The following table lists the names of the UTS 20/40/60 terminal keystrokes and their functions.
Table 4-27 UTS 20.40/60 Terminal Keystrokes
Keystroke Name |
Description |
BackSpace |
Moves the cursor one column to the left. If the cursor is in the first column of a row, it moves to the last column of the preceding row. If the cursor is home, it moves to the last column of the last row of the page. |
CancelTransfer |
Cancels in-progress Extended Control Page file transfers for System 80 hosts. |
CarriageReturn |
Moves the cursor to the first column of the next row. |
ClearChange |
Resets the changed-field indicator to zero on all FCC fields, thereby indicating that all the fields are unchanged and should not be transmitted. |
ClearPageAndFCCs |
Deletes all protected and unprotected data and all FCCs from the cursor to the end of the page. |
ClearPageCursorHome |
Deletes all text and FCC fields in the current page and moves the cursor home. |
ClearToEndOfField |
Deletes all unprotected characters in an FCC field from the cursor to the end of the FCC field. |
ClearToEndOfLine |
Deletes all text from the cursor to the end of the row or the end of an FCC field, whichever comes first. |
ClearToEndOfPage |
Deletes all text from the cursor to the end of the page except protected fields. |
ClearUnprotCharacter |
Deletes the unprotected character at the cursor position. If emphasis is protected, the emphasis characteristic isn't removed. |
CloseHostApplication |
Closes the host application. |
ColumnSeparatorLeft |
Places a vertical bar in the leftmost area of a character position. |
ColumnSeparatorRight |
Places a vertical bar in the rightmost area of a character position. |
ControlPageToggle |
Displays/hides the Control Page or Extended Control Page, depending on how the session is configured. |
CursorToEndOfField |
Moves the cursor to the end of the FCC field. If the last position is protected, the cursor moves to the next unprotected character. |
CursorToEndOfLine |
Moves the cursor to the last position of the current row. If the last position is protected, the cursor moves to the next unprotected character. |
CursorToEndOfPage |
Moves the cursor to the last position on the current page. If the last position is protected, the cursor moves to the next unprotected character. |
CursorToEOPAndXmit |
Moves the cursor to the end of the page and transmits the screen. |
CursorToNextUnprotField |
Moves the cursor to the next unprotected field to the right. |
CursorToPrevUnprotField |
Moves the cursor to the preceding unprotected field to the left. |
CursorToStartOfField |
Moves the cursor to the first position in the FCC field in which the cursor is located. If the first position is protected, the cursor moves to the next unprotected character. |
CursorToStartOfLine |
Moves the cursor to the first position on the same row. If the first position is protected, the cursor moves to the next unprotected character. |
DeleteFromLine |
Deletes the character that the cursor is on, shifts the remaining characters on the row to the left, and inserts a space in the last column of the row. In an FCC field, this keystroke deletes the character, shifts the remaining characters in that field to the left, and inserts a space in the last column of the field. Emphasis is unchanged, and the characters in the rest of the row aren't shifted. |
DeleteFromPage |
Deletes the character that the cursor is on and shifts all the remaining characters one position to the left. If the cursor is in an FCC field, the characters in that field are shifted to the left, but the characters beyond the current field aren't shifted. A space is inserted in the last position of the page or field. |
DeleteLine |
Deletes the row containing the cursor. Subsequent rows move up one row. The bottom row is filled with spaces. |
Down |
Moves the cursor down one row in the same column. If the cursor is in the bottom row of a page, it moves to the top row. If there is a protected character below, the cursor moves to the next unprotected character to the right of the protected character. |
DuplicateLine |
Copies the row containing the cursor to the row below, overwriting whatever was on that row. The cursor moves to the same column on the duplicated row. |
EditSelectLeft |
If Rectangle is the Default Selection Style, this keystroke selects the character at the current cursor position and one additional character to the left; and then the cursor moves one to the left. If Text is the Default Selection Style, it selects only the character to the left; and the cursor then moves one position to the left. |
EditSelectRight |
If Rectangle is the Default Selection Style, this keystroke selects the character at the current cursor position and one additional character to the right; and then the cursor moves one to the right. If Text is the Default Selection Style, it selects only the character to the right; the cursor moves one position to the right. |
F1 ... F22 |
Perform host-defined functions. |
FCCClear |
Deletes all text in the FCC field at the cursor location. If there isn't an FCC at the cursor location, this keystroke clears the closest FCC to the left of the cursor. |
FCCDialogBox |
Displays the Generate FCC dialog box used to create FCCs. |
FCCEnable |
Re-enables FCCs so that you can enter data in them. |
FCCGenerate |
Initiates the FCC definition process using the keyboard instead of the Generate FCC dialog box. |
FCCLocate |
Moves the cursor to the first character of the next FCC, whether it is protected or not. If this character is protected, protection is cleared. |
FileToPage |
Displays the File To Page dialog box. |
FormFeed |
Inserts a form feed character at the cursor location. The cursor moves to the next unprotected position. |
Home |
Moves the cursor home. If the home position is protected, this keystroke moves the cursor to the first unprotected field on the page. |
Ins |
Toggles insert mode on and off. |
InsertInLine |
Inserts a space at the cursor location, moving subsequent characters in the row one column to the right. If the cursor is in an FCC field, the subsequent characters in that field are shifted to the right, but the characters in the rest of the row aren't shifted. If there is a character in the last column of the row or FCC field, it is lost. |
InsertInPage |
Inserts a space at the cursor location, moving subsequent characters on the page one column to the right. Any character in the rightmost column moves to the first position on the next row. If the cursor is in an FCC field, the subsequent characters in that field are shifted to the right, but the characters in the rest of the page aren't shifted. If there is a character in the last column in the page or field, it is lost. |
InsertLine |
Inserts a row at the cursor location and shifts subsequent rows down one. The last row on the page is lost. |
Left |
Moves the cursor one column to the left. If the cursor is in the first column of a row, it moves to the last column of the preceding row. If it is in the first column of the first row of the page, it moves to the last column of the last row of the page. If there is a protected character to the left, the cursor moves to the next unprotected character to the right of the protected character. |
LineFeed |
Inserts a line feed character at the cursor position. The cursor moves to the next unprotected position. |
MessageWait |
Displays the waiting host message. |
NextWindow |
Switches focus to the next open session window. |
PageDown |
Displays the next page. If the last page already is displayed, this keystroke displays the first page. |
PageToFile |
Displays the Page To File dialog box. |
PageUp |
Displays the previous page. If the first page already is displayed, this keystroke displays the last page. |
PrevWindow |
Switches focus to the previous open session window. |
PrintRange |
Prints the data on the screen. Depending on the session configuration, this action prints either all data from the start-of-entry (SOE) character preceding the cursor to the cursor, all the data on the page, or only the selected data on the page. |
Right |
Moves the cursor one column to the right. If the cursor is in the last column of a row, it moves to the first column of the next row. If it is in the last column of the last row of the page, it moves to the first column of the first row of the page. If there is a protected character to the right, the cursor moves to the next unprotected character to the left of the protected character. |
SelectHostApplication |
Displays the Open Application dialog box, which lists available host applications. This list of applications is specified in the UTS Host Applications key in the Windows registry. |
SetStartOfEntry |
Inserts a start-of-entry (SOE) character at the cursor position. In insert mode, characters after the SOE character shift to the right. In overwrite mode, the SOE character replaces any character at the cursor position. |
Strikethrough |
Places a horizontal line through the middle of the character at the cursor position. Strikethroughs are the full width of the character and connect with adjacent strikethroughs (if any) to form a continuous line. |
SystemMode |
Puts the session in system mode so that you can send and receive certain commands to and from a System 80 host. |
Tab |
Moves the cursor to the next tab stop (either an FCC tab or a tab on the screen) . If tabs were not set, this keystroke moves the cursor home. |
TabBack |
Moves the cursor to the previous tab stop (either an FCC tab or a tab on the screen). If tabs were not set, this keystroke moves the cursor home. |
TabSet |
Places a tab on the screen at the cursor location and moves the cursor one column to the right. |
ToggleMsgWaitBeep |
Toggles the message wait beep on and off. If the beep is turned off, NoBp appears on the status line. |
Transmit |
Sends data to the host. Depending on the session configuration, this keystroke sends either all data, only unprotected data, or only changed data. |
Underscore |
Places a horizontal line under the character at the cursor position and moves the cursor to the right. Underscores are the full width of the character and connect with adjacent underscores (if any) to form a continuous line. |
UnlockKeyboard |
Restores keyboard functionality when it is locked due to a communication error. |
Up |
Moves the cursor up one row in the same column. If the cursor is in the top row of a page, it moves to the bottom row. If there is a protected character above, the cursor moves to the next unprotected character to the right of the protected character. |
Upperscore |
Places a horizontal line over the character at the cursor position and moves the cursor to the right. Upperscores are the full width of the character and connect with adjacent upperscores (if any) to form a continuous line. |
WorkstationMode |
Exits system mode and restores the session page |