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Chapter 6: Examples

This chapter provides annotated examples of some of the source code clauses and statements explained in detail elswhere in this book and in yourLanguage Reference. For the complete syntax and general rules for any item included in this chapter, please see the appropriate reference manual entry.

The sample code extracts provided within this chapter are not intended to be complete COBOL programs but rather sufficient excerpts to illustrate specific coding tasks. A number of complete COBOL source programs are provided with your COBOL system in machine readable format. If you look in the on-disk document, Products Contents Checklist and search for the word "sample", you will see which sample programs are provided with your COBOL system.

Note: No boxes, bubbles or other dialect designations are included in this chapter. See relevant reference entries and your COBOL system documentation for information on what syntax and semantic differences may exist for the COBOL options used in this chapter.

The examples in this chapter are presented in alphabetic order according to the phrase, clause, or statement which they are primarily demonstrating. Of course, within most of these examples other COBOL syntax may also appear. These examples are not divided according to the division or module in which they appear.

6.1 CALL Prototypes

The following program demonstrates the use of CALL prototypes. Assume that you have defined the following CALL prototype:

 identification division.
 program-id.  callsub is external.
 environment division.
 configuration section.
     call-convention 3 is some-language.
 data division.
 linkage section.
 01  x1     pic 9(4) comp-5.
 01  x2     pic xx.
 01  x3     pic 9(8).
 01  x7     pic x.
 procedure division some-language using by value     x1
                                        by reference x2
                                        by reference x3.
 entry "callsub2" using x2 delimited
 entry "printf" using x7 delimited
                       any repeated.
 end program callsub.

If you had the following "real" source coded in the same source file as the previous CALL prototype:

 identification division.
 program-id.  prog-1.
 data division.
 working-storage section.
 01  x1      pic 9(4) comp-5.
 01  x2.
     05      pic 9(4) comp-5.
     05      pic x(20).
 01  x3      pic 9(8).
 01  x4      pic 9(9) comp-5.
 01  x5      pic x.
 01  x6      pic x(20).
 procedure division.
     call "callsub" using x1 x2 x3

the preceding CALL statement would be equivalent to using:

                          by value x1
                          by reference x2
                          by reference x3

The following examples show the results of different call statements:

Example 1
     call "callsub" using x1 x2

The preceding CALL statement would generate an error since the number of parameters is wrong.

Example 2
     call other-language "callsub" using x1 x2 x3

The preceding CALL statement would generate an error since the call-convention is wrong.

Example 3
     call "callsub" using by reference x1 x2 x3

The preceding CALL statement would generate an error since x1 should be passed by value.

Example 4
     call "callsub" using 99 x2 x3

The preceding CALL statement would be equivalent to a call using:

                          by value 99 size 2
                          by reference x2
                          by reference x3
Example 5
     call "callsub" using x4 x2 x3

The preceding CALL statement would generate an error since x4 has the wrong length.

Example 6
     call "callsub" using x1 x5 x3

The preceding CALL statement would generate an error since x5 is too small.

Example 7
     call "printf" using "A long %1\n" x4

In the preceding CALL statement x4 is a parameter covered by ANY REPEATED.

Example 8
     call "callsub2" using "Hello" x2 x1

The preceding CALL statement is equivalent to:

     move "Hello" & x"00" to temp
     call "callsub2" using temp x2 x1
Example 9
     call "callsub2" using x6 x2 x1

The preceding CALL statement is equivalent to:

     move x6 to temp
     move x"00" to temp (21:1)
     call "callsub2" using temp x2 x1
Example 10
     call "callsub2" using x6 x2 x1 x4

The preceding CALL statement would generate an error as there are too many parameters being passed.

6.1.1 Example of CALL Prototype Usage

If a COBOL application programmer wants to call a C function from within his COBOL application the following need to be done:

The use of COBOL TYPEDEFS and COBOL CALL prototypes may be used to automate the above process. This includes the automatic conversion of text strings into null terminated C strings. The following is an example of how all this may be done.

Suppose I have a C function that I want to call. Let us call it my_C_function. The following is a segment of C code that shows this function:


/*** start of source module sample.c ***/

/*  Include Header Files  */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sample.h"

/*  Sample Function  */
int my_C_function (parm_1, parm_2, parm_3)
num_type parm_1;
unsigned char *parm_2;
complex_type *parm_3;
    int rtn_code = 0;

    printf("  my-C_function: invoked\n");

    printf("  my-C_function: parm_1 = %d\n", parm_1);

    if (parm_2 == NULL) {
        printf("  my_C_function: parm_2 = IS NULL\n", parm_2);
        rtn_code = -1;
    } else {
        printf("  my_C_function: parm_2 = %s\n", parm_2);

    if (parm_3 == NULL ) {
        printf("  my_C_function: parm_3 = IS NULL\n", parm_3);
        rtn_code = -1;
    } else {
        printf("  my_C_function: parm_3\n");
        printf("                (num1) = %d\n", parm_3->num1);
        printf("                (num2) = %d\n", parm_3->num2);

    printf("    my_C_function: completed\n");

/*** end of source module sample.c ***/

In this example we have three parameters for the C function:

There is a header file that contains the C typedef definitions and also the C function prototype. It is as follows:



/*** start of source module sample.h ***/

#ifndef     SAMPLE
#define     SAMPLE

/*  Typedefs  */
typedef int num_type;
typedef struct {
        int num1;
        long num2;
} complex_type;

/*  Function Prototype  */
extern int my_C_function (
        num_type parm_1,
        unsigned char *parm_2,
        complex_type *parm_3
#endif      /* SAMPLE */
/*** end of source module sample.h ***/

The first step is to convert the C typedefs and function prototypes into COBOL TYPEDEFS and COBOL CALL prototypes. This may be done using the h2cpy utility provided with Micro Focus COBOL.

h2cpy sample.h

produces the following copybook as output:

 program-id. "c_typedefs" is external.
 77  char                   pic s9(2)  comp-5 is typedef.
 77  uns-char               pic  9(2)  comp-5 is typedef.
 77  short                  pic s9(4)  comp-5 is typedef.
 77  uns-short              pic  9(4)  comp-5 is typedef.
 77  int                    pic s9(9)  comp-5 is typedef.
 77  uns-int                pic  9(9)  comp-5 is typedef.
 77  long                   pic s9(9)  comp-5 is typedef.
 77  uns-long               pic  9(9)  comp-5 is typedef.
 77  d-l-float                         comp-2 is typedef.
 77  d-float                           comp-2 is typedef.
 77  float                             comp-1 is typedef.
 77  proc-pointer           procedure-pointer is typedef.
 77  data-pointer                     pointer is typedef.
 77  void                   pic  9(2)  comp-5 is typedef.
 01  num-type          is typedef       usage int.
 01 complex-type       is typedef.
     02 num1              usage int.
     02 num2              usage long.
 entry "my_C_function" using
         by value      int
         by reference  uns-char
         by reference  complex-type
     returning         int
 end program "c-typedefs".

In the above we have:

The following changes should be made to this file with a text editor.

The result of the above editing is the following:

 program-id. "c_typedefs" is external.

 77  uns-char               pic x             is typedef.
 77  int                    pic s9(9)  comp-5 is typedef.
 77  long                   pic s9(9)  comp-5 is typedef.
 77  data-pointer                     pointer is typedef.

 01 num-type           is typedef       usage int.
 01 complex-type       is typedef.
     02 num1              usage int.
     02 num2              usage long.

 entry "my_C_function" using
         by value      int
         by reference  uns-char delimited
         by reference  complex-type
     returning         int

 end program "c_typedefs".

The following is an example of the COBOL application that makes a call to the my_C_function function.

 copy 'sample.cpy'.

 identification division.
 program-id.  prog.
 working-storage section.
 01  ws-parm-1                       usage num-type.
 01  ws-parm-2                       pic x(50)
		    value "This is a PIC X string from COBOL".
 01  ws-parm-3                       usage complex-type.
 01  ws-return-code                  usage int.

 procedure division.
 main-code section.
     display "prog: started"

     move 123     to ws-parm-1
     move 1       to num1 IN ws-parm-3
     move 2       to num2 IN ws-parm -3

     display " "
     display "prog: call 'my_C_function' with ALL parameters"
     call "my_C_function" using ws-parm-1
                          returning ws-return-code
     display "prog: 'my_C_function' return code = "

     display " "
     display "prog: call 'my_C_function' with NULL parameters"
     call "my_C_function" using 0
                          returning ws-return-code
     display "prog: 'my_C_function' return code = "

     display " "
     display "prog: completed"
     exit program
     stop run.

In the above example the following has been coded:

The following is the output that results when the specific example above is run:

prog: started

prog: call 'my_C_function' with ALL parameters
      my_C_function: invoked
      my_C_function: parm_1 = 123
      my_C_function: parm_2 = This is a PIC X string from COBOL
      my_C_function: parm_3
                       (num1) = 1
                       (num2) = 2
      my_C_function: completed
prog: 'my_C_function' return code = +0000000000

prog: call 'my_C_function' with NULL parameters
      my_C_function: invoked
      my_C_function: parm_1 = 0
      my_C_function: parm_2 = IS NULL
      my_C_function: parm_3 = IS NULL
      my_C_function: completed

prog: 'my_C_function' return code = -0000000001

prog: completed

6.2 Calling and Setting a Procedure-Pointer

* Calling program: 

 program-id. startup.
 working-storage section.
 01 start-point  usage procedure-pointer.
     set start-point to entry "menu"
     call "controller" using start-point
     display "End of run"
     stop run.

 entry "illegal"
* Recursive calls invalid without local-storage section.
     stop run.
 end program startup.
* Called program:

 program-id. controller.
 working-storage section.
 01 next-option  pic x.
 linkage section.
 01 current-proc usage procedure-pointer.
 procedure division using current-proc.
     perform until current-proc = NULL
         call current-proc returning next-option
*       Note program-id must be called before any entry point
         evaluate next-option
          when "a"    set current-proc to entry "sub1"
          when other  set current-proc to NULL
         end evaluate
     exit program.
 end program controller.

 program-id. menu.
 working-storage section.
 01 exit-option  pic x.
 procedure division.
     display "In menu"
     move "a" to exit-option
     exit program returning exit-option.
*    Note that the maximum size of returned value is 4 bytes

 entry "sub1"
     display "In sub1"
     exit program returning 1.

6.3 Call Returning a Dynamically Allocated Data Area from a Subprogram

* Calling program:

 program-id. calling.
 working-storage section.
 01 call-size   pic x(4) comp-5 value 64. 
 linkage section.
 01 call-area   pic x.
 procedure division.
     call "sub2" using call-size                 
              returning address of call-area
     if address of call-area not = null
         display "Contents of new area: " call-area(1:call-size)
     stop run.
end program calling.
* Called program:>

 program-id. sub2.
 working-storage section.
 01 sub-pointer usage pointer.
 linkage section.
 01 link-size   pic x(4) comp-5.
 01 link-area   pic x.
 procedure division using link-size.
     call "CBL_ALLOC_MEM" using sub-pointer
                                by value link-size
                                         0 size is 4
     if return-code = 0
         set address of link-area to sub-pointer
         move "Hello!" to link-area(1:call-size)
         set sub-pointer to null
     exit program returning sub-pointer.

6.4 COPY (ANSI'68 or LANGLVL(1) Variation)

The COPY statement's behavior is slightly modified when the OLDCOPY Compiler directive is set. This modification changes it from acting as defined by the ANSI'74 and ANSI'85 standards to behaving as the old ANSI'68 standard defined. This modified behavior is also consistent with how OS/VS COBOL and DOS/VS COBOL behave when the LANGLVL(1) compiler option is used on an IBM mainframe.

When the OLDCOPY Compiler directive is set and a copy member is intended to include an entire 01 level data description, both the COPY statement and the copied description should be defined with an 01 level item. However, only the data name from the copying statement will be available to the rest of the COBOL program. For example:

Source-file Code.


Copy-file Code "COPYPROD":

 01   PROD-CD.
     05   ITEM-NAME      PIC X(30).
     05   ITEM-NUMBER    PIC X(5).

Resulting COBOL Code:

     05   ITEM-NAME      PIC X(30). 
     05   ITEM-NUMBER    PIC X(5).

6.5 COPY (Partial Word Replacement)

The COPY statement in an ANSI'85 conforming compiler can be used to modify parts of words in the copy member source. It should be carefully noted that this syntax only works when certain conventions (and special characters) are used. When using this technique, the programmer must set up their copy members with the modifiable sections pre-established. In fact, once this technique is used, the copy members will NOT compile cleanly when not replaced. For example:

Source-file Code:

     copy Payroll
          replacing ==(TAG)== by ==Payroll==.

Copy-file Code:

 01  (TAG).
     05 (TAG)-Week      pic s99.
     05 (TAG)-Gross-Pay pic s9(5)v99.
     05 (TAG)-Hours     pic s9(3)
                          occurs 1 to 52 times
                           depending on (TAG)-Week of (TAG).

Is treated as if it were coded as:

 01  Payroll.
     05 Payroll-Week      pic s99.
     05 Payroll-Gross-Pay pic s9(5)v99.
     05 Payroll-Hours     pic s9(3)
                            occurs 1 to 52 times
                             depending on Payroll-Week of Payroll.

6.6 CRT Status Clause of the SPECIAL-NAMES Paragraph

The CRT status clause of the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph provides a data item composed as follows:

The following examples show how the CRT status-key should be coded and referenced.

*                                                          *
*   The following shows how the special-names paragraph    *
*   sets up both a cursor position field and a CRT status  *
*   key field.                                             *
*                                                          *

 special names.
     cursor is cursor-position
     crt status is crt-status.

 working-storage section.
 01 cursor-position                    pic 9(4).

*   The following group item defines the CRT status key    *
*   field and establishes certain 78-level condition-names *
*   associated with key fields.                            *
*                                                          *
*   Programs using these definitions should be compiled    *
*   with NOIBMCOMP and MF to function as expected.         *
*                                                          *

 01  crt-status.
     05 crt-status-1                   pic 9.
        88  terminate-key                  value 0.
        88  function-key                   value 1.
        88  adis-key                       value 2.
        88  status-1-error                 value 9.
    05  crt-status-2                   pic 99 comp-x.
        88  esc-key                        value 0.
        88  f1-key                         value 1.
        88  enter-key                      value 1.
        88  fun-key-num-user               values 0 thru 127.
        88  fun-key-num-system             values 0 thru 26.
    05  crt-status-3                   pic 99 comp-x.
        88 raw-key-code                    values 0 thru 255.
*                                                          *
*   The following shows the procedural code that would     *
*   evaluate the CRT status keys and direct processing     *
*   accordingly.                                           *
*                                                          *

     evaluate terminate-key also function-key also adis-key
      when true  also any  also any
         if esc-key
             evaluate crt-status-3
              when 0  perform raw-key-0
              when 1  perform raw-key-1
              when 2  perform raw-key-2
              when 3  perform raw-key-3
            perform logic-for-terminator-key
      when any  also true  also any
         evaluate crt-status-2
          when 1  perform user-function-1
          when 2  perform user-function-2
          when 3  perform user-function-3
          when 4  perform user-function-4
          when 5  perform user-function-5
      when any  also any  also true
         evaluate crt-status-2
          when 1 perform sys-function-1
          when 2 perform sys-function-2
          when 3 perform sys-function-3
          when 4 perform sys-function-4
          when 5 perform sys-function-5

6.7 IF Statement (Conditional Compilation)

The $IF statement can be used to "conditionally compile" portions of your source code. In the following example, if the program is compiled with the directives:


then at compile time, the word "NO" will be displayed and the object code will include an EVALUATE rather than a GO TO statement. If the MF directive were not set, "Not MF dialect" would also be displayed.

$if WHERE = "PC"
     evaluate test-field
       when 5  perform test-a
$if OTHER-CONSTANT defined
$display Program compiled with other-constant set
$display NO
     go to test-a test-b depending on test-field
$if NOMF set
$display Not MF dialect

6.8 INSPECT Statement (Tallying, Replacing, and Converting)

The INSPECT statement can be used to tally the number of occurrences of specific character strings, to replace characters by other characters, or to convert from one set of characters to another. Setting the conditons for these inspections can be quite complex. The following examples demonstrate some of the variations and uses of this verb.

In each of the following examples of the INSPECT statement, COUNT-n is assumed to be zero immediately prior to execution of the statement. The results shown for each example, except the last, are the result of executing the two successive INSPECT statements shown above them.

Example 1:
     inspect item tallying
         count-0 for all "AB", all "D"
         count-1 for all "BC"
         count-2 for leading "EF"
         count-3 for leading "B"
         count-4 for characters;

     inspect item replacing
         all "AB" by "XY", "D" by "X"
         all "BC" by "VW"
         leading "EF" by "TU"
         leading "B" by "S"
         first "G" by "R"
         first "G" by "P"
         characters by "Z"

Initial Value of ITEM COUNT-0 COUNT-1 COUNT-2 COUNT-3 COUNT-4 Final Value of ITEM
BBBC 0 1 0 2 0 SSVW
Example 2:
     inspect item tallying
         count-0 for characters
         count-1 for all "A";

     inspect item replacing
         characters by "Z"
         all "A" by "X"

Intial Value of ITEM COUNT-0 COUNT-1 Final Value of ITEM

Example 3:
     inspect item tallying
         count-0 for all "AB" before "BC"
         count-1 for leading "B" after "D"
         count-2 for characters after "A" before "C"

     inspect item replacing
         all "AB" by "XY" before "BC"
         leading "B" by "W" after "D"
         first "E" by "V" after "D"
         characters by "Z" after "A" before "C"

Initial Value of ITEM COUNT-0 COUNT-1 COUNT-2 Final Value of ITEM

Example 4:
     inspect item tallying
         count-0 for all "AB" after "BA" before "BC";

     inspect item replacing
         all "AB" by "XY" after "BA" before "BC"

Initial Value of Item COUNT-0 Final Value of Item
Example 5:
     inspect item converting
	 "ABCD" to "XYZX" after quote before "#".

The above INSPECT is equivalent to the following INSPECT:

     inspect item replacing
         all "A" by "X" after quote before "#"
         all "B" by "Y" after quote before "#"
         all "C" by "Z" after quote before "#"
         all "D" by "X" after quote before "#".

Initial Value of ITEM Final Value of ITEM


The NEXT clause of the constant-name format of a VALUE clause always points to the offset at which the next byte of storage occurs after the previous data declaration. For example, given the following:

 01  x1             pic x(10).
 01  x2 redefines x1    pic x.
     78  next-offset    value next.
 01  x3             pic xx.

the value in next-offset will be the location of the second byte of x1 and not the starting location of x3.

This also can cause confusion with OCCURS clauses. For example, given the following:

 01  group-item.
     05  tabl occurs 10 times.
             78  offset-a   value next.
         10 elem            pic x.
             78  offset-b   value next.
     05  after-tabl     pic x(02).  

offset-a will point to the offset at the start of the first occurrence of elem while offset-b will point to the starting location of the second occurrence of table element elem and not to the starting location of after-tabl. If you wanted to get the starting location of after-tabl, you should recode your source as follows:

 01  group-item.
     05  dummy-item     pic x(10).
          78 offset-c            value next.
     05  tabl redefines dummy-item
               occurs 10 times.
          78 offset-a     value next.
         10 elem            pic x.
             78 offset-b     value next.
     05  after-tabl     pic x (02).

In this example, offset-c will point to the starting offset ofafter-tabl.


There are two types of SEARCH statements.

The first type, a serial search, starts with an element determined by the setting of the associated index. To search the entire table, the index must be set to one.

The second type is a binary search. It ignores the initial setting of the associated index and searches the entire table.

In both formats

The following data description is used in both examples of the SEARCH statement. The binary search requires that the KEY phrase be specified in the OCCURS clause, the serial search does not require this, but does allow it.

 working-storage section.
 01 states.
   03 state-abbr pic x(2) occurs 50 ascending key state-abbr indexed by i. 
 01 state-code pic x(2). 

The two coding examples are equivalent. They illustrate the difference between the serial and the binary search. In both examples, the user enters a two-character state abbreviation and the SEARCH statement is used to determine whether the entered abbreviation matches any of the valid abbreviations listed in the table. If the abbreviation is invalid, another one must be entered. A CONTINUE statement is coded at the location where you would process a valid state abbreviation, if additional processing beyond the validation were desired.

Serial Search
     accept state-code
     set i to 1
     search state-abbr
      at end display "invalid state code, please reenter" 
         go to enter-state
      when state-code = state-abbr (i)
     stop run.
Binary Search

     accept state-code
     search all state-abbr
      at end display "invalid state code, please reenter" 
             go to enter-state
      when state-code = state-abbr (i)
     stop run.

The differences in these two examples of the SEARCH statement are

6.11 SORT a File Using Input and Output Procedures

The SORT statement can be used to sort the records in a file. The following program takes the names of the input and output files from the command line. RELEASE and RETURN statements are used in the input and output procedures which input records, sort the records, and output a sorted file.

 select ifile assign to ipf
     organization is line sequential 
     file status is ipstat.

 select sfile assign to "temp.dat".

 select ofile assign to opf 
     organization is line sequential.

 fd ifile. 
 01 irec     pic x(80).
 fd ofile. 
 01 orec     pic x(80). 
 sd sfile. 
 01 srec     pic x(80).

 working-storage section.
 01 ipstat.
   03 iskey1 pic x. 
   03 iskey2 pic x. 
 01 ipf  pic x(20). 
 01 opf  pic x(20). 
 01 ext  pic x(20). 
 01 clin     pic x(132). 
 01 len  pic 9(2) comp-x. 
 01 a    pic 9(2) comp-x value 0. 
 procedure division. 
     accept clin from command-line 
     unstring clin delimited by space into ipf, opf, ext
     if ext not = space 
         display "too many arguements
     end if 
     sort sfile on ascending srec 
      input procedure sortin 
      output procedure sortout

     stop run.

 sortin section. 
     open input ifile
     read ifile 
     perform until ipstat not = "00"
         move irec to srec 
         release srec 
         read ifile 
     close ifile.
 sortout section.
     return sfile at end go to sortout-exit
     display srec
     go to sortout.
     display "Done".

6.12 SORT Table Entries

A table sort using KEYS in OCCURS clause for sequencing:

 working-storage section.
 01 group-item. 
     05   tabl   occurs 10 times 
                     ascending elem-item2 
                     descending elem-item1. 
          10 elem-item1 pic x. 
          10 elem-item2 pic x. 
     . . . 
 procedure division. 
     . . . 
     sort tabl. 
     if tabl (1) . . .

This is a simple sort in which the table is sorted in ascending order using the key definitions in the OCCURS clause of data item Tabl to determine the sequence, that is Elem-Item2 would be the major key (ascending) and Elem-Item1 would be the secondary key (descending).

A table sort using the entire element for sequencing:

 working-storage section. 
 01 group-item. 
     05 tabl occurs 10 times 
         10 elem-item1 pic x. 
         10 elem-item2 pic x. 
     . . . 
 procedure division. 
     . . . 
     sort tabl ascending. 
     if tabl (1) ...

This is a simple sort in which the table is sorted in ascending order using each entire element of the table to determine the sequence.

A table sort with specified items for sequencing:

 working-storage section. 
 01 group-item. 
     05  tabl    occurs 10 times 
                      ascending elem-item3 
                      descending elem-item1. 
         10 elem-item1 pic x. 
         10 elem-item2 pic x. 
         10 elem-item3 pic x. 
     . . . 
 procedure division. 
     . . . 
     sort tabl descending elem-item2 elem-item3
     if tabl (1) ...

This is a sort in which the table is sorted based on specified key data items. The major key would be Elem-Item2, even though it was not specified as a KEY in the OCCURS clause. The secondary key would be Elem-Item3. It would be treated as a DESCENDING key for this sort because the DESCENDING (which is transitive across KEY data items) specified in the SORT statement would take precedence over the ASCENDING specified in the OCCURS clause.

A table sort for a nested table:

 working-storage section. 
 01 group-item. 
     05  tabl1   occurs 10 times 
                     indexed by t1-ind t2-ind. 
         10  tabl2 occur 5 times. 
             15 group1. 
                 20 elem-item1 pic x. 
             15 group2. 
                 20 elem-item1 pic 9. 
     . . . 
 procedure division. 
     . . . 
     set t1-ind to 3 
     sort tabl2 descending elem-item1 of group2 
     if group1 (3 1) ...

This sorts only the third instance of Tabl2, that is Tabl2(3). It uses the qualified data-item, Elem-Item1 of Group2 as its key. In normal Procedure Division references, Elem-Item1 of Group2 would require two levels of subscripting/indexing while in this reference it has none. (Similarly, Tabl2 normally requires one level of subscripting, but cannot be subscripted as data-name-2 in the SORT statement. Instead it uses the value of T1-Ind for determining which instance is to be sorted.)

6.13 Split Key

If a program contained the following definition:

 01 rec. 
     03 forename     pic X(10). 
     03 personnel-no pic X(4). 
     03 surname      pic X(15).

the syntax:

     record key is fullname = 
	 surname forename

would cause the COBOL system to treat fullname as though it were an explicitly defined group item consisting of:

     03 surname      pic X(15).
     03 forename     pic X(10).

6.14 TYPEDEF – User Defined USAGE or Structure

The Compiler supports the following data descriptions:

 01 struct-1        TYPEDEF.
    05  part-1  pic x (20).
    05  part-2  pic x(10).
 01 USHORT  pic 9 (4)   comp-5 typedef.

which defines struct-1 and USHORT to be new usages that can be used as in the following:

 01  a.
     05  b  struct-1.
     05  x  USHORT.

which would be interpreted as if it had been coded as:

 01  a.
     05  b.
         10  part-1 pic x(20).
         10  part-2     pic x(10).
     05  x              pic 9(4) comp-5.

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