Configuration Tasks: Identity Mapping

  1. Identify the data store option that you selected above, either

    • an authenticating directory with primary user objects — or —

    • an authenticating directory plus a secondary directory

  2. Gather the data for the identity mappings:

    • Enterprise (authenticating) IDs, recognized by the MSS Administrative Server.

    • Mainframe User names (RACF IDs), recognized by RACF.

    For example, a user might have the following identities.

    Enterprise ID

    Mainframe User name (RACF ID)

    CN=Joe User,OU=Users,DC=my-org,DC=com


    NOTE: A user can have multiple mainframe user names, based on their roles (such as end user or admin) and on the applications they are entitled to access.

  3. Populate the data store with the mappings.

When the identity mappings are in place, continue with 11. Assign access to the automated sign-on for mainframe sessions.

11. Assign access to the automated sign-on for mainframe sessions

Configuration Workflow

Task List for Administrators