This chapter contains examples and sample code to illustrate details given in earlier chapters. They should be read in conjunction with the earlier chapters, and not viewed as standalone code.
working-storage section. 01 a-screen-text. 03 cust-name-text pic x(14) value "Customer name". 03 filler pic x(20). 03 cust-number-text pic x(16) value "Customer amount". 01 a-screen-data redefines a-screen-text. 03 filler pic x(14). 03 customer-name pic x(20). 03 filler pic x(16). 03 customer-amount pic z9.9. 01 ws-customer-amount pic 99v9. procedure division. run-start. move zero to customer-amount display a-screen-text at line 12 column 1 accept a-screen-data at line 12 column 1 move customer-amount to ws-customer-amount perform until ws-customer-amount not=zero display "Customer amount must not be zero" at line 25 column 1 with bell display customer-amount at line 12 column 51 with reverse-video blink accept a-screen-data at line 12 column 1 move customer-amount to ws-customer-amount end-perform stop run.
working-storage section. 01 a-field pic 9999. procedure division. run-start. accept a-field display "A-Field=" a-field stop run.
call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs parameter-block
where the parameters are defined as follows:
01 set-bit-pairs pic 9(2) comp-x value 1. 01 parameter-block. 03 bit-pair-setting pic 9(2) comp-x. 03 bit-map-section pic x value "2". 03 bit-pair-number pic 9(2) comp-x. 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 1.
The values to be set for the fields bit-pair-setting and bit-pair-number vary according to the function you want to perform. The required values for these two parameters are given in the individual descriptions.
With all x"AF" calls, if an error occurs,set-bit-pairs is set to the value 255 on return from the call.
special-names crt status is key-status
Where key-status is a three-byte data item in the Working-Storage Section of your program with the following definition:
01 key-status. 03 key-type pic x. 03 key-code-1 pic 9(2) comp-x. 03 key-code-2 pic 9(2) comp-x.
Whenever an ACCEPT statement is executed, key-status is set to indicate how the ACCEPT was terminated. In general, the individual fields in key-status have the following uses:
key-type | Indicates how the ACCEPT was terminated. The values returned are as
follows :
key-code-1 | Indicates the number of the key that terminated the ACCEPT operation. The exact meaning of this number depends on the value returned in key-type. | ||||||||||||||||
key-code-2 | If key-type and key-code-1 are 0, key-code-2 contains the raw
keyboard code for the key that terminated the ACCEPT operation. Where a
sequence of keystrokes rather than a single key has been configured to
perform a single function, only the code for the first keystroke is
returned. If key-type is 4, key-code-2 contains the second byte of the character which caused the ACCEPT operation to terminate. Otherwise, the contents of key-code-2 are undefined. |
This example writes an 80-byte string of text and attributes to the screen. The text appears on the top line of the screen.
working-storage section. 01 screen-position. 03 screen-row pic 9(2) comp-x value 0. 03 screen-col pic 9(2) comp-x value 0. 01 string-length pic 9(4) comp-x value 80. 01 character-buffer pic x(80). 01 attribute-buffer pic x(80). procedure division. move all "x" to character-buffer move all x"70" to attribute-buffer call "CBL_WRITE_SCR_CHATTRS" using screen-position character-buffer attribute-buffer string-length
Consider the following group item:
01 display-item. 03 display-item-1 pic x(20). 03 filler pic x(35). 03 display-item-2 pic 9(10). 03 filler pic x(105). 03 display-item-3 pic z(4)9.
If the following statement is executed:
display display-item at 0101 mode is block.
display-item is treated as if it is an elementary item defined as:
01 display-item pic x(175).
Consequently, the contents of the FILLER items are also displayed.
Click the button to start Net Express and load the demonstration project.
$set ans85 **************************************************************** * Copyright Micro Focus Limited 1994. All Rights Reserved. * * This demonstration program is provided for use by users of * * Micro Focus products and may be used, modified and * * distributed as part of your application provided that you * * properly acknowledge the copyright of Micro Focus in this * * material. * **************************************************************** **************************************************************** * * * ADSAMP.CBL * * * * This program assumes that the default * * configuration has been selected using Adiscf. * **************************************************************** special-names. cursor is cursor-position crt status is key-status. data division. working-storage section. ************************************************** * Parameters to be used for the x"AF" calls. ************************************************** 01 set-bit-pairs pic 9(2) comp-x value 1. 01 get-single-character pic 9(2) comp-x value 26. 01 enable-esc-and-f1. 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 1. 03 filler pic x value "1". 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 0. 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 2. 01 disable-all-other-user-keys. 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 0. 03 filler pic x value "1". 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 2. 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 126. 01 enable-slash-key. 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 1. 03 filler pic x value "3". 03 filler pic x value "/". 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 1. ************************************************** * Status returned after termination of an ACCEPT. ************************************************** 01 key-status. 03 key-type pic x. 03 key-code-1 pic 9(2) comp-x. 03 key-code-1-x redefines key-code-1 pic x. 03 key-code-2 pic 9(2) comp-x. ************************************************** * Cursor-Position is returned by ADIS containing * the position of the cursor when the ACCEPT was * terminated. *************************************************** 01 cursor-position. 03 cursor-row pic 99. 03 cursor-column pic 99. ************************************************** * Work areas used by the program. ************************************************** 01 work-areas. 03 wa-name pic x(30). 03 wa-address-line-1 pic x(40). 03 wa-address-line-2 pic x(40). 03 wa-address-line-3 pic x(40). 03 wa-address-line-4 pic x(40). 03 wa-age pic 999 value 0. 01 exit-flag pic 9(2) comp-x value 0. ************************************************** * Screen Section. ************************************************** screen section. 01 main-screen. 03 blank screen. 03 line 2 column 27 value "Typical Data Entry Screen". 03 line 3 column 27 value "-------------------------". 03 line 5 column 1 value "name [". 03 pic x(30) using wa-name highlight prompt " ". 03 value "]". 03 line 7 column 1 value "address [". 03 pic x(40) using wa-address-line-1 highlight prompt " ". 03 value "]". 03 line 8 column 1 value " [". 03 pic x(40) using wa-address-line-2 highlight prompt " ". 03 value "]". 03 line 9 column 1 value " [". 03 pic x(40) using wa-address-line-3 highlight prompt " ". 03 value "]". 03 line 10 column 1 value " [". 03 pic x(40) using wa-address-line-4 highlight prompt " ". 03 value "]". 03 line 12 column 1 value "age [". 03 pic zz9 using wa-age highlight prompt " ". 03 value "]". 03 line 20 column 1 value "--------------------------------------------------------- - "----------------------------------------". 03 line 21 column 1 value "f1" highlight. 03 value "=/help". 03 column 75 value "esc" highlight. 03 value "ape". 01 help-screen. 03 blank screen. 03 line 1 column 34 value "help screen". 03 line + 1 column 34 value "-----------". 03 line 4 value "escape" highlight. 03 value " leave this program.". 03 line 6 column 1 value "f1 or /h" highlight. 03 value " obtains this screen.". 03 line 8 column 1 value "use cursor keys to move around ". 03 value "the fields on the screen". 03 value "enter will". 03 line + 1 column 1 value "accept the data ". 03 value " present new blank form to fill in.". 03 line 24 column 25 value "press any key to continue ...". ************************************************** * Procedure Division. ************************************************** procedure division. entry-point section. * First we want to ensure that the keys are enabled as we want * them. Enable the Escape and F1 keys. call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs enable-esc-and-f1 * disable every other user function key. call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs disable-all-other-user-keys * set up "/" key to act as a function key and terminate * the ACCEPT operation. call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs enable-slash-key * Now ensure that the cursor position will be returned when an * ACCEPT is terminated. Setting to row 1, column 1 will ensure * that the cursor will be initially positioned at the start of * the first field. move 1 to cursor-row move 1 to cursor-column * Loop until the Escape key is pressed. perform until exit-flag = 1 display main-screen accept main-screen evaluate key-type when "0" * The ACCEPT operation terminated normally; that is the Enter key * was pressed. In this case, we simply blank out the work areas * and restart in the first field. initialize work-areas move 1 to cursor-row move 1 to cursor-column when "1" * A user function key has been pressed. This will either be * Escape or F1 as all others have been disabled. if key-code-1 = 0 * Escape has been pressed, so we wish to leave the program. move 1 to exit-flag else * F1 has been pressed so display the help screen. perform display-help-screen end-if when "3" * A data key has terminated the ACCEPT operation. It must be "/" * as no other keys have been enabled to do this. Now get the * next character to see if "H" or "h" has been pressed. call x"AF" using get-single-character key-status if key-type = "3" and (key-code-1-x = "h" or key-code-1-x = "H") perform display-help-screen end-if end-evaluate end-perform stop run. display-help-screen section. * Display the help screen and then wait for a key to be pressed. display help-screen call x"AF" using get-single-character key-status.
The following code changes the action of the Backspace key (key number 14) to simply move the cursor to the left (function 3), and changes the Tab key (key number 8) to perform theTab function (function 8):
* Change mapping of Backspace key move 14 to adis-key-number move 3 to adis-mapping-byte call x"AF" using set-map-byte adis-key-mapping * Change mapping of the tab key move 8 to adis-key-number move 8 to adis-mapping-byte call x"AF" using set-map-byte adis-key-mapping
The following is an example of configuring the enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY syntax to terminate an ACCEPT operation.
accept data-item at 0101 if key-type="0" if key-code-1=48 display "Terminated by return key" else display "Terminated by auto-skip last field" end-if end-if.
The following code sets up Tab and Backtab to act as function keys and the Ü and Þ keys to act as function keys if they cause the cursor to leave the field.
* Set up Tab (key 8) and Backtab (Key 9) to act as function keys move 1 to adis-key-setting move 8 to first-adis-key move 2 to number-of-adis-keys call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs adis-key-control * Set up cursor-left (key 3) and cursor-right (key 4) to act as * function keys ONLY if they cause the cursor to leave the field. move 3 to adis-key-setting move 3 to first-adis-key move 2 to number-of-adis-keys call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs adis-key-control accept data-item at 0101 if key-type="2" evaluate key-code-1 when 3 display "cursor-left caused the cursor to - "leave the field" when 4 display "cursor right caused the cursor to - "leave the field" when 8 display "the tab key was pressed" when 9 display "the back tab key was pressed" end-evaluate end-if.
* Set up the characters "A" through "Z" to terminate the * ACCEPT operation move 1 to data-key-setting move "A" to first-data-key move 26 to number-of-data-keys call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs data-key-control accept data-item at 0101 if key-type="3" evaluate key-code-1 when 65 display "A pressed" when 66 display "B pressed" when 90 display "Z pressed" end-evaluate end-if.
The following code detects which function key is pressed, assuming that the only enabled function keys are Escape,F1 and F10:
accept data-item at 0101 if key-type="1" evaluate key-code-1 when 0 display "escape was pressed" when 1 display "F1 was pressed" when 10 display "F10 was pressed" end-evaluate end-if.
The following is an example of how to write programs that make use of function keys. It assumes that Escape is available, but any other function key can be selected either by pressing the function key or by pressing a slash (/) followed by the first letter of the option.
$set ans85 ************************************************** * This program assumes that the default * configuration has been selected using Adiscf. *************************************************** special-names. cursor is cursor-position crt status is key-status. data division. working-storage section. ************************************************** * Parameters to be used for the x"AF" calls. ************************************************** 01 set-bit-pairs pic 9(2) comp-x value 1. 01 get-single-character pic 9(2) comp-x value 26. 01 enable-esc-and-f1. 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 1. 03 filler pic x value "1". 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 0. 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 2. 01 disable-all-other-user-keys. 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 0. 03 filler pic x value "1". 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 2. 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 126. 01 enable-slash-key. 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 1. 03 filler pic x value "3". 03 filler pic x value "/". 03 filler pic 9(2) comp-x value 1. ************************************************** * Status returned after termination of an ACCEPT. ************************************************** 01 key-status. 03 key-type pic x. 03 key-code-1 pic 9(2) comp-x. 03 key-code-1-x redefines key-code-1 pic x. 03 key-code-2 pic 9(2) comp-x. ************************************************** * Cursor-Position is returned by Adis containing * the position of the cursor when the ACCEPT was * terminated. *************************************************** 01 cursor-position. 03 cursor-row pic 99. 03 cursor-column pic 99. ************************************************** * Work areas used by the program. ************************************************** 01 work-areas. 03 wa-name pic x(30). 03 wa-address-line-1 pic x(40). 03 wa-address-line-2 pic x(40). 03 wa-address-line-3 pic x(40). 03 wa-address-line-4 pic x(40). 03 wa-age pic 999 value 0. 01 exit-flag pic 9(2) comp-x value 0. ************************************************** * Screen Section. ************************************************** screen section. 01 main-screen. 03 blank screen. 03 line 2 column 27 value "Typical Data Entry Screen". 03 line 3 column 27 value "-------------------------". 03 line 5 column 1 value "name [". 03 pic x(30) using wa-name highlightprompt " ". 03 value "]". 03 line 7 column 1 value "address [". 03 pic x(40) using wa-address-line-1 highlight prompt " ". 03 value "]". 03 line 8 column 1 value " [". 03 pic x(40) using wa-address-line-2 highlight prompt " ". 03 value "]". 03 line 9 column 1 value " [". 03 pic x(40) using wa-address-line-3 highlight prompt " ". 03 value "]". 03 line 10 column 1 value " [". 03 pic x(40) using wa-address-line-4 highlight prompt " ". 03 value "]". 03 line 12 column 1 value "age [". 03 pic zz9 using wa-age highlight prompt " ". 03 value "]". 03 line 20 column 1 value "------------------------------------ - "----------------------------------------". 03 line 21 column 1 value "f1" highlight. 03 value "=/help". 03 column 75 value "esc" highlight. 03 value "ape". 01 help-screen. 03 blank screen. 03 line 1 column 34 value "help screen". 03 line + 1 column 34 value "-----------". 03 line 4 value "escape" highlight. 03 value " leave this program.". 03 line 6 column 1 value "f1 or /h" highlight. 03 value " obtains this screen.". 03 line 8 column 1 value "use cursor keys to move around ". 03 value "the fields on the screen". 03 value "enter will". 03 line + 1 column 1 value "accept the data ". 03 value " present new blank form to fill in.". 03 line 24 column 25 value "press any key to continue ...". ************************************************** * Procedure Division. ************************************************** procedure division. entry-point section. * First we want to ensure that the keys are enabled as we want * them. Enable the Escape and F1 keys. call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs enable-esc-and-f1 * disable every other user function key. call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs disable-all-other-user-keys * set up "/" key to act as a function key and terminate * the ACCEPT operation. call x"AF" using set-bit-pairs enable-slash-key * Now ensure that the cursor position will be returned when an * ACCEPT is terminated. Setting to row 1, column 1 will ensure * that the cursor will be initially positioned at the start of * the first field. move 1 to cursor-row move 1 to cursor-column * Loop until the Escape key is pressed. perform until exit-flag = 1 display main-screen accept main-screen evaluate key-type when "0" * The ACCEPT operation terminated normally; that is the Enter key * was pressed. In this case, we simply blank out the work areas * and restart in the first field. initialize work-areas move 1 to cursor-row move 1 to cursor-column when "1" * A user function key has been pressed. This will either be * Escape or F1 as all others have been disabled. if key-code-1 = 0 * Escape has been pressed, so we wish to leave the program. move 1 to exit-flag else * F1 has been pressed so display the help screen. perform display-help-screen end-if when "3" * A data key has terminated the ACCEPT operation. It must be "/" * as no other keys have been enabled to do this. Now get the * next character to see if "H" or "h" has been pressed. call x"AF" using get-single-character key-status if key-type = "3" and (key-code-1-x = "h" or key-code-1-x = "H") perform display-help-screen end-if end-evaluate end-perform stop run. display-help-screen section. * Display the help screen and then wait for a key to be pressed. display help-screen call x"AF" using get-single-character key-status.
Copyright © 2000 MERANT International Limited. All rights reserved.
This document and the proprietary marks and names
used herein are protected by international law.