
The fields with this property are optimized for geospatial (distance and location) operations. For a particular field property, you set GeospatialType to specify whether you store the location data in a single field or in multiple fields, and if you use multiple fields, which dimension the field property represents.

You can use the following values:

  • Unified. The fields with this property store unified location information. IDOL Content supports unified location data in several Well-Known Text formats. See Supported Well-Known Text Geometric Objects.

    For example, the following field defines a polygon with one hole:

    #DREFIELD SHAPE="POLYGON((35 10, 45 45, 15 40, 10 20, 35 10),(20 30, 35 35, 30 20, 20 30))"
  • X. The fields with this property store the x-coordinate for Cartesian coordinates. In this case, the associated fields store a single value that represents the coordinate.

  • Longitude. The fields with this property store the Longitude value for spherical coordinates. In this case, the associated fields store a single value that represents the coordinate.

  • Y. The fields with this property store the y-coordinate for Cartesian coordinates. In this case, the associated fields store a single value that represents the coordinate.

  • Latitude. The fields with this property store the Latitude value for spherical coordinates. In this case, the associated fields store a single value that represents the coordinate.

NOTE: IDOL Server treats the X and Longitude types as equivalent, and similarly treats the Y and Latitude types as equivalent.

Type: String
Required: No
Configuration Section: MyProperty
Example: GeospatialType=Unified
See Also: Property

NOTE: If you change this setting after you have indexed content into IDOL Server, you must either reindex the content, or regenerate the index by setting the RegenerateGeospatialIndex configuration parameter to True, or by using the DREREGENERATE index action.