
The JSON format to use for an ACI action response when the action has ResponseFormat set to json. You can use one of the following options: 

  • json. The most recent JSON format. In version 12.13, this value is equivalent to json/1. In future versions, this value might be updated to use a new type of JSON format.
  • json/0. An older JSON format that returns single-element lists as objects, rather than arrays. This format was the default JSON format before IDOL Content Component version 12.0.
  • json/1. A newer JSON format that returns single-element lists as arrays, for consistency with multiple-element lists.
  • simplejson. This format is similar to the json/1 format, but it does not use $ nodes to represent XML nodes unless the equivalent XML node contains attributes. This response format also does not use autn: prefixes in node names.
Type: String
Default: json
Required: No
Configuration Section: Server
Example: JSONFormat=simplejson
See Also: