5.4.2 Administer Shared Client Certificate

A client certificate is used to identify users connecting to the Security Proxy or to a TLS/SSL host when client authentication is required. If all users share the same client certificate, the Administrative Server can automatically distribute it to the emulator clients when needed.

If a server certificate and private key already exist, the imported key pair will overwrite them.

To Import the key pair:

  1. Copy the file containing the certificate and the private key into this folder on the Management and Security Server:

    UNIX: /var/opt/microfocus/mss/mssdata/certificates

    Windows: C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\MSS\MSSData\Certificates

  2. Enter the required information.

    Keystore file name: the file that contains the certificate

    Keystore password: that protects the file that contains the certificate

    Friendly name: so you can easily identify the certificate

  3. Click Import.

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