Language Reference - Additional Topics
Table of Contents
Chapter 4: Double-Byte Character Set Support
4.1 DBCS Data
4.2 Roman Script in DBCS
4.3 Multivendor Integration Architecture Support
4.4 Source Programs
4.5 Language Extensions
4.6 Comments and Comment-entries
4.7 User-defined Words
4.8 Spaces
4.9 Data Items
4.9.1 DBCS Data Items
4.9.2 Mixed Data Items
4.10 Literals
4.10.1 DBCS Literals Category of DBCS Literals
4.10.2 Mixed Literals
4.10.3 Figurative Constants
4.10.4 The "N" literal
4.11 Program Structure
4.11.1 The END PROGRAM Header
4.12 Identification Division in the DBCS Module
4.12.1 The PROGRAM-ID Paragraph
4.13 Environment Division in the DBCS Module
4.13.1 The SOURCE-COMPUTER Paragraph
4.13.2 The OBJECT-COMPUTER Paragraph
4.13.3 The SPECIAL-NAMES Paragraph
4.13.4 The FILE-CONTROL Paragraph
4.14 Data Division in the DBCS Module
4.14.1 The JUSTIFIED Clause
4.14.2 The PICTURE Clause
4.14.3 Rules for DBCS Data
4.14.4 Rule for DBCS Edited Data Symbols Used
4.14.5 Editing Rules Fixed Insertion Editing
4.14.6 The REDEFINES Clause
4.14.7 RENAMES Clause
4.14.8 The USAGE Clause
4.14.9 The VALUE Clause
4.14.10 CONDITION-NAME Rules
4.15 Procedure Division in the DBCS Module
4.15.1 Conditional Expressions Relation Conditions Class Condition
4.15.2 Move Operation
4.15.3 The ACCEPT Statement
4.15.4 The CALL Statement
4.15.5 The CANCEL Statement
4.15.6 The INITIALIZE Statement
4.15.7 The INSPECT Statement
4.15.8 The MOVE Statement
4.15.9 The SEARCH Statement
4.15.10 The STOP Statement
4.15.11 The STRING Statement
4.15.12 The UNSTRING Statement