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Chapter 5: OLE Data Types

OLE automation defines a set of data types for communication between OLE clients and servers. This chapter explains how COBOL data types are mapped on to OLE data types.

5.1 Overview

OLE automation defines its own data types for passing data from one OLE object to another. Object COBOL converts automatically between COBOL data types and OLE data types when sending or receiving OLE messages, as shown in the diagram below:

Figure 5-1: Passing data through OLE automation

Object COBOL OLE automation provides support for the following types of data:

OLE SafeArrays and OLE Variants are complex data types which are passed into Object COBOL as instances of Object COBOL classes OLESafeArray and OLEVariant. The other data types are converted directly into equivalent COBOL data types.

The following sections explain:

5.2 OLE Data Type Coercion Rules

When you send COBOL data to OLE objects, it is coerced into appropriate OLE data types. Similarly, when a COBOL program receives data from an OLE object, it is coerced to a COBOL type. The table below defines the conversions which happen when data is passed to or from an Object COBOL program through OLE automation:

OLE data type
COBOL data type
2 byte integer
4 byte integer
VT_DISPATCH OBJECT REFERENCE - instance of OLEBase (it is the receiving program's responsibility to finalize the object reference when it is no longer needed) OLE object handle. See the section Object References.
VT_R4 COMP-1 4 byte floating point
VT_R8 COMP-2 8 byte floating point
VT_DATE COMP-2 Binary format date - see Microsoft OLE documentation for details.
VT_CY COMP-3 Currency.
VT_BOOL pic x(2) comp-5 Boolean value

The OLE data type for a SafeArray is VT_ARRAY ORed with VT_datatype, where VT_datatype is any of the data types supported by SafeArray.

OBJECT REFERENCE - Instance of OLESafeArray n-dimensional fixed size array. See the section SafeArrays.
VT_VARIANT passed into an Object COBOL method OBJECT REFERENCE - Instance of OLEVariant Variant data. Contains type information as well as data. A Variant can contain any one of the other data types in this table. See the section Variant.


This only applies to variants passed to a method when it is invoked. An invoked method cannot return a VT_VARIANT.

Converted to one of the following, depending on the contents of the Variant:
  • IDispatch
  • SafeArray
  • BSTR
OBJECT REFERENCE - Instance of OLEVariant returned from an Object COBOL method This applies when an Object COBOL method invoked through OLE automation attempts to return an instance of OLEVariant. The contents of the variant data type are returned instead.
VT_BSTR PIC X(n) or as an instance of CharacterArray

The run-time system converts automatically using one of these two types depending on whether the COBOL data item being used is declared as PIC X(n) or OBJECT REFERENCE.

Length prefixed string

OLE automation uses a numeric code to identify each of these different data types - for example, to store type information in the VARIANT data type. These numeric codes are all defined as level-78 data items in copyfile mfole.cpy. You can find this copyfile in directory \Program Files\MERANT\Net Express\base\source\.

5.3 Object References

Whenever an Object COBOL program is passed an OLE object, the run-time system converts the OLE handle (a VT_DISPATCH) into an proxy Object COBOL handle (an OBJECT REFERENCE). The proxy object is an instance of OLEbase.You can use the Object COBOL handle to send messages to the OLE object, or pass the handle to another OLE object as a parameter.

Figure 5-2: Conversion of VT_DISPATCH to a proxy reference

When you send an object handle to another OLE object the run-time system attempts to convert it according to the following rules:

You can find out the class of an object handle by sending the "getClass" message to olesup. The result returned is the object handle of the class; you can find out what class that is by comparing it to the class names you have declared in the Class-Control paragraph of your program. For example:

      CharacterArray is class "chararry" 
      olesup is class "olesup"
      SafeArray is class "olesafea"
      OLEVariant is class "olevar" 
 working-storage section.
    01 anObject               object reference.  
    01 aClass                 object reference.
  procedure division. 
      invoke olesup "getClass" using by value anObject
                               returning aClass
      if aClass = CharacterArray
          display "a CharacterArray"
          if aClass = olebase
              display "An OLE object"
              if aClass = SafeArray
                  display "a SafeArray"
                  if aClass = OLEVariant
                     display "a Variant"
                      display "Not supported by OLE automation"

5.4 Variant

An OLE Variant is an OLE data type which wraps up a piece of data, together with information about the type of the data. Variants have many uses in OLE programming, for example:

Figure 5-3: An OLE Variant wraps up type information and data

Copyfile mfole.cpy defines a new COBOL data type, VARIANT, which defines a data structure for holding OLE Variants. This copyfile also defines a set of level-78 data items, defining the values which correspond to the different data types a VARIANT can hold. The following example code checks the VARIANT-vartype field of a VARIANT data item, and compares it to level-78 data items from mfole.cpy to find out if the variant contains an integer or a string.

 working-storage section.
 01 aVariant         usage VARIANT. 
 01 vtype            pic x(2) comp-5. 
 procedure division.
*> VARIANT-vartype is a field of VARIANT data items containing
*> type information
     move VARIANT-vartype of aVariant to vType
     evaluate vType
        when VT-I2
            display "2-byte integer"
        when VT-I4
             display "4-byte integer"
        when VT-BSTR
             display "String"
        when other
             display "some other type"

Object COBOL OLE automation support provides an OLEVariant class to enable you to receive and pass VARIANT data. The OLEVariant class has methods for accessing VARIANT data which contain strings or object references as native Object COBOL data types. To handle other types of VARIANT data, you need to declare your own VARIANT data item, and read the data from the OLEVariant object into the data item.

You might be wondering why an OLEVariant class is needed when you can represent the structure of a VARIANT data item directly in COBOL, using the VARIANT type definition provided in mfole.cpy. The reason is that OLE Automation uses a set of Windows API functions to allocate, manipulate and deallocate VARIANTs, and that the OLEVariant class provides a simple interface from COBOL to these functions.

The following sections explain how you use the OLEVariant class:

They list some, but not all, of the methods in the OLEVariant class. For the full list of OLEVariant methods, see the OLE Automation Class Library in the Net Express help. Click Help on the Net Express Help Topics menu, then click Reference, OO Class Library, on the Contents tab, then click the shortcut button for the Class Library Reference.

The project, in folder "Net Express\Base\Demo\Oledemos\Objects", demonstrates the use of Variants, SafeArrays and other objects. The readme file (readme.txt) in that folder describes how to run the sample program.

Note: Full documentation on the OLE VARIANT data type is in the OLE Programmer's Reference, part of the Win 32 SDK Help. The Win 32 SDK is supplied with Net Express.

5.4.1 Before Using the OleVariant Class

Any Object COBOL class which is going to use OleVariants must declare Object COBOL class OleVariant in the Class-Control paragraph, and copy mfole.cpy into Working-Storage:

class-control.       ...      class OleVariant is class "olevar".

 working-storage section. 
 copy "mfole.cpy". 

Copyfile mfole.cpy contains COBOL type definitions for data structures you need when working with OLEVariant.

5.4.2 Creating an OLEVariant Instance

The way you initialize the data in an OLEVariant instance depends on the type of data you are storing. You can put numeric data directly into a VARIANT data item, and use that to initialize an OLEVariant instance. Strings are stored as OLE BSTRINGS, which are created using a Windows API call, and OLE Objects must be stored using their VT_DISPATCH reference, not the Object COBOL proxy reference available to an Object COBOL program. The OLEVariant class provides methods which create the BSTRING for you, and which automatically map a proxy reference back to its VT_DISPATCH before storing it.

Figure 5-4: Windows Variants for strings and objects

There are two alternative methods for creating OLEVariant objects, depending on whether you are creating a OLEVariant to hold either a string or an OLE object, or an OLEVariant to hold one of the other variant data types.

To create an OLEVariant instance to hold a string or OLEVariant object:

  1. Include copyfile mfole.cpy in the Working-Storage Section of your program.

  2. Send the "new" message to the OLEVariant class, which returns you an unitialized OLEVariant instance.

  3. Send the "setString", "setChararry", or "setOLEObject" message to the instance, depending on whether you want to store a string held in a PIC X(n), a string held in an Object COBOL CharacterArray, or an OLE Object.

To create an OLEVariant instance to hold any type of data:

  1. Include copyfile mfole.cpy in the Working-Storage Section of your program.

  2. Declare and initialize a VARIANT data item:
    1. Move a data type identifier to the VARIANT-VARTYPE field of the VARIANT data item to the type of data you want to hold. The data type identifiers are defined as level-78s in mfole.cpy and all have the prefix "VT-".

    2. Move the data to the appropriate field of the VARIANT data item. VARIANT data fields have names like VARIANT-VT-I2 - see the type definition of VARIANT in copyfile mfole.cpy for the full list. For some data types, such as VARIANT-VT-BSTR, the data you store is a pointer to a data structure.

  3. Send the "newWithData" message to the OLEVariant class, passing your VARIANT data item as a parameter.

The following example shows the creation of two OLEVariants, one to store strings, and the other to store four-byte integers:

 working-storage section.
 copy "mfole.cpy".
 01 aCharArray           object reference.  
 01 aVariantinstance     object reference. 
 01 variantinstance1     object reference. 
 01 variantinstance2     object reference. 
 01 vType                pic 9(4) comp-5. 
 01 strLength            pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 winStatus            pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 aNumber              pic s9(9) comp-5. 
 01 aString              pic x(12) value "I'm a string". 
 01 vData2               VARIANT. 
 01 vDataDisplay         VARIANT. 
 procedure division. 
*>---Create an OLEVariant instance and store a string in it.
*>   First, create an empty variant instance 
     invoke OLEVariant "new" returning variantInstance1 
*>---Set the string data. 
     move length of aString to strLength 
     invoke variantInstance1 "setString" using 
                                         by value strLength               
                                     by reference aString 
                                        returning winStatus 
*>---Create an OLEVariant instance and store a 4-byte integer. 
     move vt-I4 to variant-vartype of vData2 
     move 99 to variant-vt-i4 of vData2 
     invoke OLEVariant "newWithData" using vData2 
                                 returning variantInstance2 

5.4.3 Reading Data from an OLEVariant

To read data from an OLEVariant instance:

  1. Declare a data item of type VARIANT for retrieving information from the instance.

  2. Send the "getVariant" message to the OLEVariant instance to get a copy of the VARIANT structure contained in the OLEVariant instance.

  3. Test the VARIANT-VARTYPE field to find out what the data type is.

  4. If the data type is an OLE BSTRING you must retrieve it as a COBOL PIC X(n) or CharacterArray using the "getString" or "getCharArray" methods. If the data type is an OLE VT_DISPATCH (object reference), retrieve a proxy COBOL object reference using the "getOLEObject" method.

    For any other data-type, you can read the data directly from the appropriate field in the VARIANT data item.

An alternative method for getting the type is to use send the "getType" message to the OLEVariant instance. See the OLE Automation Class Library Reference in the online help for more information.

The following example code shows you how to read data from a VARIANT data item:

 working-storage section. 
 copy "mfole.cpy". 
 01 aCharArray           object reference. 
 01 aVariantinstance     object reference. 
 01 strLength            pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 winStatus            pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 aNumber              pic s9(9) comp-5. 
 01 vDataDisplay         VARIANT.  
 procedure division. 
     evaluate variant-vartype of vDataDisplay *> What data-type? 
         when vt-bstr *> These constants are declared in MFOLE.CPY 
             invoke aVariantInstance "getCharArray"
                                   using aCharArray 
                               returning winStatus  
             invoke aCharArray "display" 
         when vt-I2 
             move variant-vt-i2 of vDataDisplay to aNumber 
             display aNumber
         when vt-I4 
             move variant-vt-i4 of vDataDisplay to aNumber  
             display aNumber 
         when other
             display "Not a string or two or four-byte integer"

5.5 SafeArrays

An OLE SafeArray is a fixed n-dimension array which can safely be passed across process boundaries. OLE provides an API for manipulating SafeArrays, which enables you to create them, destroy them, and manipulate the data which they contain. You can manipulate SafeArrays from Object COBOL, through the OleSafeArray class, which is provided as part of Object COBOL OLE automation support.

The index of the first element position in a given dimension is given by that dimension's lower-bound. The lower-bound of a dimension can be defined as any arbitrary integer value when the SafeArray is defined. For example, the diagram below illustrates a two-dimensional SafeArray, of 6 by 7 elements. If the lower-bound of dimensions 1 and 2 is set as zero, the address of the red-colored cell is 2, 1. If the lower-bound of dimensions 1 and 2 is set as one, the address of the red-colored cell is 3, 2.

Figure 5-5: A two-dimensional SafeArray

The following sections explain how you can create SafeArrays to pass data to OLE Objects, and interrogate SafeArrays which are passed to your programs:

This chapter does not list all of the methods in the OLESafeArray class. For the full list of OLESafeArray methods, see the OLE Automation Class Library in the Net Express help. Click Help on the Net Express Help Topics menu, then click Reference, OO Class Library, on the Contents tab, then click the shortcut button for the Class Library Reference.

The project, in folder "Net Express\Base\Demo\Oledemos\Objects", demonstrates the use of Variants, SafeArrays and other objects. The readme file (readme.txt) in that folder describes how to run the sample program.

5.5.1 Before Using SafeArrays

Any Object COBOL class which is going to use SafeArrays must declare Object COBOL class OleSafeArray in the Class-Control paragraph, and copy olesafea.cpy into Working-Storage:

     class OleSafeArray is class "olesafea".

 working-storage section. 
 copy "olesafea.cpy". 

5.5.2 Creating a SafeArray

Before creating a SafeArray, you need to set up the following information:

To create a SafeArray:

invoke OleSafeArray "new" using by value vType   
                         by value dimensions 
                     by reference saBounds(1) 
                        returning aSafeArray

where the parameters are:

COBOL Data type
dimensions pic x(4) comp-5 The number of dimensions of the SafeArray
saBounds SAFEARRAYBOUND occurs n. Where n is the number of dimensions in the SafeArray (the value of dimensions).

Data items of type SAFEARRAYBOUND have two elements:

llBounds and cElements, enabling you to set the lower-bound of the dimension and the number of elements in the dimension.

vType PIC X(4) COMP-5 Set to the type of data you want to store in the SafeArray.

The differerent OLE data types are defined as level-78s in copyfile olesafea.cpy.

The following example sets up a 2-dimensional SafeArray, of 3 by 2 elements.

 program-id. tplolec.
 object section.
     OleSafeArray is class "olesafea" 
 working-storage section.
 copy "mfole.cpy".
 copy "olesafea.cpy".
 01 saBound              SAFEARRAYBOUND occurs 2.
 01 intSafeArray         object reference. 
 01 varType              pic 9(4) comp-5.
 01 dimensions           pic x(4) comp-5.
 procedure division. 
*>---Set up the data type as a 4-byte integer. VT-I4
*>   is the OLE data type for an integer, defined in
*>   MFOLE.CPY. 
     move VT-I4 to varType 
*>---Set the array up as 2-dimensional
     move 2 to dimensions
*>---Define this as a 3 by 2 array,with lower bounds 
*>   of 0. (The lower bound is the index of the first 
*>   element in a dimension)
     move 3 to cElements of saBound(1) *>cElements is 
                                       *>a subitem of                     
                                       *>type SAFEARRAY,
                                       *>for setting
                                       *>dimension size
     move 0 to llBound of saBound(1)   *>llBound is
                                       *>a subitem of
                                       *>type SAFEARRAY,
                                       *>for setting
                                       *> lower bounds
     move 2 to cElements of saBound(2)
     move 0 to llBound of saBound(2)
     invoke OleSafeArray "new" using
                           by value varType
                           by value dimensions
                           by reference saBound(1)
                           returning intSafeArray

5.5.3 Getting Information About a SafeArray

You can interrogate a OleSafeArray instance representing a SafeArray to find out the following information:

All data is returned in PIC X(4) COMP-5. You need this information whenever you need to handle a SafeArray of unknown size passed to your program from somewhere else.

The following example code shows a SafeArray being interrogated for the number of dimensions, and the size of the first dimension.

 working-storage section.
 01 dimensions           pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 dimensionSize        pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 intSafeArray         object reference. 
 01 lBound               pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 uBound               pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 hResult              pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 varType              pic x(4) comp-5. 
 procedure division.      
*>---Get the number of dimensions of the array
      invoke intSafeArray "getDim" returning dimensions
      move 1 to dimensions
*>---hResult is the Windows status code returned when the 
*>   SafeArray is queried. Zero indicates success, non-zero 
*>   indicates failure. Error codes are defined in copyfile 
*>   MFOLE.CPY, as level-78 data items.
     invoke intSafeArray "getLBound" using by value dimensions                                                     by reference lBound
                                          returning hResult
     invoke intSafeArray "getUBound" using by value dimensions
                                       by reference uBound
                                          returning hResult 
*>---Calculate the dimension size
     subtract lBound from uBound
     add 1 to uBound giving dimensionSize 
*>---Find out the type of data in the array
     invoke intSafeArray "getVarType" returning varType

5.5.4 Reading and Writing SafeArray Elements

The OLESafeArray class provides different methods for reading and writing individual elements depending on the type of data stored:

All these methods look very similar, requiring you to pass in a table of indices to specify the individual element you want, a data item for the actual data (a POINTER in the case of the "getElement" and "putElement" methods) and return an error-code. The methods for accessing strings also require you to pass a PIC X(4) COMP-5 data item BY VALUE for the string length.

The following example shows code to store numeric data in a 3 by 2 SafeArray using the "putElement" method, and to retrieve strings from a SafeArray of type VT_BSTR using "getCharArray":

 working-storage section. 
 copy "olesafea.cpy".  
 01 saBound              SAFEARRAYBOUND occurs 2. 
 01 intSafeArray         object reference. 
 01 strSafeArray         object reference. 
 01 iIndex               pic x(4) comp-5 occurs 2. 
 01 hIndex               pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 vIndex               pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 iValue               pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 hResult              pic x(4) comp-5. 
 01 theData              POINTER. 
 procedure division. 
     move 9 to iValue 
     move 10 to strLength
     set theData to address of iValue *> "putElement" reads data
                                      *> from an address pointer
     perform varying hIndex from 0 by 1 until hIndex = 3 
         perform varying vIndex from 0 by 1 until vIndex = 2 
             move hIndex to iIndex(1) 
             move vIndex to iIndex(2) 
             invoke intSafeArray "putElement" using iIndex(1) 
                                           by value theData
                                          returning hResult 
             subtract 1 from iValue 
     perform varying hIndex from 0 by 1 until hIndex = 3
        perform varying vIndex from 0 by 1 until vIndex = 2
           move hIndex to iIndex(1)
           move vIndex to iIndex(2)
           invoke strSafeArray "getCharArray" using iIndex(1)
                                       returning hResult
           invoke aCharArray "display"
        display " "

5.5.5 Direct Access to SafeArray Data

You can get direct access to the memory holding the data structure for the Windows SafeArray wrapped by an instance of OLESafeArray. Only do this if you are familiar with the internal structure of SafeArrays.

To get direct access:

See the OLE Automation Class Library Reference for details of the methods "accessData" and "unAccessData". Click Help on the Net Express Help Topics menu, then click Reference, OO Class Library, on the Contents tab, then click the shortcut button for the Class Library Reference. On the Class Library Reference window, click the Index tab and look up OLESafeArray class.

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This document and the proprietary marks and names used herein are protected by international law.

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