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Chapter 6: Dynamic SQL

If everything is known about a SQL statement when the application is compiled, it is known as a static SQL statement.

In some cases, however, the full text of a SQL statement may not be known when an application is written. For example, you may need to allow the end-user of the application to enter a SQL statement. In this case, the statement needs to be constructed at run-time. This is called a dynamic SQL statement.

6.1 Dynamic SQL Statement Types

There are four types of dynamic SQL statement:

Dynamic SQL Statement Type
Perform Queries?
Return Data?
Execute a statement once No No; can only return success or failure
Execute the same statement more than once No No; can only return success or failure
Select a given list of data with a given set of selection criteria Yes Yes
Select any amount of data with any selection criteria Yes Yes

These types of dynamic SQL statement are described more fully below.

6.1.1 Execute a Statement Once

With this type of dynamic SQL statement, the SQL statement is executed immediately. Each time the statement is executed, it is re-parsed.

6.1.2 Execute the Same Statement More than Once

This type of dynamic SQL statement is either a statement that can be executed more than once or a statement that requires host variables. For the second type, the statement has to be prepared before it can be executed.

6.1.3 Select a Given List of Data

This type of dynamic SQL statement is a SELECT statement where the number of, and type of host variables is known. The normal sequence of SQL statements is:

  1. Prepare the statement
  2. Declare a cursor to hold the results
  3. Open the cursor
  4. Fetch the variables
  5. Close the cursor.

6.1.4 Select any Amount of Data

This type of dynamic SQL statement, and the hardest to code, is where the type of the variables is only resolved at run-time, the number of variables is only resolved at run-time, or a mixture of both. The normal sequence of SQL statements is:

  1. Prepare the statement
  2. Declare a cursor for the statement
  3. Describe the variables to be used
  4. Open the cursor using the variables just described
  5. Describe the variables to be fetched
  6. Fetch the variables using their descriptions
  7. Close the cursor.

If either the input host variables, or the output host variables are known (at compile time), then the OPEN or FETCH can name the host variables and they do not need to be described.

6.2 Preparing Dynamic SQL Statements

The PREPARE statement takes a character string containing a dynamic SQL statement and associates a name with the statement, for example:

move "INSERT INTO publishers VALUES (?,?,?,?)" to stmtbuf
   PREPARE stmt1 FROM :stmtbuf

Dynamic SQL statements can contain parameter markers - question marks (?) that act as a place holder for a value. In the example above, the values to be substituted for the question marks must be supplied when the statement is executed.

Once you have prepared a statement, you can use it in one of two ways:

Oracle does not use question marks as place holders. It uses the host variable notation. By convention the place holders are named Vn, where n is a number to make the place holder unique within a statement. For readability the same place holder can be used more than once, but when the statement is executed (or opened if you are using a cursor), there must still be one host variable for each place holder, for example:

string "update ordtab " delimited by size
          "set order_no = :v1, "
              "line_no = :v2, "
              "cust_code = :v3, "
              "part_no = :v4, "
              "part_name = :v5, "
              "order_val = :v6, "
              "pay_value = :v7 "
          "where order_no = :v1 and "
              "line_no = :v2 and "
              "cust_code = :v3 " delimited by size
        into Updt-Ord-Stmt-Arr
move 190                       to Updt-Ord-Stmt-Len


         :dcl-order-no, :dcl-line-no, :dcl-cust-code,
         :dcl-part-no,  :dcl-part-name:ind-part-name,
         :dcl-order-no, :dcl-line-no, :dcl-cust-code

where Updt-Ord-Stmt has been defined as a host variable type of VARYING.

When using the Oracle precompiler, the physical location of a PREPARE statement is important. A PREPARE statement must appear before an EXECUTE or a DECLARE statement.

6.3 Executing Dynamic SQL Statements

The EXECUTE statement runs a specified prepared SQL statement.

Note: Only statements that do not return results can be executed in this way.

If the prepared statement contains parameter markers, the EXECUTE statement must include either the using :hvar option to supply parameter values using host variables or the using descriptor :sqlda_struct option identifying an SQLDA data structure already populated by the application. The number of parameter markers in the prepared statement must match the number of SQLDATA entries (using descriptor :sqlda) or host variables (using :hvar).

move "INSERT INTO publishers VALUES (?,?,?,?)" to stmtbuf
   PREPARE stmt1 FROM :stmtbuf
   EXECUTE stmt1 USING :pubid,:pubname,:city,:state

In this example, the four parameter markers are replaced by the contents of the host variables supplied via the USING clause in the EXECUTE statement.

6.3.1 Execute Immediate

If the dynamic SQL statement does not contain any parameter markers, you can use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE instead of PREPARE followed by EXECUTE, for example:

move "DELETE FROM emp WHERE last_name = 'Smith'" to stmtbuf

When using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, the statement is re-parsed each time it is executed. If a statement is likely to be used many times it is better to PREPARE the statement and then EXECUTE it when required.

6.3.2 FREE Statement (COBSQL Informix)

The Informix precompiler provides a FREE statement that will release resources that are allocated to a prepared statement or to a cursor.

Once you have finished with a prepared statement, you would then use the FREE statement, for example:

move "INSERT INTO publishers VALUES (?,?,?,?)" to stmtbuf
  PREPARE stmt1 FROM :stmtbuf
  EXECUTE stmt1 USING :pubid,:pubname,:city,:state
  FREE stmt1

6.4 Dynamic SQL Statements and Cursors

If a dynamic SQL statement returns a result, you cannot use the EXECUTE statement. Instead, you must declare and use a cursor.

First, declare the cursor using the DECLARE CURSOR statement:

   DECLARE C1 CURSOR FOR dynamic_sql

In the example above, dynamic_sql is the name of a dynamic SQL statement. You must use the PREPARE statement to prepare the dynamic SQL statement before the cursor can be opened, for example:

move "SELECT char_col FROM mfesqltest WHERE int_col = ?" to sql-text
   PREPARE dynamic_sql FROM :sql-text

Now, when the OPEN statement is used to open the cursor, the prepared statement is executed:

   OPEN C1 USING :int-col

If the prepared statement uses parameter markers, then the OPEN statement must supply values for those parameters by specifying either host variables or an SQLDA structure.

Once the cursor has been opened, the FETCH statement can be used to retrieve data, for example:

   FETCH C1 INTO :char-col

See the chapter Cursors for a full discussion of the FETCH statement.

Finally, the cursor is closed using the CLOSE statement:


See the chapter Cursors for a full discussion of the CLOSE statement.

6.5 CALL Statements

A CALL statement can be prepared and executed as dynamic SQL.

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