
IBM System i AS400 Transfer Method Options

Use the Transfer method setting in the Transfer dialog box to specify how data in files is processed during transfers.


This setting does not affect transfers to the host when you are using a description file to keep data in the intended format. InfoConnect uses description files by default. You can change this configuration from the Options tab of the Transfer Settings dialog box.

The options available depend on the file transfer protocol you have selected. For IBM System i (AS/400) transfers, the options are:

ASCII Use for files with no special formatting, and fixed record widths.
Basic Sequential Use to separate all fields with commas, and insert quotation marks around character and hexadecimal fields.
BIFF Use for files transferred to and from Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet applications. This includes binary file formats used by Microsoft Excel, prior to the BIFF8 version. You can select whether to include field names in the data transfer.
BIFF8 Use for files transferred to and from Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet applications. This is the binary file format used by Microsoft Excel, versions 97-2003 (.xls). No more than 65536 rows are allowed. You can select whether to include field names in the data transfer.
CSV Use to separate fields with commas, and insert quotation marks only around character fields that contain a comma or quotation mark.
DIF Use for files transferred to and from Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet applications — Data Interchange Format (DIF) files contain the field names. This format does not support multiple spreadsheets.
DOS Random Use for data transferred to and from the host from host database applications that require data to be in DOS Random format.
No Conversion Use for files that should not be translated — files transferred as No Conversion are not translated to the EBCDIC character set during a transfer to the host.
Tab Delimited Use to separate all fields with tabs, and insert quotation marks only around character fields that contain a quotation mark.