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Chapter 7: Tips and Troubleshooting

This chapter describes:

7.1 Tips

7.1.1 Publishing CGI Applications

It is very common for CGI applications to be located at various places on the filesystem. For example, a CGI program might need to be in a cgi-bin directory, static HTML pages in another directory and forms in yet another directory.

One easy way to handle this is to use the logical directory feature. Define a couple of names on the Logical Directories dialog, say HTML Pages and HTML Forms. Display the File Mapping Configuration dialog and assign these logical names to the various HTML files. Remember, you can select multiple files by specifying wildcards or by shift-clicking.

On the Server Settings, Directories tab, enter the correct physical directories that will contain your HTML pages and HTML forms; the files will in future be automatically copied there.

The CGI program itself is always built in the build directory. To have this automatically placed in the correct location, you need to specify a postbuild command in the Server Settings, Postbuild tab.

7.1.2 Automatically Modifying Files

The UNIX Option search/replace feature uses regular expressions and is very powerful; however, you need some experience to get the best use from it. The best way to get this experience is to experiment, or get advice from someone who has used regular expressions before, or both.

If you are just beginning to use the search/replace feature, try using literals to start with. This just performs a direct text to text replacement.

What is probably hardest to understand is the way in which regular expressions handle repeating characters. All of the repeating metacharacters (*+?) operate on the previous regular expression; they do not mean anything by themselves. Remember that without using parentheses to group a regular expression, the previous regular expression is just one character. If you are used to filename-style patterns, this can be confusing. Make sure you read and understand the examples in the appendix Regular Expressions.

7.2 Troubleshooting

7.2.1 I Can't Publish

The Server Control Program (SCP) must be installed on any UNIX system to which you want to publish applications, as it provides the interface between NetExpress and UNIX. If you do not install SCP, you cannot publish your application. See the appendix Installing SCP and Samba for details.

If you receive a message indicating that the server refused to execute the scp command, check your .rhosts settings. See the appendix Installing SCP and Samba for details of how to configure this.

7.2.2 I Can't Publish an Application that Contains .dll Files

This is caused by a difference in the COBOL functionality between NetExpress and COBOL for UNIX. On NetExpress, it is possible for a program to call a .dll file directly. On COBOL for UNIX, the shared object must be linked to the executable (or run-time system) for it to be accessible.

Note: Server Express enables shared objects to be called directly, in the same manner as NetExpress.

To publish such an application to UNIX you need to trick the IDE into creating a dependency between the executable module and the .dll file so that when the application is published, this dependency is spotted and the shared object linked to the executable correctly.

The following instructions assume that you have one .dll file which is called by one .exe file within the same NetExpress project. The techniques used apply equally to multiple .dll files across multiple projects.

  1. Select the .dll file in the Build pane, right click and select Build Settings:

    1. Select the Link tab

    2. Select Advanced from the Category pulldown

    3. Check the Keep Temporary Linker Files option

    4. Close the dialog box.
  2. Select the .dll file in the Build pane, right click and select Rebuild Object. Alternatively, click Rebuild All. This should create a .lib file in the target directory corresponding to your .dll file.

  3. In the source pane, right click and select Add file to source pool. Select the .lib file created in the target directory. NetExpress asks you if you want to copy the file to the Project Directory; answer No.

  4. Drag the .lib file to the Build pane and include it as part of your executable module.

  5. You should now be able to build and execute your program within NetExpress.

  6. Set-up the Publisher if necessary. You should now be able to publish this project to UNIX, and it will create an executable linked with a shared object.

7.2.3 Unable to Change the User ID on a Build Area or Share it With a Co-worker

The build area is intended to be used by one user only. The lock on the build area is there to enforce this

The main problem with a shared build area is that source code changes made by one person might become intermingled with source code changes made by another person in the same build area. This could result in anything from failed compilations to subtle errors.

If you really do need to share a build area with a co-worker, it is recommended that you set-up a common user ID that you can both use. It is highly recommended that you use a source code control system to keep your changes in synchronization. If you enable the Source Verify on Publish option on the Server Settings tab, Publisher informs you of any files that differ on the server in comparison to the version the UNIX Option expects.

To change a build area from one user ID to another, the user who currently owns the lock must unlock the area using the Server Lock dialog. Before the new user can successfully publish, it is likely that the ownership of the files in the build area will need to be manually changed from the old user to the new user. Depending on your UNIX system this might require root access.

7.2.4 Problems With System Copyfiles

During a publish operation you might receive errors telling you that the application has not been successfully built due to Publisher being unable to find system copyfiles on the UNIX system. If this occurs you will have to copy the system copyfile to the directory $COBDIR/cpylib. In certain cases, you might also have to change the case of the UNIX system copyfile extension (for example, a copyfile might have the extension .cpy, which might need to change to .CPY).

See the section System Copyfiles in the chapter Publishing Applications for details.

7.2.5 Problems with CGI Applications

If your CGI application is not working as expected, check the following:

You are also advised to read the following sections in your Internet Applications (PIpubb03.htm) book:

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