7.5 Using Log Viewer

The Log Viewer application works with the XML log files written by all Host Access Management and Security Servers, including the Security Proxy Server.

Using the Log Viewer, you can:

  • Filter log messages by severity.

  • Search for message text to quickly find the records you need.

  • Filter logs at view time, which enables you to find an interesting record, and then expand your view to see the context from all log sources without having to correlate multiple logs manually.

Notes about viewing information

  • Log message details are displayed in a separate split window below the log message summary window and update automatically as messages are scrolled through.

  • Open log files are listed in the vertical pane on the left side of the Log Viewer with the fully-qualified path and filename of the currently open log file displayed in the status line at the bottom of the Log Viewer window.

  • Records in the XML logs contain rich information, including millisecond-accurate event times and sequence numbers that guarantee that messages are seen as atomic units in the order they were logged.

  • Records in the XML logs are language-independent and can be viewed in any supported language, regardless of where they were originally written. Two different users can view the exact same log file in two different languages, with no loss of information.