InfoConnect VBA Guide
Get Started / Download the VBA Sample Sessions
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    Download the VBA Sample Sessions
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    You can download sample sessions that include the VBA code for many of the samples in the Quickstart and HowTos sections of this guide.

    Download the Samples File

    After you download the file, extract the contents to your user data directory. This directory is typically in the following location:

    C:\Users\yourUserName\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection

    After you extract the files, make sure all of the sample sessions are in the samples folder in your user data directory. For example:

    C:\Users\yourUserName\Documents\Micro Focus\InfoConnect\samples

    You can run most of these sessions successfully in any trusted location but there are a few sessions that reference customized files in the samples folder and these sessions will not work if they are placed in another directory.