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Chapter 5: Converting an RM/COBOL Application

To successfully transfer your source programs and their associated data files from an RM/COBOL to this environment, you must be familiar with:

5.1 Migrating from the RM/COBOL Environment

We advise that you carry out the following steps to ensure successful migration from the RM/COBOL environment to this COBOL environment:

  1. Transfer all your source programs and their associated data files to the target machine.

  2. If your source programs contain any TAB characters, run the tabx program to expand them into a form that is acceptable to this COBOL system. See the section The Tabx Program later in this chapter for details.

  3. If you wish to submit your source programs to this COBOL system in batch mode, you must create a command file containing the commands needed to do this. See your operating system documentation for details of the format of the command file. See your Object COBOL User Guide for full details of the commands needed to submit your source programs to this COBOL system.

  4. Submit your source programs to this COBOL system. The command to do this is specific to your implementation. See your Object COBOL User Guide for full details.

  5. Investigate the cause of any problems you may experience when you submit your source programs to this COBOL system. The chapter RM/COBOL Conversion Problem Solving describes known problems which you may experience and gives hints on how you can recover if you receive them. Resubmit your corrected source programs to this COBOL system.

  6. Test any sections of your source programs which do not use data files. If you receive unexpected results see the chapter RM/COBOL Conversion Problem Solving for a description of known problems you may experience in executing your source programs, and hints on how to correct these. Alternatively, use the debugging tool, Animator, to isolate and correct any problems.

  7. Ensure the ACCEPT/DISPLAY module Adis is configured correctly. See your Programmer's Guide to Creating User Interfaces for details.

  8. Run Convert3 to convert any existing data files used by your source programs to a format that is acceptable to this COBOL system. See the chapters Converting RM/COBOL Data Files, Running Convert3 and Using the File Conversion Program for full details on how to use Convert3.

  9. Finish system testing.

  10. Archive your original data files to disk or tape.

If disk space on your system is limited you may not be able to have both the old and the new copies of all your data files present on your system at the same time. If this is the case, load and unload the data files gradually onto your system during the conversion process.

5.2 The Tabx Program

If your RM/COBOL source programs contain any TAB characters, you must run the tabx program before you can successfully submit them to this COBOL system. This is necessary because each COBOL system handles TAB characters differently. Under the RM/COBOL system the first TAB stop is at character position 8, while subsequent TAB stops are at four character intervals up to position 72. However, under this COBOL system, the first TAB stop is at character position 9, while subsequent TAB stops are at eight character intervals.

The tabx program expands any TAB characters in your RM/COBOL source programs to spaces. The resulting source code can be submitted successfully to either the RM/COBOL or this COBOL system.

To run tabx on UNIX, enter the following command line:

tabx [-options] input-filename [output-filename]

DOS and OS/2:
To run tabx on DOS and OS/2, enter the following command line:

tabx [/options] input-filename [output-filename]

where the parameters are:

options Can be any of the following:
v Sets verbose mode. Any messages are displayed upon your screen
l Parameters are read from the file specified as input-filename
t(tab-spec) Informs tabx of the positions at which TAB characters are set. For example -t (16-8, 64) assumes tab positions are initially at position 16, and then at eight character intervals up to column 64. By default this is set to -t (8-4, 72) which is suitable for RM/COBOL source programs.
input-filename The file containing the RM/COBOL source program
output-filename The file to which the source program output by tabx, is directed. If you do not specify output-filename, tabx directs its output to input-filename, so overwriting the original contents of input-filename

If you do not specify any parameters, tabx displays the required format of the parameters as above.

Examples :

tabx -v myfile.cbl

expands the TAB characters in the file myfile.cbl and outputs a new file,

tabx -l filelist

tabx treats each line of the file filelist as a command line.

tabx myfile.cbl

expands the TAB characters in the file myfile.cbl and overwrites myfile.cbl with the resulting source program.

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