InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / ScreenCharacter Object / IsNoCharacter Property
In This Topic
    IsNoCharacter Property
    In This Topic
    No character exists at this position.
    expression.IsNoCharacter As Boolean
    where expression is a variable that represents a ScreenCharacter Object
    This example gets some characters on the screen and prints the character code of each character.
    Sub Test()
        Dim position As ScreenPoint
        Dim chars() As ScreenCharacter
        'Set the starting point
        Set position = ThisScreen.SearchText("Jan", 0, ThisScreen.DisplayColumns, FindOptions_Forward)
        'Get 25 characters on this row
        chars = ThisScreen.GetCharacters(position.Row, position.Column, 25)
        'loop through the entire array and print the character codes of each character
        For i = 0 To UBound(chars)
            If Not chars(i).IsNoCharacter Then
                Debug.Print chars(i).charCode
            End If
        Next i
    End Sub
    See Also