Supported Formats

KeyView support for Azure RMS files depends on the encryption method that Azure RMS uses for each file type, and on whether the file is classified or protected. In Azure RMS, classified files have additional labels to inform users of their sensitivity, while protected files are encrypted so that only authorized users can view them.

In some cases, KeyView format detection returns a different file type depending on whether the file is classified or protected.

The following sections provide information about the Azure RMS support for different file types, and metadata support.

For more information about XrML extraction, see the subFileType member of the KVSubFileInfo structure.

Microsoft Office Files

The following table describes KeyView detected formats for Microsoft Office files that Azure RMS encrypts by creating an OLE container.

For these files:

  • KeyView can get classification metadata.
  • KeyView can detect whether the file is Azure RMS encrypted (the kWindowsRMSEncrypted flag).
  • When you configure credentials through fpConfigureRMS, Filter and File Extraction API functions can operate on the protected data of the file (see fpConfigureRMS()). In this case, you can filter, extract, and get summary information.

In most cases, KeyView can also extract the XrML file for these files when they are protected, and identify the XrML files as KVSubFileType_XrML.

File extensions Format detected when file is classified but not protected Format detected when file is protected XrML extraction
docx, dotx MS_Word_2007_Fmt MS_Office_2007_Fmt Yes
docm, dotm MS_Word_Macro_2007_Fmt MS_Office_2007_Fmt Yes
pptx, potx, ppsx MS_PPT_2007_Fmt MS_Office_2007_Fmt Yes
pptm, potm, ppsm MS_PPT_Macro_2007_Fmt MS_Office_2007_Fmt Yes
vsdx MS_Visio_2013_Fmt MS_Office_2007_Fmt Yes
vsdm, vssm, vssx, vstm, vstx MS_Visio_2013_Macro_Fmt
MS_Office_2007_Fmt Yes
xlsx, xltx MS_Excel_2007_Fmt MS_Office_2007_Fmt Yes
xlsm, xlsb, xltm MS_Excel_Macro_2007_Fmt
MS_Office_2007_Fmt Yes
xps MS_XPS_Fmt MS_Office_2007_Fmt Yes
doc, dot MS_Word_95_Fmt
ppt, pot, pps PowerPoint_95_Fmt
xls, xla, xlam, xlt Excel_Fmt

Implemented as pFile

The following table describes the KeyView detected formats for files that Azure RMS encrypts by creating a pFile around the document.

For these files:

  • KeyView can get classification metadata.

  • KeyView can detect whether the file is Azure RMS encrypted (the kWindowsRMSEncrypted flag).

  • KeyView can extract the XrML if the file is protected.

  • When you configure credentials through fpConfigureRMS, Filter and File Extraction API functions can operate on the protected data of the file (see fpConfigureRMS()). In this case, you can filter, extract, and get summary information.

File extensions Format detected when file is classified but not protected Format detected when file is protected Notes
pfile n/a RMS_Protected_Fmt  
vsd MS_Visio_Fmt RMS_Protected_Fmt  
vdw, vss, vst MS_Visio_Fmt RMS_Protected_Fmt  
mpp, mpt MS_Project_4_Fmt
pub MS_Publisher_98_Fmt RMS_Protected_Fmt  
jpg JPEG_File_Interchange_Fmt RMS_Protected_Fmt

Protected format has extension pjpg.

When classified but not protected, the classification metadata is XMP.

png PNG_Fmt RMS_Protected_Fmt

Protected format has extension ppng.

gif GIF_89a_Fmt RMS_Protected_Fmt

Protected format has extension pgif.

When classified but not protected, the classification metadata is XMP.

tif TIFF_Fmt RMS_Protected_Fmt

Protected format has extension ptif.

When classified but not protected, the classification metadata is XMP.

dng TIFF_Fmt RMS_Protected_Fmt

When classified but not protected, the classification metadata is XMP.

dwfx MS_XPS_Fmt RMS_Protected_Fmt When classified but not protected, dwfx is detected and treated as XPS.
psd, psb PSD_Fmt RMS_Protected_Fmt

When classified but not protected, the classification metadata is XMP.

PDF Files

The following table describes the KeyView detected formats for PDF documents, which Azure RMS encrypts by creating an encrypted PDF (in which each stream and metadata value is encrypted), wrapped in a container PDF. KeyView allows you to extract the encrypted PDF from the container, and then for the extracted file:

  • KeyView can detect whether the file is Azure RMS encrypted (the kWindowsRMSEncrypted flag).

  • KeyView can extract the XrML if the file is protected.

  • When you configure credentials through fpConfigureRMS, Filter and File Extraction API functions can operate on the protected data of the file (see fpConfigureRMS()). In this case you can filter, extract, and get summary information for PDF formats.

File extensions Format detected when file is classified but not protected Format detected when file is protected
pdf PDF_Fmt

Restricted Permission Messages

Azure RMS encrypts email messages by creating an encrypted rpmsg attachment, which contains the original message body and attachments, attached to an unencrypted container message, which contains the message metadata. KeyView can extract the metadata and the encrypted rpmsg from the container message, and then for the extracted rpmsg:

  • KeyView can detect that the file is Azure RMS encrypted (the kWindowsRMSEncrypted flag).
  • When you configure credentials through fpConfigureRMS, File Extraction API functions can operate on the protected data of the file (see fpConfigureRMS()). This allows you to extract the message body and attached files, but attached messages are not currently supported.

NOTE: Extraction of the XrML from the encrypted rpmsg is not supported.