same parent field contain specified terms or phrases.

    For example:


    This query returns only XML documents in which the make and color fields are direct children of the same parent field, and contain the values audi (in the make field) and red (in the color field).

  • When identifying fields, use the format:

    • /FieldName to match root-level fields.

    • FieldName to match all fields except root-level.

    • /Path/FieldName to match fields that the specified path points to.

    To identify XML attributes, use the format TagName/_ATTR_AttributeName, for example, FARM/_ATTR_ANIMAL.

    You can also use Wildcards when identifying fields, for example, /Fi*d1, /Field* and so on.

  • All string matching is case insensitive, unless you set CaseSensitive to True (this parameter does not apply for TERM, TERMALL, and TERMPHRASE, which are always case insensitive).

  • You must percent-encode all strings in FieldText. You must distinguish punctuation in IDOL query syntax, such as commas and curly braces, from the same punctuation that might occur in the query strings. For more information, see Percent Encoding in Queries.