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Chapter 6: COBOL System Library Routines

The COBOL System Library contains sets of routines that you can call to paint characters and attributes to a character screen, read keys pressed on the keyboard, and to communicate with a mouse.

This chapter lists the routines available and describes them in detail.

6.1 Screen Routines

CBL_CLEAR_SCR Clear screen
CBL_GET_CSR_POS Get cursor position
CBL_GET_SCR_SIZE Get screen size
CBL_READ_SCR_ATTRS Read attribute string
CBL_READ_SCR_CHARS Read character string
CBL_READ_SCR_CHATTRS Read character and attribute strings
CBL_SET_CSR_POS Set cursor position
CBL_SWAP_SCR_CHATTRS Swap character and attribute
CBL_WRITE_SCR_ATTRS Write attribute string
CBL_WRITE_SCR_CHARS Write character string
CBL_WRITE_SCR_CHARS_ATTR Write character string with attribute
CBL_WRITE_SCR_CHATTRS Write character and attribute strings
CBL_WRITE_SCR_TTY Write characters TTY-style
CBL_WRITE_SCR_N_ATTR Repeat write attribute
CBL_WRITE_SCR_N_CHAR Repeat write character
CBL_WRITE_SCR_N_CHATTR Repeat write character and attributes
X"A7" function 17 Set Cursor Type
X"A7" function 18 Redirectable Console I/O
X"A7" function 25 Get Screen Type
X"AF" function 1 Configure Adis
X"AF" function 18 Display Character
X"AF" function 22 Sound Alarm
X"AF" function 26 Get Character
X"E5" Sound Bell

6.1.1 Introduction to Screen Routines

A number of the screen routines specify the screen-position parameter. In this COBOL system, the top left corner of the screen is row 0, column 0. For example, if you want to change attributes beginning in row 5, column 8, you specify row-number as 4 and column-number as 7.

The CBL_GET_SCR routines enable you to make use of generic line drawing to produce the best possible representation of graphics characters available in any supported environment without having to modify your source programs.

Before using any of the X"A7" routines for screen handling, use the CBL_CLR_SCR routine.

6.2 Keyboard Routines

CBL_GET_KBD_STATUS Test for character at keyboard
CBL_READ_KBD_CHAR Read character from keyboard (no echo)
X"B0" function 0 Create Function-key Table
X"B0" function 2 Test Shift-key Status
X"B0" function 4 Disable Keyboard Interrupts

6.3 Mouse Routines

CBL_GET_MOUSE_MASK Get mouse event mask
CBL_GET_MOUSE_POSITION Get mouse screen coordinates
CBL_GET_MOUSE_STATUS Get number of events in queue
CBL_HIDE_MOUSE Hide mouse pointer
CBL_INIT_MOUSE Initialize mouse support
CBL_READ_MOUSE_EVENT Read mouse event queue
CBL_SET_MOUSE_MASK Set mouse event mask
CBL_SET_MOUSE_POSITION Set mouse screen coordinates
CBL_SHOW_MOUSE Draw mouse pointer
CBL_TERM_MOUSE Terminate mouse support
PC_GET_MOUSE_SHAPE Get mouse pointer shape
PC_SET_MOUSE_HIDE_AREA Set mouse hide area
PC_SET_MOUSE_SHAPE Set mouse pointer shape

6.3.1 Introduction to Mouse Routines

These routines do not work under UNIX.

In UNIX environments, CBL_INIT_MOUSE returns a nonzero RETURN-CODE indicating that no mouse is present. The other CBL_ calls listed above exist only as stubs and have no effect.

6.3.2 Using the Mouse Routines

The mouse is useful for applications that require users to select from a list of options or move objects around on the screen.

To use these routines, you must ensure that your system knows that you have a mouse attached.

You must hide the mouse during the execution of any ANSI ACCEPT or DISPLAY statement that operates on the area of the screen where the mouse pointer is located.

The attributes referred to in the descriptions of routines are screen attributes, not user attributes. The top left-hand corner of the screen is row 0, column 0.

6.3.3 Mouse Events

Whenever the mouse is moved or a button on the mouse is pressed or released, the mouse hardware causes an interrupt. The mouse device driver takes control and, depending on a mask you have set, either saves it in a queue or ignores it. This prevents events being lost if a subsequent interrupt occurs before the application has read the event. With the mouse routines, you can read the event queue and determine how many events are in the queue.

When an event is generated, a description of it is stored in a data structure called the event-data. If the mask allows (see below), this is added to the queue. The layout of event-data is:

 event-type           pic x(2) comp-x.
 event-time           pic x(4) comp-x.
 event-row            pic x(2) comp-x.
 event-col            pic x(2) comp-x.

where the parameters are:

event-type The action (that is, change of state) that took place:

bit 7-4 reserved
bit 3 set = button 3 pressed
bit 2 set = button 2 pressed
bit 1 set = button 1 pressed
bit 0 set = mouse moved

A button release is indicated by the bit for that button changing from 1 to 0. For example, if the mouse moves and button 1 is pressed at the same time, event-type contains 3.

event-time The time elapsed between when the event took place and some arbitrary but fixed starting time.
The position of the mouse when the event took place.

6.3.4 The Event Mask

The event mask, which you supply, tells the system which kinds of event should be queued and which ignored. It has the same structure as event-type. An event is queued only if it happens while the corresponding mask bit is on, or while another state is on whose mask bit is on. When an event-data is queued, the bit for each state is set correctly; that is, the mask does not mask them out.

For example, the operator moving the mouse generates an event if either the mask bit for "mouse moved" is on or the operator is holding down a button and the mask bit for that button is on.

6.4 Key

Descriptions for all of the call-by-name routines appear alphabetically. Each description contains the routine name and function, and the following entries, as appropriate:


Shows the CALL statement you could use to call the routine.

The optional RETURNING clause is also shown. Every routine returns a value showing the result of the operation. Unless otherwise indicated, zero indicates success, nonzero indicates failure. This value is left in the data item specified in the RETURNING clause, in this reference, status-code. If this clause is omitted, the value is left in the special register RETURN-CODE. (If call-convention bit two is set, RETURN-CODE is not changed.)

status-code must be a numeric data item capable of holding positive values from 0 to 65535; for example, PIC X(2) COMP-5.

The name of the routine must be coded in upper case.


Describes any parameters shown in the RETURNING and USING clause. A parameter enclosed in brackets, for example [parameter1], is optional and might not be needed for all forms of the routine.

On Entry:

Indicates which of the parameters shown are passed on entry.

On Exit:

Indicates which of the parameters shown are returned on exit.

Where bits of one or more bytes are referenced, bit 0 is the least significant (rightmost) bit.


Provides any additional information necessary for the successful use of the routine.

See also:

Lists related sections.

6.5 Description of Routines


Clears the whole screen to a specified character and attribute.

call "CBL_CLEAR_SCR"   using     character                  
                       returning status-code

character           pic x.
attribute           pic x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

character The character to write.
attribute The attribute to write.

On Exit:



Returns the cursor position.

call "CBL_GET_CSR_POS" using     screen-position 
                       returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:


On Exit:

screen-position The screen position of the cursor. The top left corner is row 0, column 0. If the cursor is invisible, row-number and column-number are both set to 255. See the section Introduction to Screen Routines.


Checks whether there is a character waiting to be read from the keyboard.

call "CBL_GET_KBD_STATUS" using     key-status 
                          returning status-code

key-status          pic x comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:


On Exit:

key-status The status of the keyboard:

0 No character available
1 Character available


Some UNIX implementations do not allow you to poll the keyboard in this way. See the documentation supplied with your UNIX system to determine if this is the case in your implementation.


Returns the mouse event mask.

call "CBL_GET_MOUSE_MASK" using     mouse-handle            
                          returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x.
event-mask          pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier, obtained by earlier call to CBL_INIT_MOUSE.

On Exit:

event-mask See the section Introduction to Mouse Routines


This routine has no effect in UNIX environments.

See also:

Introduction to Mouse Routines


Returns the screen position of the mouse pointer.

call "CBL_GET_MOUSE_POSITION" using    mouse-handle         
                             returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x.
mouse-position      Group item defined as:
    mouse-row           pic x(2) comp-x.
    mouse-col           pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier, obtained by earlier call to CBL_INIT_MOUSE.

On Exit:

mouse-position The screen position of the mouse pointer.


This routine has no effect in UNIX environments.

See also:

Introduction to Mouse Routines


Finds out the number of events in the queue.

call "CBL_GET_MOUSE_STATUS" using     mouse-handle          
                            returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x.
queued-events       pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier, obtained by earlier call to CBL_INIT_MOUSE.

On Exit:

queued-events The number of events in the queue.


This routine has no effect in UNIX environments.

See also:

Introduction to Mouse Routines


Returns information about the size of the screen.

call "CBL_GET_SCR_SIZE" using     depth                     
                        returning status-code

depth               pic x comp-x.
width               pic x comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:


On Exit:

depth Number of lines.
width Number of columns.


Makes the mouse pointer invisible.

call "CBL_HIDE_MOUSE" using     mouse-handle 
                      returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier, obtained by earlier call to CBL_INIT_MOUSE.

On Exit:



This routine has no effect in UNIX environments.

After this routine has been called, mouse events still take place, but the mouse pointer is not displayed.

See also:

Introduction to Mouse Routines


Initializes mouse support. This routine must be called before other mouse routines can be called.

call "CBL_INIT_MOUSE" using     mouse-handle                
                      returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x
mouse-buttons       pic x(2) comp-x
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:


On Exit:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier. You pass this to any mouse routines you call subsequently.
mouse-buttons The number of buttons on the mouse.


If status-code (or RETURN-CODE) contains a nonzero status on return from this routine, mouse handling is not available and calls to any of the mouse routines should not be made.

In UNIX environments this routine always returns a nonzero status-code.

See also:

Introduction to Mouse Routines


Waits until a character is typed and then reads it with no echo.

call "CBL_READ_KBD_CHAR" using     char 
                         returning status-code

char                pic x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:


On Exit:

char The character that was typed, in ASCII.


Reads the mouse event queue and returns information about an event.

call "CBL_READ_MOUSE_EVENT" using     mouse-handle          
                            returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x.
event-data          See the section Introduction to Mouse Routines
read-type           pic x comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier, obtained by earlier call to CBL_INIT_MOUSE.
read-type Indicates what to do if there are no events in the queue:

0 Return immediately
1 Wait for an event and then return

On Exit:

event-data See the section Introduction to Mouse Routines


This routine has no effect in UNIX environments.

If there are no events in the event queue, the return from this routine depends on the value of read-type. If read-type is zero, the routine returns immediately with all zero values in event-data. If read-type has a value of one, return is delayed until an event has been queued.

See also:

Introduction to Mouse Routines


Reads a string of attributes from the screen.

call "CBL_READ_SCR_ATTRS" using     screen-position         
                          returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
attribute-buffer    pic x(n).
string-length       pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

screen-position The screen position to start reading at. The top left corner is row 0, column 0. See the section Introduction to Screen Routines.
string-length The length of the string to read.

On Exit:

attribute-buffer The attributes read from the screen. This data item must be at least as long as specified by string-length; positions in it beyond that length are unchanged.
string-length If the end of the screen is reached the length read is returned in here.


Reads a string of characters from the screen.

call "CBL_READ_SCR_CHARS" using     screen-position         
                          returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
character-buffer    pic x(n).
string-length       pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

screen-position The screen position to start reading at. The top left corner is row 0, column 0. See the section Introduction to Screen Routines.
string-length The length of the string to read.

On Exit:

character-buffer The characters read from the screen. This data item must be at least as long as specified by string-length; positions in it beyond that length are unchanged.
string-length If the end of the screen is reached, the length read is returned in here.


Reads a string of characters and their attributes from the screen.

call "CBL_READ_SCR_CHATTRS" using    screen-position        
    attribute-buffer                                       string-length 
                           returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
character-buffer    pic x(n).
attribute-buffer    pic x(n).
string-length       pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

screen-position The screen position to start reading at. The top left corner is row 0, column 0. See the section Introduction to Screen Routines.
string-length The length of the string to read.

On Exit:

character-buffer The characters read from the screen. This data item must be at least as long as specified by string-length; positions in it beyond that length are unchanged.
attribute-buffer The attributes read from the screen. This data item must be at least as long as specified by string-length; positions in it beyond that length are unchanged.
string-length If the end of the screen is reached, the length read (in cells, that is, character-attribute pairs) is returned in here.


Moves the cursor.

call "CBL_SET_CSR_POS" using     screen-position 
                       returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

screen-position The screen position at which to put the cursor. The top left corner is row 0, column 0. See the section Introduction to Screen Routines

On Exit:



To make the cursor invisible, set row-number and column-number to 255.


Sets the mouse event mask.

call "CBL_SET_MOUSE_MASK" using     mouse-handle 
                          returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x.
event-mask          pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier, obtained by earlier call to CBL_INIT_MOUSE.
event-mask See the section Introduction to Mouse Routines

On Exit:



This routine has no effect in UNIX environments.

CBL_GET_MOUSE_MASK should be called first to find out which events are enabled.

See also:

Introduction to Mouse Routines


Moves the mouse pointer.

call "CBL_SET_MOUSE_POSITION" using     mouse-handle        
                              returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x.
mouse-position      Group item defined as:
    mouse-row           pic x(2) comp-x.
    mouse-col           pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier, obtained by earlier call to CBL_INIT_MOUSE.
mouse-position The screen position to move the mouse pointer to.

On Exit:



This routine has no effect in UNIX environments.

See also:

Introduction to Mouse Routines


Makes the mouse pointer visible.

call "CBL_SHOW_MOUSE" using     mouse-handle 
                      returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier, obtained by earlier call to CBL_INIT_MOUSE.

On Exit:



This routine has no effect in UNIX environments.

When the mouse support has been initialized by the CBL_INIT_MOUSE call, the pointer is not displayed until this routine is called. After this call the system displays the mouse pointer until a routine to hide the mouse or terminate mouse support is called. This routine cancels any collision area defined earlier by PC_SET_MOUSE_HIDE_AREA.

See also:

Introduction to Mouse Routines


Swaps a string of characters and their attributes with a string from the screen.

call "CBL_SWAP_SCR_CHATTRS" using    screen-position        
    attribute-buffer                                       string-length 
                           returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
character-buffer    pic x(n).
attribute-buffer    pic x(n).
string-length       pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

screen-position The screen position at which to start writing. The top left corner is row 0, column 0. See the section Introduction to Screen Routines
character-buffer The characters to write.
attribute-buffer The attributes to write.
string-length The length of the string to write. If this would go off the end of the screen, the write finishes at the end of the screen.

On Exit:

character-buffer The characters read from the screen. This data item must be at least as long as specified by string-length; positions in it beyond that length are unchanged.
attribute-buffer The attributes read from the screen. This data item must be at least as long as specified by string-length; positions in it beyond that length are unchanged.
string-length If the end of the screen is reached the length swapped (in cells, that is, character-attribute pairs) is returned in here.

See also:

Introduction to Screen Routines


Terminates mouse support, releasing internal resources.

call "CBL_TERM_MOUSE" using     mouse-handle 
                      returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier, obtained by earlier call to CBL_INIT_MOUSE.

On Exit:



This routine has no effect in UNIX environments.

The routine releases internal resources allocated by CBL_INIT_MOUSE. After this routine, mouse-handle is no longer valid and calling any mouse routine other than CBL_INIT_MOUSE results in an error.

See also:

Introduction to Mouse Routines


Writes a string of attributes to the screen.

call "CBL_WRITE_SCR_ATTRS" using     screen-position        
                           returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
attribute-buffer    pic x(n).
string-length       pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Exit:



The blink attribute is not supported on this COBOL system. Specifying that a character is to blink results in the character being displayed with a bright background color.

See also:

Introduction to Screen Routines


Writes a string of characters to the screen.

call "CBL_WRITE_SCR_CHARS" using     screen-position        
                           returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
character-buffer    pic x(n).
string-length       pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

screen-position The screen position at which to start writing. The top left corner is row 0, column 0. See the section Introduction to Screen Routines
character-buffer The characters to write.
string-length The length of the string to write. If this would go off the end of the screen, the write finishes at the end of the screen.

On Exit:


See also:

Introduction to Screen Routines


Writes a string of characters to the screen, giving them all the same attribute.

                           using     screen-position                        
string-length                                       attribute 
                           returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
character-buffer    pic x(n).

string-length       pic x(2) comp-x.
attribute           pic x.

status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

screen-position The screen position at which to start writing. The top left corner is row 0, column 0. See the section Introduction to Screen Routines
character-buffer The characters to write.
attribute The attribute to write.
string-length The length of the string to write. If this would go off the end of the screen, the write finishes at the end of the screen.

On Exit:



The blink attribute is not supported on this COBOL system. Specifying that a character is to blink results in the character being displayed with a bright background color.

See also:

Introduction to Screen Routines


Writes a string of characters and their attributes to the screen.

call "CBL_WRITE_SCR_CHATTRS" using   screen-position        
    attribute-buffer                                       string-length 
                           returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
character-buffer    pic x(n).
attribute-buffer    pic x(n).
string-length       pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

screen-position The screen position at which to start writing. The top left corner is row 0, column 0. See the section Introduction to Screen Routines
character-buffer The characters to write.
attribute-buffer The attributes to write.
string-length The length of the string to write. If this would go off the end of the screen, the write finishes at the end of the screen.

On Exit:



The blink attribute is not supported on this COBOL system. Specifying that a character is to blink results in the character being displayed with a bright background color.

See also:

Introduction to Screen Routines


Writes a specified attribute to a string of positions on the screen.

call "CBL_WRITE_SCR_N_ATTR" using     screen-position  
                            returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
attribute           pic x.
fill-length         pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

screen-position The screen position at which to start writing. The top left corner is row 0, column 0. See the section Introduction to Screen Routines
attribute The attribute to write.
string-length The number of screen positions to write the attribute to. If this would go off the end of the screen, the write finishes at the end of the screen.

On Exit:



The blink attribute is not supported on this COBOL system. Specifying that a character is to blink results in the character being displayed with a bright background color.

See also:

Introduction to Screen Routines


Writes a specified character to a string of positions on the screen.

call "CBL_WRITE_SCR_N_CHAR" using     screen-position  
                            returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
character           pic x.
fill-length         pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

screen-position The screen position at which to start writing. The top left corner is row 0, column 0. See the section Introduction to Screen Routines
attribute-buffer The attributes to write.
string-length The number of screen positions to write the character to. If this would go off the end of the screen, the write finishes at the end of the screen.

On Exit:


See also:

Introduction to Screen Routines


Writes a specified character and attribute to a string of positions on the screen.

call "CBL_WRITE_SCR_N_CHATTR" using   screen-position       
attribute                                        fill-length 
                            returning status-code

screen-position     Group item defined as:
    row-number          pic x comp-x.
    column-number       pic x comp-x.
character           pic x.
attribute           pic x.
fill-length         pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

screen-position The screen position at which to start writing. The top left corner is row 0, column 0. See the section Introduction to Screen Routines
character The character to write.
attribute The attribute to write.
string-length The number of screen positions to write the character-attribute pair to. If this would go off the end of the screen, the write finishes at the end of the screen.

On Exit:



The blink attribute is not supported on this COBOL system. Specifying that a character is to blink results in the character being displayed with a bright background color.

See also:

Introduction to Screen Routines


Writes a string of characters to the screen starting at the current position and scrolling.

call "CBL_WRITE_SCR_TTY" using     character-buffer         
                         returning status-code

character-buffer    pic x(n).
string-length       pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

character-buffer The characters to write.
string-length The length of the string to write. If this would go off the edge of the screen, the screen is scrolled up a line and the write continues on the bottom line.

On Exit:



Returns information about the shape of the mouse pointer.

call "PC_GET_MOUSE_SHAPE" using     mouse-handle            
                          returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x.
reserved-item       pic x(10).
mouse-ptr-shape     Group item defined as:
    char_AND_mask       pic x comp-x.
    attr_AND_mask       pic x comp-x.
    char_XOR_mask       pic x comp-x.
    attr_XOR_mask       pic x comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier, obtained by earlier call to CBL_INIT_MOUSE.
reserved-item Reserved for future use.

On Exit:

mouse-ptr-shape The bitmaps that would create the pointer's current shape.


This routine is available only in DOS, Windows and OS/2 environments.

The masks in mouse-ptr-shape are bitmaps that, applied to a screen position, would superimpose the mouse shape upon it. The pointer shape is formed by PC_SET_MOUSE_SHAPE by ANDing the screen character at the mouse position with char_AND_mask, XORing the result with char_XOR_mask, and then displaying the result on the screen. The attribute is formed similarly.

See also:

Introduction to Mouse Routines


Defines an area ("collision area") where the mouse is to be invisible.

call "PC_SET_MOUSE_HIDE_AREA" using     mouse-handle        
                              returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x.
collision-area      Group item defined as:
    top-row             pic x(2) comp-x.
    left-col            pic x(2) comp-x.
    bottom-row          pic x(2) comp-x.
    right-col           pic x(2) comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier, obtained by earlier call to CBL_INIT_MOUSE.
collision-area Defines the collision area. Whenever the pointer is in this area, it is hidden. A value of zeros in this item makes the whole screen a collision area. There can be only one collision area at any one time.

On Exit:



This routine is available only in DOS, Windows V3.1 and 16-bit OS/2.


Sets the shape of the mouse pointer.

call "PC_SET_MOUSE_SHAPE" using     mouse-handle            
                          returning status-code

mouse-handle        pic x(4) comp-x.
reserved-item       pic x(10).
mouse-ptr-shape     Group item defined as:
    char_AND_mask       pic x comp-x.
    attr_AND_mask       pic x comp-x.
    char_XOR_mask       pic x comp-x.
    attr_XOR_mask       pic x comp-x.
status-code         See the section Key

On Entry:

mouse-handle Mouse identifier, obtained by earlier call to CBL_INIT_MOUSE.
reserved-item Reserved for future use.
mouse-ptr-shape The bitmaps to create the pointer's desired shape.

On Exit:



This routine is available only in DOS, Windows and OS/2 environments.

The masks in mouse-ptr-shape are bitmaps that, applied to a screen position, would superimpose the mouse shape upon it. The pointer shape is formed by PC_SET_MOUSE_SHAPE by ANDing the screen character at the mouse position with char_AND_mask, XORing the result with char_XOR_mask, and then displaying the result on the screen. The attribute is formed similarly.

To call this routine you must have previously called PC_GET_MOUSE_SHAPE with the same mouse-handle. The data item reserved-item must be as preserved from that call.

See also:

Introduction to Mouse Routines

X"A7" function 17 - Set Cursor Type

Sets the cursor type.

call X"A7" using function-code                   cursor-type

function-code       pic x comp-x.
cursor-type         Group item defined as:
    cursor-end          pic x comp-x.
    cursor-start        pic x comp-x.

On Entry:

function-code Value 17.
cursor-end Scan line cursor ends on.
cursor-start Scan line cursor starts on.

On Exit:



This routine is available only in DOS, Windows and OS/2 environments.

Details of cursor start and end lines can be found in your IBM BIOS Technical Reference manual.

Before using this routine, use the CBL_CLEAR_SCR routine, to prevent possible errors.

X"A7" function 18 - Redirectable Console I/O

Makes console I/O redirectable.

call X"A7" using function-code                   parameter

function-code       pic x comp-x.
parameter           pic x comp-x.

On Entry:

function-code Value 18.
parameter Action to perform:

0 Disable DOS-style console I/O
1 Enable DOS-style console I/O

On Exit:



This routine is available only in DOS, Windows and OS/2 environments.

Normally the RTE uses the BIOS to read the keyboard, and writes direct to the video map for all displays. This routine makes the RTE use operating system functions instead. This means the operator can use the operating system facilities for re-directing keyboard input and screen output.

Before using this routine, use the CBL_CLEAR_SCR routine, to prevent possible errors.

X"A7" function 25 - Get Screen Type

Returns the current screen type as recognized by the RTS.

call x"A7" using function-code                   parameter

function-code       pic x comp-x.
parameter           pic x comp-x.

On Entry:

function-code Value 25

On Exit:

parameter Bit settings indicating the type of screen as follows:

bit 0 unset = monochrome screen
bit 1 reserved
bit 2 reserved
bit 3 set = EGA-type screen
bit 4 set = VGA-type screen
bit 5 reserved
bit 6 reserved
bit 7 reserved

Before using this routine, use the CBL_CLEAR_SCR routine, to prevent possible errors.

X"AF" function 1 - Configure Adis

Sets various configurable features of Adis, including enabling or disabling individual user function, Adis or data keys, or a series of consecutive keys at run time.

call x"AF" using function-code                  

function-code       pic x comp-x
parameter-block     Group item defined as:
    key-setting         pic x comp-x
    sub-fn-code         pic x comp-x
    first-key-id        pic x comp-x
    number-of-keys      pic x comp-x

On Entry:

function-code Value 1
sub-fn-code One of:

1 Enable/disable user function keys and compatibility keys
2 Enable/disable Adis control keys and other configurables
3 Enable/disable data keys
4 Enable/disable shift keys
5 Enable/disable lock keys


Features are enabled or disabled until explicitly changed by another call to x"AF" or until the application terminates. The initial state of user function keys depends on the run-time operating system (see the chapter Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY Syntaxfor details). Calls to enable or disable functions keys are additive. For example, if you call x"AF" to enable function key F1 and then make another call to enable F10, both keys are enabled.

The chapter Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY Syntaxdescribes the features and parameter in detail.

Before using this routine, use the CBL_CLEAR_SCR routine, to prevent possible errors.

See also:

X"AF" Routines

X"AF" function 18 - Display Character

Displays a character to the screen at the current cursor position.

call x"AF" using function-code                   char

function-code       pic x comp-x
char                pic x

On Entry:

function-code Value 18
char The character to be displayed.

On Exit:



Before using this routine, use the CBL_CLEAR_SCR routine, to prevent possible errors.

See also:

X"AF" Routines

X"AF" function 22 - Sound Alarm

Sounds the terminal alarm.

call x"AF" using function-code                   parameter

function-code       pic x comp-x
parameter           pic x

On Entry:

function-code Value 22.
parameter Reserved

On Exit:


See also:

X"AF" Routines

X"AF" function 26 - Get Character

Gets a character from the keyboard.

call x"AF" using function-code                   key-status

function-code       pic x comp-x
key-status          Group item defined as:
    key-type            pic x.
    key-code-1          pic x comp-x.
    key-code-2          pic x comp-x.

On Entry:

function-code Value 26

On Exit:

key-type The type of key read, as follows:

1 user-defined function key
2 Adis function key
3 Data key
9 Error
key-code-1 When key-type is 1 or 2, contains the number of the key; 0-127 for user-defined and 0-39 for Adis. See the chapter Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY Syntax for more details on function keys.

When key-type is 3, contains the ASCII code of the key pressed

When key-type is 9, contains an error code:

8 A disabled character has been keyed, and key-code-2 contains the character.
9 An invalid keystroke (more than one byte) has occurred.


Before using this routine, use the CBL_CLEAR_SCR routine, to prevent possible errors.

See also:

X"AF" Routines

X"B0" function 0 - Create Function-key Table

Creates a function-key table.

call X"B0" using function-code                   key-table

function-code       pic x comp-x.

key-table           Group item defined as:
    key-pressed         pic x comp-x
    key-entry-list      Group item defined as one iteration of the
           following for each key to be detected:
        key-entry-len       pic x comp-x
        key-entry           pic x(n)
    key-list-end        pic x comp-x

On Entry:

function-code Contains 0.
key-entry-len The length of key-entry in bytes (1 or 2).
key-entry The code sequence produced by the required key.
key-list-end Contains 0.

On Exit:

key-pressed The table entry matching the key used, or zero if no match is made.

This routine is avilable only on DOS, Windows and OS/2. It is specific to IBM PC compatible environments. If you intend to use your application in a non-IBM environment, use call x"AF".

Any keys defined by this call take precedence over those defined with AdisCF.

The function key table set up by AdisCF and used by call x"AF" is separate from the function key table used by call x"B0". Both can be enabled at the same time with all key sequences in the x"B0" table causing the carriage return x"0D" character to be returned to Adis.

X"B0" function 2 - Test Shift-key Status

Tests the status of the Shift, Alt, Ctrl and Lock keys.

call X"B0" using function-code                  

function-code       pic x comp-x
status-block        Group item defined as:
    status-inds         pic x
    status-id           pic x comp-x
    status-res          pic x(6)

On Entry:

function-code Value 2.
status-id Must be set to 2. It is overwritten by the call, so must be reset to 2 before each call.
status-res Reserved.

On Exit:

status-inds Contains bit settings indicating the status of the keys (1=key pressed, 0=key not pressed) in the following order:

Bit 7 Ins
Bit 6 Caps Lock
Bit 5 Num Lock
Bit 4 Scroll Lock
Bit 3 Alt
Bit 2 Ctrl
Bit 1 Shift (left key only)
Bit 0 Shift (right key only)

This routine is avilable only on DOS, Windows and OS/2.

For the Alt, Ctrl and Shift keys, the routine returns a 1 only if the key is actually pressed when the routine is called; for the other, the relevant bit is alternately set and unset each time the key is pressed.

Effective use of function 2 requires that the call is repeated at very frequent intervals.

X"B0" function 4 - Disable Keyboard Interrupts

Disables keyboard interrupts (Ctrl+Break on DOS, Windows and OS/2).

call X"B0" using function-code                   parameter

function-code       pic x comp-x.
parameter           pic x comp-x.

On Entry:

function-code Value 4.
parameter Value 1.

On Exit:



This routine disables keyboard interrupts for the rest of the application. It should be called before any subprograms are called.

This function has the same effect as the -i run-time switch.

X"E5" - Sound Bell

Sounds the bell

call x"E5"



The duration and pitch of the bell depends on the environment.

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