InfoConnect API Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.T27 Namespace / IFileTransfer Interface
Properties Methods Events

In This Topic
    IFileTransfer Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by IFileTransfer.

    Public Properties
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the CANDE command to terminate a CANDE file listing (stop displaying a file).  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the CANDE command to remove the work file. This is the command that is sent to CANDE when a file transfer is canceled.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the CANDE command to retrieve (get) a host file and create a work file.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the response that CANDE sends to the PC to indicate when a host file has been retrieved.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the number of seconds (0-999) that the CANDE file transfer protocol should wait for a response from the host before canceling the file transfer.  
     PropertyGets or sets the behavior to take when the local file exists when transferring a file.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the CANDE command to create a new file.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the type of file being created (sch as ALGOL, BASIC, BINDER, C74, DATA, F77, PASCAL, SEQ). A value is optional.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the response that CANDE sends to the PC to indicate when a new file has been created and is ready to receive text.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the CANDE command that scrolls to the next page of text.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether to remove blank spaces at the beginning of a line. Blank spaces after the first non-blank character are left as they are.  
     PropertyGets the parent object (IT27Terminal).  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the response that CANDE sends to the PC to incidate that it has received all of the data.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the response that CANDE sends to the PC in response to the ?+s command.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the CANDE command to save and remove the work file.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the starting number to use for numbering lines of data (0-99999999).  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the increment (0-99999999) to increase each new line number. For example, if the SequenceNumberBase is 100 and you set SequenceNumberIncrement to 100, the first line of data will be numbered 100, the second line of data will be numbered 200, and so forth.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value specifying the number of digits in each sequence number.  
     PropertyGets or sets the configured file transfer type.  
    Public Methods
     MethodDownloads a file from the host to your local PC.  
     MethodUploads a file to the host.  
    Public Events
     EventRaised when a file transfer completes.  
    See Also