InfoConnect API Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems Namespace / InputMapActionID Enumeration

In This Topic
    InputMapActionID Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Actions that can be mapped to keyboard maps or mouse maps.
    Public Enum InputMapActionID 
       Inherits System.Enum
    Dim instance As InputMapActionID
    public enum InputMapActionID : System.Enum 
    AppointmentActionCreates a new appointment Office document This action does nothing if the current Office Suite does not support appointment documents. Requires no parameters.
    BackHistoryActionNavigates to the previous screen in the screen history sequence. Requires no parameters.
    CaptureIncomingDataActionStarts or stops capturing incoming data. This action may be run with no parameters, in which case the user will be prompted for a filename when the action is executed. Otherwise, you need to pass in the following three parameters:
    • The full path to the file in which you want to save the captured data.
    • A boolean value that determines whether to append data to the file. If it's false, the existing content in the file is erased before data is saved. The default value is true.
    • A boolean value that determines whether to save the data to the file as text. The default value is false.
    ClearAllActionClears all of the display memory without putting it on the Clipboard. Requires no parameters.
    ClearDisplayActionClears text from the cursor position to the end of the screen, without putting it on the Clipboard. Requires no parameters.
    ClearSelectionActionDeselects an active selection in the host session document. Requires no parameters.
    ClipboardSettingsActionOpens the Clipboard settings. Requires no parameters.
    CloseActionCloses the current document. Requires no parameters.
    ConnectActionConnects the current host session document to the host. Requires no parameters.
    ContactActionCreates a new contact Office document. This action does nothing if the current Office Suite does not support contact documents. Requires no parameters.
    ContextMenuEditorActionOpens the Context Menu Editor. Requires no parameters.
    CopyActionCopies selected text to the Clipboard. Requires no parameters.
    CopyToBuffer1ActionCopies the selected text to the clipboard and saves a copy of it in one of 4 buffers. This requires one parameter:

    The index (1-4) of the buffer to use

    CopyToBuffer2ActionCopies the selected text to the clipboard and saves a copy of it in one of 4 buffers. This requires one parameter:

    The index (1-4) of the buffer to use

    CopyToBuffer3ActionCopies the selected text to the clipboard and saves a copy of it in one of 4 buffers. This requires one parameter:

    The index (1-4) of the buffer to use

    CopyToBuffer4ActionCopies the selected text to the clipboard and saves a copy of it in one of 4 buffers. This requires one parameter:

    The index (1-4) of the buffer to use

    CutActionCuts selected text and places it on the Clipboard. Requires no parameters.
    DisconnectActionDisconnects the current host session document from the host. Requires no parameters.
    DocumentPropertiesActionDisplays document settings. Requires no parameters.
    EmailMessageActionCreates a new e-mail message Office document. This action does nothing if the current Office Suite does not support e-mail. Requires no parameters.
    EventUIMapperActionShows the Event UI mapping dialog
    ExitActionQuits InfoConnect. Requires no parameters.
    FileTransferActionOpens the File Transfer dialog box to transfer files between your PC and the host. Requires no parameters.
    ForwardHistoryActionNavigates to the next host screen in the screen history sequence. Requires no parameters.
    FtpFileTransferActionOpens the Reflection FTP client for FTP file transfer. Requires no parameters.
    FullScreenViewActionPuts the InfoConnect frame in full screen mode. Requires no parameters.
    GlobalSettingsActionOpens the InfoConnect Desktop global configuration settings. Requires no parameters.
    HelpActionOpens the Help system in a separate window. Requires no parameters.
    HostConnectionSettingsActionOpens the Connection Settings configuration for the host. Requires no parameters.
    HotspotsSettingsActionOpens the Hotspots Settings configuration for the host session. Requires no parameters.
    KeyboardMapperActionOpens the Keyboard Map Editor. Requires no parameters.
    LaunchApplicationActionStarts an external application, if the required parameters are provided. This action requires the following three parameters (in order):
    • The complete path to the application executable file, of type string.
    • Optional arguments for the application's command line of type string. Specify an empty string if no arguments are necessary.
    • An optional working directory for the application of type string. Specify an empty string if no working directory is desired.
    LaunchSupportWebsiteActionOpens the Attachmate support Web site. Requires no parameters.
    LaunchVbaActionStarts the Visual Basic for Applications Editor. Requires no parameters.
    LayoutCascadeActionRearranges all open document windows in the workspace to overlap in a cascade. Requires no parameters.
    LayoutHorizontalActionRearranges all open document windows in the workspace to be tiled horizontally. Requires no parameters.
    LayoutVerticalActionRearranges all open document windows in the workspace to be tiled vertically. Requires no parameters.
    MacroSecurityActionOpens the API and Macro Security configuration settings. Requires no parameters.
    ManageRibbonSettingsActionOpens the user interface settings for configuring the selected ribbon or classic UI mode file, modifying the current file, or creating a new file. Requires no parameters.
    ManualCaptureActionPerforms a screen capture of the current host screen and adds it to the screen history sequence. Requires no parameters.
    MoveCursorActionMoves the cursor in the host session. Requires no parameters.
    NewDocumentActionCreates a new document in the InfoConnect Desktop frame. Requires no parameters.
    NextDocumentActionMake the next session document or Web page active on an MDI workspace, whether you are viewing your documents as tabs or windows. Or make the next Workspace active if SDI mode is used. Requires no parameters.
    NoteActionCreates a new note Office document. This action does nothing if the current Office Suite does not support note documents. Requires no parameters.
    OfficeToolsPaneActionDisplays the Office Tools task pane. Requires no parameters.
    OpenActionOpens a document in the InfoConnect frame. Requires one parameter of type string (the complete path of the document to open).
    OpenURLActionOpens a URL, if the required parameters are provided. This action requires up to three parameters:
    • A URL string value (required).
    • An open location of type OpenUrlActionLocationOption (required). This determines how the URL opens (for example, via an external browser, a new InfoConnect tab, or an existing named InfoConnect tab).
    • The tab name of type string, if the second parameter is OpenUrlActionLocationOption.NamedTab.
    PageSetupActionOpens the Page Setup dialog box. Requires no parameters.
    PasteActionPastes data from the Clipboard to the current cursor position in the host session document. Requires no parameters.
    PasteFromBuffer1ActionRetrieves saved text from one of 4 buffers and places it in the clipboard, then pastes it to the current cursor position in the host session document. This requires one parameter:

    The index (1-4) of the buffer to use

    PasteFromBuffer2ActionRetrieves saved text from one of 4 buffers and places it in the clipboard, then pastes it to the current cursor position in the host session document. This requires one parameter:

    The index (1-4) of the buffer to use

    PasteFromBuffer3ActionRetrieves saved text from one of 4 buffers and places it in the clipboard, then pastes it to the current cursor position in the host session document. This requires one parameter:

    The index (1-4) of the buffer to use

    PasteFromBuffer4ActionRetrieves saved text from one of 4 buffers and places it in the clipboard, then pastes it to the current cursor position in the host session document. This requires one parameter:

    The index (1-4) of the buffer to use

    PlayBackTraceActionOpens the Playback Trace dialog box, used to open the file that contains the trace data. Requires no parameters.
    PreviousDocumentActionMake the previous session document or Web page active on an MDI workspace, whether you are viewing your documents as tabs or windows. Or make the next Workspace active if SDI mode is used. Requires no parameters.
    PrintActionOpens the Print dialog box. Requires no parameters.
    PrintSetupActionOpens the Print Setup dialog box. Requires no parameters.
    QuickPadSettingsActionOpens the QuickPad configuration settings. Requires no parameters.
    QuickPrintActionPrints the current document immediately. Requires no parameters.
    RunExpressMacroActionRuns an EML macro. This action may be run with no parameters, in which case the user will be prompted for a macro to run when the action is executed. Otherwise, you need to pass in the following two parameters:
    • The full path to the EML macro file to run.
    • A boolean value that determines whether the user is prompted to select a macro when the action is executed. The first parameter is ignored if this value is true.
    RunExternalLegacyReflectionBasicMacroActionRuns an external legacy Reflection Basic Macro. This requires two parameters:
    • The name (type string) of the macro file (*.RBS).
    • Optional macro data (type string) to be passed to the macro at runtime. If no macro data is needed, this can be specified as an empty string.
    RunExternalLegacyReflectionMacroActionRuns an external legacy Reflection macro. This requires four parameters:
    • The name of the macro (type string).
    • The name of the session file or external macro file (*.RMA) in which the macro resides (type string).
    • Optional macro data (type string) to be passed to the macro at runtime. If no macro data is needed, this can be specified as an empty string.
    • A boolean value that determines whether the user is prompted for a macro to run at runtime. The first three parameter values are ignored if this value is true.
    RunExternalLegacyReflectionRclScriptActionRuns an external legacy Reflection Command Language (RCL) script. This requires one parameter:

    The name (type string) of the RCL script file (*.RCL).

    RunHostExplorerMacroActionRuns a HostExplorer macro. This action requires one parameter:

    The full path to the HostExplorer macro file, of type string.

    RunLegacyExtraMacroActionRuns an Extra! macro, if the required parameters are provided. This action requires two parameters:
    • The complete path to the Extra! macro file, of type string. This can be empty if the prompt at runtime flag is set to false.
    • A boolean value that determines whether the user is prompted for a macro to run at runtime. The first parameter value is ignored if this value is true.
    RunLegacyReflectionMacroActionRuns a legacy Reflection macro, if the required parameters are provided. This action requires three parameters:
    • The name of the macro (type string),
    • Optional macro data (type string) to be passed to the macro at runtime. If no macro data is needed, this can be specified as an empty string.
    • A boolean value that determines whether the user is prompted for a macro to run at runtime. The first two parameter values are ignored if this value is true.
    RunMacroActionRuns a macro, if the required parameters are provided. This action requires three parameters with an optional fourth parameter:
    • The macro name of type string (for example, "Module1.TestMacro"). Include the VBA project namespace in the name, if necessary.
    • The VBA project location where the macro is located (type MacroEnumerationOption). Specify MacroEnumerationOption.CommonProject if the macro is located in the Common project, or MacroEnumerationOption.Document if it's located in the current document's VBA project.
    • A boolean value that determines whether the user is prompted for a macro to run at runtime. The first two parameters are ignored if this value is true.
    • Optional macro data (type string) to be passed to the macro at runtime. If no macro data is needed, do not add this to the parameter list.

    RunSupportToolActionRuns a utility to help Attachmate Technical Support collect InfoConnect application data. Requires no parameters.
    SaveActionSaves the current document. Requires no parameters.
    SaveAsActionSaves the current document with a new name or location. Requires no parameters.
    SaveLayoutActionSaves all currently open documents in a layout. Requires no parameters.
    SaveRSFTActionSaves the current document configuration as a template. Requires no parameters.
    ScratchPadPaneActionOpens the Scratch Pad task pane. Requires no parameters.
    ScreenHistoryPaneActionOpens the Screen History task pane. Requires no parameters.
    SelectAllActionSelects all of the text in the current document. Requires no parameters.
    SendHostKeyActionTransmits a host key to the host. This requires one parameter of type ControlKeyCode, which specifies which host key to send.
    SendHostTextActionSends a string of text to a host session. This requires one parameter of type string, which is the text to transmit at the current cursor position.
    SettingsActionOpens the configuration settings for the current document. Requires no parameters.
    SetupLoggingActionOpens the logging configuration settings. Requires no parameters.
    ShowContextMenuActionOpens a context menu in the current document. Requires no parameters.
    ShowHelpAboutActionOpens the Help/About dialog box. Requires no parameters.
    ShowLiveScreenActionReturns to the current host session document's current host screen. Requires no parameters.
    ShowMouseMapperActionOpens the Mouse Map Editor. Requires no parameters.
    ShowPrivacyFilterActionOpens the Information Privacy configuration settings. Requires no parameters.
    ShowScreenHistorySettingActionOpens the Screen History configuration settings. Requires no parameters.
    ShowSpecificContextMenuActionShows a specified context menu. This action requires four parameters:
    • The name of the context menu to show, of type string.
    • A value (of type bool) that specifies whether to show the menu at the current mouse cursor position.
    • The row in the host screen to show the menu at, of type int.
    • The column in the host screen to show the menu at, of type int.
    ShowUIDesignerActionOpens the UI Designer application to customize the ribbon. Requires no parameters.
    StartLoggingActionStarts logging text from a host session to a printer or file. Requires no parameters.
    StartTraceActionOpens the Start Trace dialog box, used to enter the name of the file in which to save the trace data. Requires no parameters.
    StopLoggingActionStops logging if it is currently active. Requires no parameters.
    StopMacroActionStops the currently running macro, if any, in the current document. Requires no parameters.
    StopTraceActionStops recording a trace. Requires no parameters.
    TaskActionCreates a new task Office document. This action does nothing if the current Office Suite does not support task documents. Requires no parameters.
    ThemeSettingsActionOpens the theme configuration settings. Requires no parameters.
    ThemesSoundSettingsActionOpens the sound configuration settings for the current document's theme. Requires no parameters.
    ToggleClassicMenuBarActionToggle Menu and Tool bar in Classic mode
    ToggleClassicStatusBarActionToggle status bar in Classic mode
    ToggleLoggingActionStarts or Stops logging text from a host session to a printer or file. Requires no parameters.
    ToggleMacroRecordActionStarts or stops the Macro Recorder. Requires no parameters.
    TogglePauseMacroActionPauses or resumes recording a macro. Does nothing if a recording is not in progress. Requires no parameters.
    ToggleRibbonStateActionSwitches the visibility of the workspace Ribbon on and off. Requires no parameters. This action does nothing if the workspace is running in Classic Mode.
    ToggleTerminalKeyboardActionShow or hide the on-screen terminal keyboard for the active session.
    VbaMacroDialogActionOpens the Visual Basic for Applications Macro dialog box. Requires no parameters.
    WordDocumentActionCreates a new word-processing document. This action does nothing if the current Office Suite does not support word-processing documents. Requires no parameters.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also