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This chapter discusses the compatibility between the UNIX Option provided on Net Express Version 3, and that provided on Net Express Version 2. In the following sections the phrase "old UNIX Option" refers to the UNIX Option provided on Net Express V2.0; the phrase "new UNIX Option" refers to the UNIX Option provided on Net Express V3.0
The UNIX Option settings are stored in the Net Express project file. The format in which these settings are stored has been updated for Net Express V3.0. Except in the case of file mapings, the old UNIX Option settings are automatically converted to the format for the new UNIX Option, and default values assigned, whenever changes are made to the UNIX Option settings.
The old UNIX Option had no concept of filetypes and transferred everything as binary. Therefore, when an old filemap is loaded all files are assigned a binary type rather than the normal new UNIX Option default of text.
The old UNIX Option did not separate the saved data into server-specific and project specific-sections. This has the following impacts.
The last publish time defined by the old UNIX Option is ignored by the new UNIX Option.
CGI support was defined on a server-by-server basis in the old UNIX Option. It is defined on a project basis in the new UNIX Option. The first server loaded from the old UNIX Option server enables or disables the CGI support flag.
In the old UNIX Option:
The new UNIX Option does not allow filename mapping to be disabled. All filename mapping information is project wide. The server used as the default in the old UNIX Option is used to determine whether filename mapping is enabled or disabled when the project file is first loaded. If filename mapping is enabled, the existing filename mapping information is used. If it is disabled, the filename map is populated with file system information.
The client/server protocol used by the old UNIX Option has been updated for the new UNIX Option. This includes both functionality enhancements and significant performance improvements. The protocol stream includes version checking which enables newer components on one platform to inter-operate with older components on another.
If you have a Net Express V2.0 client publishing to a server that has a new Net Express V3.0 SCP program installed, there are no compatibility problems.
If you have a Net Express V3.0 client publishing to a server that has an old Net Express V2.0 SCP program installed, you should be aware of the following limitations:
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