![]() | Inheritance Tutorial (Windows & OS/2) | Exception Handling Tutorial (Windows & OS/2) | ![]() |
This tutorial is about using the collection classes. Collections are very useful in object-oriented programming. They are used to store groups of objects. You usually store objects of the same type in any particular collection, although you can also store objects of different types in a collection.
Object COBOL also enables you to store COBOL intrinsic data, which is not represented by objects, in collections. This is done by a mechanism which enables you to treat an item of intrinsic data, for example a PIC X(20), as though it were an object. You can't mix intrinsic data and objects inside a single collection, or mix different types of intrinsic data.
Finally, this tutorial covers dictionaries, which are another type of collection.
This tutorial consists of the following sessions:
Time to complete: 25 minutes.
The different types of collection in the Class Library can all be categorized by the following properties:
You can access any particular element in an indexed collection by giving its position. This is similar to using a conventional array or table. In non-indexed collections, elements are not stored in a defined order.
Automatically growable collections get bigger when you exceed the capacity for which you created the collection. A manually growable collection only gets bigger when you send it the "grow" message.
Some collections disallow duplicate elements; trying to add an element which has the same value as one already in the collection will cause an exception.
The different collection classes available are listed below, with their properties.
ValueSet and IdentitySet only differ in the way they determine duplicate elements. ValueSets compare the values of elements and disallow duplicate values; IdentitySets compare object references, and disallow storing the same object more than once.
Dictionary and IdentityDictionary are special types of collection which are dealt with in a later section of this tutorial. They determine duplicate keys in the same way that ValueSet and IdentitySet determine duplicate elements.
Next you will look at a simple COBOL program, coll0.cbl which illustrates some of the differences and similarities between the main types of collection. The program is not an Object COBOL class program, but procedural COBOL code which uses the Class Library collection objects.
>>To animate coll0.cbl
This starts the on-line tutorial Collections.
This starts Animator V2 and loads coll0.cbl.
This is a set of strings the program stores in different types of collection.
This syntax checks the programs and prepares it for execution. The
execution point starts at the statement below tag A001 (invoke
Array "ofReferences"...
). You can create any type of
collection, apart from a CharacterArray, as a collection of references
or a collection of values. A collection of references stores objects;
a collection of values stores COBOL intrinsic data, which is explained
later in this chapter.
You need to specify an initial size for all types of collection. In the case of an Array, you can't exceed the initial capacity of the collection unless you send it the "grow" message. Other types of collection will grow in size if you add more elements than initially specified.
However, growing collections can be an expensive operation at run-time, so you should still always try to pick an initial size which will reduce the number of times a collection needs to grow.
move 20 to i
Data item i
holds the length for the instances of
CharacterArray which will be created as elements for the different
types of collection.
invoke CharacterArray "withLengthValue"...
A CharacterArray is an object for storing strings. The "withLengthValue" message creates a new instance of CharacterArray and initializes it with some data.
invoke aBag "add"...
until the end-perform
With all the different collection types, except Array, you use the "add" message to add new elements. With the Array, which does not grow automatically, you use "atPut" which stores the element at the specified index position.
Although OrderedCollection is indexed, you can't use "atPut" until you have added elements to the collection. For example, once you have used "add" to add the first five elements, you can use "atPut" and an index between one and five to replace any of those elements. You can't do an "atPut" with an index greater than five until you have added more elements.
You can't ever use "atPut" to put an element in a SortedCollection. A SortedCollection uses the value of each element to determine its position in the collection.
4 to loopCount
), and select Run to cursor from the Execute
This completes execution of the perform loop without you needing to step through each statement in turn.
display " "
This retrieves the object reference to the fourth element in the Array instance. Sending the "display" message to the CharacterArray displays it on the screen. Its contents should be the word "banana".
invoke aBag "includes"...
Because a Bag is not indexed, you can't retrieve elements from it directly. Instead, you can query it to find out whether it has one or more occurrences of an object with a given value.
The "includes" message returns 1 if a Bag contains an object with a matching value and 0 if it doesn't. You can also examine the contents of unindexed collections (Bags and ValueSets) by using the iterator methods. These are covered later in this tutorial.
display " "
These test the result of the returned value and tell you whether or not the bag contained an object with a matching value.
invoke aBag "add"...
This adds the string to the Bag again. A Bag stores objects with duplicate values by recording the number of occurrences of each object with a different value.
invoke aBag "occurrencesOf"...
The "occurrencesOf" message returns the number of elements a collection has which match the specified object in value.
display " "
This displays the information that this Bag has two occurrences of the specified string.
invoke anArray "occurrencesOf"...
and A015 (display " "
This code demonstrates how the Array also responds to the "occurrencesOf" message. You can use "occurrencesOf" and "includes" on indexed collections as well as instances of Bag and ValueSet. This tells you whether or not the element exists, but not its position.
invoke aValueSet "add"...
Instances of ValueSet do not maintain duplicate elements. The ValueSet already contains an element with value "banana", so it will not be added a second time.
invoke aValueSet "occurrencesOf"...
This message always returns 1 or 0 for ValueSet instances.
display " "
This displays the result of the "occurrencesOf" message.
The statements below tag A016 (display "Collection
) display every string in the OrderedCollection
and SortedCollection in indexed order. The elements in the
OrderedCollection appear in the order in which they were added. The
elements in the SortedCollection appear sorted into ascending
alphabetical order. Ascending order is the default for a
At the end of this section, you may have some questions to ask:
Program coll0.cbl stores instances of CharacterArray in the collections it creates. An instance of a CharacterArray is a simple object, with an obvious single value (the string you store in it). But if you stored Account objects, like the ones used in the tutorial Inheritance in a collection, how would you determine the value? Would it be the name, the balance or the account number?
The answer is that the collection objects provide a framework within which objects stored as elements must work. When a collection needs to know whether two objects are equal, it sends one object the "equal" message, passing it the other as a parameter. It is then up to the object to interrogate the other element and decide whether they are equal or not.
The default sort method for the SortedCollection works in a similar way. The SortedCollection sends one element the "lessThanOrEqual" method and a second element as a parameter. The receiving element can then compare itself to the second element and return a result.
If you are writing your own objects to store in collections, you may need to implement these methods yourself, unless you are subclassing from a class like CharacterArray, which implements them for you. There is also a default "equal" method in Base which compares the object handles of two objects. This implementation of "equal" will only find two elements equal if they are actually the same object.
For full information on the methods you might need to implement to use the Collection classes, see the chapter Collection Frameworks.
In the previous session, you looked at a program which stored objects in different types of collection. There may be occasions when you want to store intrinsic COBOL data, like numbers, in collections. You can do this by using the intrinsic classes of the Class Library.
Object COBOL provides a mechanism which enables you to send a message to an intrinsic data item, as though it were an object.
>>To send a message to an intrinsic data item
The class library includes classes for three different types of intrinsic data (PIC X, PIC X COMP-X, PIC X COMP-5). These classes are templates which handle data of fixed length. When you clone the class, you specify the actual size of data you want to handle.
The example below sends the "hash" message to a numeric data item:
00001 working-storage section. 00002 01 aValue pic x(2) comp-5. 00003 01 cloneX2Class object reference. 00004 01 aLength pic x(4) comp-5. ... 00005 procedure division. ... 00006 move 2 to aLength 00007 invoke COBOLCOMP5 "newClass" using aLength 00008 returning cloneX2Class ... 00009 invoke aValue as cloneX2Class "hash" 00010 returning aHashValue ...
This is what the code above is doing:
Lines 1-4 | Declaring data. |
Lines 6-8 | Cloning the COBOLCOMP5 to create a new class for comp-5 data items two bytes long. |
Line 9 | Sending a message to the data in data item aValue . |
The invoke...as
statement uses the data item as an
instance of the cloned class. You can think of an intrinsic object as a
static object which has memory allocated to it at compile time. Static
objects do not have object handles, unlike the dynamic objects created by
the OO RTS at run-time. Intrinsic data objects are the only examples of
static objects in Object COBOL.
We will now look at a short sample program, coll1.cbl, which uses the intrinsic classes to store a set of integers in an array.
This starts the on-line Collections tutorial.
This starts Animator V2 and loads coll1.cbl.
Animator V2 syntax checks the program and prepares it for execution.
move 4 to i
The "newClass" message creates a clone of the CobolComp5 class, initialized in this case for data four bytes in length. The object returned is a new class object, and not an instance of CobolComp5.
move 10 to i
This creates an instance of Array with space for ten elements. This time the message to create the Array instance is "ofValues" (in the example in the previous section it was "ofReferences").
When a collection is created with the "ofValues" message, it stores intrinsic data instead of object handles. The cloned class, PicX4Comp5, is used as a template so that the Array knows how much space to allocate for each element.
You can't mix objects and intrinsics inside a single collection. Once you create a collection you can only store the type of data for which it is initialized. If you want to mix many different kinds of data in a collection, you should create the collection using "ofReferences", and use different types of objects to represent the different types of data. There is no restriction on mixing different kinds of object inside a collection of references.
move 10 to element
perform varying from 1
This executes the entire perform loop to initialize the array.
This retrieves the fourth element from the array (which has a value
of 7) and displays it. Because a data item is returned, we can show it
using the display
verb; when we got back objects in the
previous example we had to send them the "display" message
to show them.
This completes this part of the tutorial on using intrinsic data. For more information, see the chapter Intrinsic Frameworks.
Dictionaries are a special sort of indexed collection, which store key-data pairs (known as associations). In a dictionary, the key is used as the index when you store or retrieve the data. Dictionaries do not allow you to store duplicate keys.
Like the other collection types, you can store either objects or intrinsic data in a dictionary. In a dictionary though, either the key or the data part can be an intrinsic or an object. This gives you four possible combinations for intrinsic or object storage:
When you create a dictionary you have to give it a template so that it knows how the key and data portions are to be stored. The template is either the Association class, or a clone of the Association class.
The Association class is another clonable class, like the classes for intrinsic data classes, used for creating templates for data storage. An Association template actually consists of two templates; one for the key and one for the data. To create any type of dictionary you need to create an Association template.
>>To create an Association template
If both the key and data entries in the dictionary are to be objects you can use the Association class itself as a template; you don't need to create a clone.
Having created a template for your dictionary object, there are two methods you can use to create a dictionary itself; "ofValues" or "ofAssociations". A dictionary "ofValues" stores each element as a key data pair. A dictionary "ofAssociations" stores each element as an instance of the Association template you used to create the dictionary.
A dictionary "ofAssociations" in effect stores three items for every entry in the dictionary:
An object which contains the key and data
Which could be an object or an intrinsic value
Which could be an object or an intrinsic value
A dictionary "ofValues" stores the key and data directly without wrapping them inside an association object. When would you use a dictionary "ofAssociations" and when would you use a dictionary "ofValues"?
A dictionary "ofValues" is more efficient at run-time in terms of speed and memory if you simply want to store data items against key items. However, if your application uses associations elsewhere to manage key/data pairs, a dictionary "ofAssociations" is a better choice as the actual dictionary only stores the object handles to the associations, and you don't have to extract the key and value from the association before putting it in the dictionary.
The sample code below creates an association template and then uses it to create a dictionary "ofValues":
00001 working-storage section. 00002 01 aKeyTemplate object reference. 00003 01 aDataTemplate object reference. 00004 01 anAssocTemplate object reference. 00005 01 aDictionary object reference. 00006 01 aLength pic x(4) comp-5. ... 00007 procedure division. ... 00008 move 3 to aLength 00009 invoke CobolCompX "newClass" using aLength 00010 returning aKeyTemplate 00011 move 20 to aLength 00012 invoke CobolPicX "newClass" using aLength 00013 returning aDataTemplate 00014 invoke Association "newClass using aKeyTemplate 00015 aDataTemplate 00016 returning anAssocTemplate 00017 invoke Dictionary "ofValues" using anAssocTemplate aLength 00018 returning aDictionary ...
Lines 1-6 | Declares storage for the templates. |
Lines 8-9 | Creates a template for a PIC X(3) COMP-X numeric key. |
Lines 11-12 | Creates a template for a PIC X(20) data portion. |
Line 14 | Creates an association template. |
Line 17 | Creates a dictionary of values with an
initial size of 20 elements. This will grow to accommodate extra
elements once you get beyond size 20. In the current implementation of
the Dictionary class, each grow operation approximately doubles the size
of the dictionary; this may change in future releases. |
In the next part of this section we will animate through some code which uses a dictionary to store Account objects. The Account objects are the ones which were introduced in the tutorial Inheritance.
In this section we will also introduce the Bank application. This provides a GUI front-end for creating and working on Account objects. The Bank application is used for the next few tutorials as it demonstrates many features of object-oriented programming with Object COBOL.
In this part of the tutorial the Bank application is used to demonstrate use of a dictionary. Each account created is stored in the dictionary with the account number as its key.
>>To start the Bank application
This starts the on-line Collections tutorial.
This starts the Class Browser and loads all the files for the Bank application.
There will be a short delay while all the files are syntax checked ready for execution.
Animator V2 starts and loads bankapp.int (the BankApplication class) to execute.
The only code we want to animate is the code for creating and using a Dictionary. We can do this by setting a program breakpoint on the AccountManager class. This is the class which stores and retrieves accounts.
The executable code for the AccountManager class is in file accmgrd.int.
The main Animator V2 window is replaced by the Run window, with the message "Executing: BANKAPP.INT". The Bank window appears. The Run window message changes to: "Breakpoint encountered".
The Animator V2 window reappears with the execution point on the
first statement of the "new" method for the AccountManager
class (invoke super "new"...
invoke lsAccountManager "initialize"
The execution point moves to the statement below tag M002 in the "initialize"
instance method of AccountManager. The initialize method creates an
instance of Dictionary, with pic x(8)
intrinsic data as
the key and objects as the data.
set nilReference to null
This sets an object reference data item to null. This will be used to set the data part of the template.
move 8 to i
This clones the CobolPicX class to create a template for strings eight bytes long.
invoke Association "newClass"...
You have now created an Association template for the key-data pairs to be stored in the dictionary.
invoke Dictionary "ofAssociations"...
This creates a dictionary which the AccountManager will use to store the account data.
exit method
The rest of this method sets up an ExceptionHandler for the dictionary; exception handling is the subject of a later tutorial.
The Animator V2 Run window reappears.
The Open Account dialog box appears.
A message box informs you that account 1000000 has been created.
The main Animator window reappears, with the execution point on the
first statement of the AccountManager "add" method (if
lsAccount < > null
invoke lsAccount "whatNumber"...
This returns the account number from the account object. This is going to be used as the key to store the account.
invoke accountCollection "atPut"
This stores the account in the dictionary using the account number as the key.
The Animator V2 Run window reappears.
This opens the Retrieve Account dialog box.
The Account number field is already filled with "1000000". This is the number of the account you just created.
The Animator V2 main window reappears with the execution point inside the "getAccount" method of AccountManager. The account number for retrieval is passed to this method as a method.
accountCollection "at"...
This retrieves the account from the dictionary, and puts the
reference in anAccount
The Animator V2 Run window reappears. The BankApplication also opens the Account Details dialog box, which shows you the information held in the account object.
This completes this section; in the next section you will use the already running Bank application to look at the iterator methods for collections.
The collection classes all provide iterator methods which enable you to examine all the elements of a collection. There are four iterator methods, and they are supported by all types of collection:
Passes every element as a parameter to a method which you specify.
Passes every element as a parameter to a method which you specify, and creates a subcollection of the elements for which your method returns the value 1.
Passes every element as a parameter to a method which you specify, and creates a subcollection of the elements for which your method returns the value 0.
Passes every element as a parameter to a method which you specify, and creates a new collection of the elements which your method returns.
This section shows how the AccountManager class uses the iterator methods to carry out operations on all accounts. The instructions below assume that you are continuing directly from the end of the previous section, and have not closed down the Bank application or Animator V2.
Callback "new"...
), and select Set from the
Breakpoint menu.
The Bank application will now execute without interruptions until you use the Print Statements function.
The execution point is on the statement below tag M020.
This creates a Callback for the "printAccount" method in the AccountManager class. The literal "printAccount " in the program has a space at the end to enable the "new" method in Callback to find the end of the string.
A Callback is an object which contains a message, and the handle of an object which will respond to the message. When you send the "invoke" message to a Callback, it sends the stored message to the stored object. For more information about using Callbacks, you can read the chapter Callback Frameworks.
invoke accountCollection "do"
This passes the Callback instance to the "do" method as a
parameter. The "do" method has a returning parameter (in
this case temp
) so that you can pass back a result from
your Callback at the end of the iteration if necessary. The
AccountManager doesn't use this facility, but must still allocate a
data item for the returning parameter as a place-holder.
The execution point switches to the "printAccount" method
of AccountManager. This has been passed the first account in the
accountCollection dictionary as a parameter (in lsAccount
exit method
statement, and
select Run to cursor from the COBOL menu.
This method sends the "printStatement" message to the account. A text window appears, displaying a brief statement for the account.
exit method
The execution point jumps back to the start of the "printAccount" method, with the next account as a parameter.
After the last exit method
, the execution point
returns to the "printAllStatements".
invoke printMethod "finalize"
This destroys the Callback object now that we have finished with it.
move length of lsName to i
). The "retrieve"
method is the second method after "printAllStatements" where
you are now, so you may need to page down to get there quickly.
This function searches through the accounts looking for those with names that match.
The execution point switches to the first statement of the AccountManager "retrieve" method.
Callback "new"...
This creates a string object containing the name for which you are going to search.
This passes nameString
as a parameter to the "new"
message to create the Callback. Every time the method in the Callback
("searchAccounts") is invoked, it will get nameString
passed to it ahead of any other parameters sent with the "invoke"
invoke accountCollection "select"...
Execution jumps to the first statement of the AccountManager "searchAccounts" method. This has been passed the string object with the name we are looking for, and the first account in the collection.
if acName = srchName
and select Run to cursor from the Execute menu.
At this point, acName
and srchName
contain the name from the account and the name you are searching for.
Both have been set to uppercase to avoid case mismatches.
If you double-click on acName
, you will see that it
contains "FRED".
The test fails.
exit method
This sets the level 88 item noMatch
to true. When you
exit the method, it will return a 0 to the code in the Dictionary "select"
method which is performing the iteration.
exit method
Execution returns to the top of the "searchAccounts" method, as the collection invokes it with the next account.
The names match this time, as this is the account for Wilma. The method returns a value of 1 to the dictionary, so Wilma is added as an element to the collection of results being created.
When you step the exit method
statement, execution
returns to the statement below tag M052. The result of the "select"
is a new Dictionary, which contains only the elements which were
marked as true (a value of 1 was returned by the selection Callback).
invoke resultDictonary
The "select" and "reject" methods always return a collection of the same type as the original collection, in this case a Dictionary. This message copies the data part of the dictionary into an OrderedCollection.
The other statements in this method "finalize" all the objects created by this method which are no longer needed.
The Bank application opens a dialog box with all the matching accounts shown in a list box.
This completes the tutorial.
This tutorial covered the following:
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used herein are protected by international law.
![]() | Inheritance Tutorial (Windows & OS/2) | Exception Handling Tutorial (Windows & OS/2) | ![]() |