
The percent-encoded URL or file path of the document whose content you want to view.

NOTE: Viewing displays documents only for directories that you define in the ViewLocalDirectoriesCSVs configuration parameter. With this parameter, you can specify a comma-separated list of local directories (including absolute paths) from which the viewing service can display documents.

IDOL View Component does not use the value of ViewLocalDirectoriesCSVs as a prefix for relative paths. You must always specify the full path to any document to display. For example, if ViewLocalDirectoriesCSVs is set to /mnt/documents, then to display the document at /mnt/documents/sample.doc, you must use the following action:


For a View action with the ViewUpload parameter, Reference is optional. However, when you send View actions with the ViewUpload parameter to a Distributed Action Handler (DAH) set up to distribute View requests by reference, you can use Reference for consistent routing. For more information about distribution by reference, refer to the Distributed Action Handler Administration Guide.

Actions: ViewGetDocInfo
Type: String
Example: Reference=
See Also: ViewUpload
ViewLocalDirectoriesCSVs configuration parameter