
Set MultiHighlight to True to use different highlighting tags for different link terms (for example, to highlight each term in a different color). In this case, you must set the Links, StartTag, and EndTag parameters to a list of options, separated by semicolons (;). IDOL View Component highlights the first link term with the first StartTag and EndTag, and so on.

For example:

action=View&MultiHighlight=True&Links=dog+OR+cat;rabbit;"apples and pears"&StartTag=<b>;<i>;<font color="red">&EndTag=</b>;</i>;</font>&Boolean=True

This action highlights the terms dog or cat in bold, the term rabbit in italic, and the phrase apples and pears in red.

If the Links, StartTag, and EndTag parameters contain values that include a semicolon, you must percent-encode each term, separate them with semicolons, then percent-encode the whole string again.

Actions: Export
Type: Boolean
Default: False
Example: MultiHighlight=True
See Also: EndTag