
Export Options Dialog Box

How do I get to this dialog box?
  1. Run expimp32.exe. You can run this program by entering expimp32 in the "Search programs and files" box in the Windows Start menu or from a Command window.

  2. Click Export.

Use this dialog box to specify options for the exported data and detail files that you create using the Export Import Utility.

**Create Detail File ** Creates a detail file is that uses the same base name as the data file with a .dtl extension.
The detail file contains a section for each table you select from the Tables list box.
For each field in the data file, the following information is provided:
Key: indicates whether the data for this field is required and must be unique.
Bytes: the maximum number of bytes that this field can contain.
Data Type: binary, boolean (0=false, non-zero=true), character, integer, string, case-sensitive string, structure (an uneditable programming structure), or unsigned integer.
Write empty tables Include information about libraries that you installed but did not configure paths or library channels for.