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T27 Keystroke Reference

When you see a keystroke connected by a plus sign, as in CTRL+c, press and hold down the first key (CTRL), and then press the second key (c). For key sequences, as in CTRL q, press and release the first key (CTRL), and then press the second key (q).

Communication Functions

Function Keystroke
Align cursor to datacomm pointer CTRL >
Local F4 or Numpad /(Num Lock off)
Receive F3 or Numpad * (Num Lock off)
Set mobile home CTRL HOME
Specify F5
Transmit data digits and cursor location CTRLdata digitsSpecify
Transmit data digits CTRLdata digitsTransmit
Transmit F2 or Numpad + (plus sign) (Num Lock off)
Transmit line CTRL+F2 or Numpad – (minus sign) (Num Lock off)

Cursor Movement Functions

Function Keystroke
Carriage return ENTER
Clear all variable tabs CTRL o
Clear screen and move cursor home SHIFT+HOME
Line feed CTRL h ENTER
Move cursor down DOWN ARROW
Move cursor home HOME
Move cursor left LEFT ARROW
Move cursor one word left CTRL+LEFT ARROW
Move cursor one word right CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
Move cursor right RIGHT ARROW
Move cursor to ASCII column c, row r CTRL <c r
Move cursor to end of line CTRL+END
Move cursor to end of page END
Move cursor to hex column xx, row yy CTRL @xx yy
Move cursor up UP ARROW
Move to next tab TAB
Move to previous tab SHIFT+TAB
Page down PGDN
Page up PGUP
Roll page down CTRL m
Roll page up CTRL n
Variable tab (toggle) CTRL p
Cursor to Productivity tabs CTRL+ALT+1 CTRL+ALT+5 CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+1 CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+5
Exit Productivity panel CTRL+ALT+Ø CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Ø

Editing Functions

Function Keystroke
Bound (the end of some data) CTRL+b
Clear to end of line CTRL+DELETE
Clear to end of page CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE
Copy to clipboard CTRL+c
Cut to clipboard CTRL+x
Delete character from line DELETE
Delete character from page CTRL DELETE
Delete line CTRL+d
Exchange line with line above CTRL v
Exchange line with line below CTRL b
Insert character in line INSERT
Insert character in page CTRL INSERT
Insert line CTRL+i
Mark (the beginning of some data) CTRL+m
Paste from clipboard CTRL+v
Recall CTRL+r
Store CTRL+s

Search Functions

Function Keystroke
Specify a character (x) to search for CTRL e x
Start search mode CTRL a
Activate the search CTRL TAB
Stop search mode CTRL s