Configure Terminal Settings Dialog Box (ALC)

Settings configured in this dialog box are applied to the current ALC terminal session.


Screen size

Specify the screen size. The first value is the number of columns; the second value is the number of rows.

Signin text

Type a string that will identify the entry.

Display NewLines

Select this option to display the New Line character when you press ENTER.

Force input to CAPS

Select this option to display only uppercase letters.

Saved Inputs

Specify the number of entries you want to have saved so that you can recall them later.

Status Line Messages

When a session is established, the status line at the bottom of the Workspace displays standard broadcast and host-related messages. For each of these messages, the standard abbreviated version of the message shown here is displayed by default. Use this dialog box to modify this display.


Default Message

System unavailable

Sys Unavail

Push repeat key

Push Rpt

Keyboard locked

Kybd Locked

Resend last input



Output History - Saved Outputs

Type the number of past host transactions you want saved for reference. You can see the list of past host transactions using the ALC keystrokes ScrollDownHostResponseList and ScrollUpHostResponseList.

Use alternate EndItem for Copy/Paste

EndItem (also called the Cross of Lorraine) is an ALC character that is sometimes displayed as a double dagger symbol. Use this option to substitute an alternate character when you copy and paste content to and from the clipboard. Enter the code value (Windows -1252) for the character you want to substitute. The display changes to show the character that uses that code.

Display tabs from Apollo

Select this option to display tab characters when using the Apollo reservation system.

Split Sessions share Input Recall buffer

This setting applies to split screen sessions in which Saved Inputs configured (the default). When this setting is selected, all the windows of a split screen session share the same input history buffer. When it is not selected, each window maintains a separate history.