InfoConnect API Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Productivity Namespace / ISpellCheck Interface
Properties Methods Events

In This Topic
    ISpellCheck Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by ISpellCheck.

    Public Properties
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether to correct spelling errors as you type, provided that suggestions are available for the misspelled word.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether to review text for spelling errors and add wavy red lines under words that might be mispelled as you type.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether words that start with one lowercase letter followed by uppercase letters are corrected to start with one uppercase letter followed by lowercase letters.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether words that start with two or more uppercase letters (the rest in lowercase) are corrected to start with one uppercase letter followed by lowercase letters.  
     PropertyGets or sets the full path to a custom dictionary file to use with Spell Check.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether Spell Check is enabled in the terminal session.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether entirely uppercase words are reviewed for spelling errors.  
     PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether words that contain numerals are reviewed for spelling errors.  
     PropertyGets or sets the language of the Spell Check dictionary, provided that the Spell Check engine supports multiple languages.  
     PropertyGets or sets the maximum number of spelling suggestions (between 1 - 10) offered for a misspelled word.  
     PropertyGets or sets the maximum length of words checked for spelling (between 20-200 characters). Longer words are ignored by the spell checker.  
     PropertyGets or sets the minimum field length (between 2 - 1920) in which spelling is reviewed.  
     PropertyReturns a collection of misspelled words from the current host screen.  
     PropertyGets the parent object (IProductivity).  
    Public Methods
     MethodAdds a word to the active custom dictionary, provided that a custom dictionary is set.  
     MethodReviews the current field contents for misspellings.  
     MethodReviews the current screen contents for misspellings.  
     MethodReplaces a misspelled word with a correction at the specified location.  
     MethodClears all misspelled words from the current screen.  
     MethodRemoves the specified word from the misspelled word list and clears the associated misspelling attribute on the screen.  
    Public Events
     EventRaised when a word is misspelled in a host session. This event is not raised for spelling errors found via the CheckField or CheckScreen calls.  
    See Also