PreviousIntegrated Preprocessor Interface

Chapter 18: Library Routines

This chapter describes the set of COBOL system library routines that can help you control the environment your application is running in.

18.1 Routines by Category

Object COBOL provides routines in the following categories:

18.1.1 Application Subsystem Routines

CBL_SUBSYSTEM Declare/deallocate subsystems

The application subsystem routine enables you to logically group a number of programs. This enables you to cancel these programs, the subsystem, with a single statement.

18.1.2 Exit and Error Procedure Routines

CBL_ERROR_PROC Register error procedures
CBL_EXIT_PROC Register closedown procedure

CBL_ERROR_PROC is not available with the 16-bit static-linked run-time system.

The exit and error procedure routines enable you to register your own E:\iview\iview32.exeroutines which are executed by the run-time system when your application terminates, either normally or abnormally.

18.1.3 Operating System Information Routines

CBL_GET_OS_INFO Get operating system information

18.1.4 Portability Routines

CBL_SCR_SET_PC_ATTRIBUTES Set up IBM-PC attribute palette

These routines are provided to help you make existing applications portable to other environments. They should not be used in new applications where alternative mechanisms are provided.

18.1.5 Printer Routines

PC_PRINT_FILE Print a file
PC_PRINTER_CLOSE Close a printer channel
PC_PRINTER_CONTROL Send a printer command to a printer
PC_PRINTER_FREE_BMP Free bitmap from memory
PC_PRINTER_INFO Get printer information
PC_PRINTER_LOAD_BMP Load bitmap into memory
PC_PRINTER_OPEN Open a printer channel
PC_PRINTER_SET_COLOR Set printer color
PC_PRINTER_SET_FONT Set printer font
PC_PRINTER_WRITE Write text to a printer
PC_PRINTER_WRITE_BMP Write bitmap to a printer
PC_TEST_PRINTER Test printer status

The PC_PRINTER_ routines are available on 32-bit systems only.

The routine PC_TEST_PRINTER is available only in DOS environments.

18.1.6 Text Routines

CBL_TOLOWER Convert a string to lower case
CBL_TOUPPER Convert a string to upper case

18.1.7 Virtual Heap Routines

CBL_READ_VFILE Read from heap
CBL_WRITE_VFILE Write to heap

A heap is a byte-stream file which is buffered in available memory.

The status word specified when the heap is created is associated with each heap. It is written to when an operation on the heap fails. Each heap is thereby attached to a particular program, namely the program which contains the heap's status word, and is automatically deallocated (unless it has already been explicitly deallocated by a call to CBL_CLOSE_VFILE) when that program is canceled.

A heap is identified by a heap identifier word. This can be passed around between programs so that the heap can be read or written by any program. However, in order to check for failure, the program needs to have access (using a pointer variable, for example, or via normal linkage section mapping) to the associated status word.

Alternatively the RETURN-CODE register can be examined to catch a general heap function failure, or the ON OVERFLOW/EXCEPTION syntax can also be used on the CALL statement to trap any error. In these two cases, the specific error can then be determined by examining the heap status word.

If the read/write succeeds, the RETURN-CODE is zero. If it fails, the RETURN-CODE is nonzero and the heap status first byte contains "9", with detail in the second byte.

On 16-bit environments the heap status word used by CBL_READ_VFILE and CBL_WRITE_VFILE, must reside in the first 64K of a COBOL program: it can be in the Linkage Section of the current program, as long as it is in the first 64K of another COBOL program.

The buffer used with CBL_READ_VFILE and CBL_WRITE_VFILE can reside anywhere in the Data or Linkage Section, or it can be dynamically allocated using the CBL_ALLOC_MEM routine. On 16-bit environments, the buffer must not cross a 64K boundary. Use the FLAG-CHIP directive to highlight data items that cross a 64K boundary.

Each heap is paged, if necessary. On DOS, Windows and OS/2, a heap is paged into a separate file on disk with name sourcename.Vnn, where sourcename is the base-name of the program to which the heap is attached and nn is an integer from 1 to 99. Once nn reaches 99, the V is overwritten. The maximum number allowed for the extension is 384.

With the 16-bit COBOL system, each program is limited to 384 local heaps. On UNIX each run-unit is limited to 128 local heaps. With the 32-bit COBOL system for Windows NT and OS/2 V2, the number of local heaps is configurable, up to 65535.

You can use reference modification in the buffer call parameter to declare the heap buffer in the middle of a COBOL record. This is compiled efficiently provided the length is given as fixed; since the length is ignored by the call interface, you can give it as one.

18.1.8 Miscellaneous Routines

X"84" Execute a DOS Interrupt
X"85" Read a Byte from Memory
X"86" Write to a Byte in Memory
X"87" Read Byte from Hardware Port
X"88" Write Byte to Hardware Port
X"91" function 11 Set Programmable Switches
X"91" function 12 Read Programmable Switches
X"91" function 13 Set Run-time Switches
X"91" function 14 Read Run-time Switches
X"91" function 15 Check Program Exists
X"91" function 16 Count Linkage Parameters
X"91" function 35 Execute a Program
X"91" function 60 Fix Data in Memory
X"91" function 61 Unfix Data in Memory
X"94" Read a Word from Memory
X"95" Write to Word in Memory
X"96" Read Word from Hardware Port
X"97" Write Word to Hardware Port

18.2 Description of Routines

18.2.1 Key

Descriptions for all of the call-by-name routines appear alphabetically. Each description contains the routine name and function followed by these sections (as appropriate):

Syntax: Shows the CALL statement you could use to call the routine.

The optional RETURNING clause is also shown. Every routine returns a value showing the result of the operation. Unless otherwise indicated, zero indicates success, nonzero indicates failure. This value is left in the data item specified in the RETURNING clause, in this reference, status-code. If this clause is omitted, the value is left in the special register RETURN-CODE. (If call-convention bit two is set, RETURN-CODE is not changed.)

status-code must be a numeric data item capable of holding positive values from 0 to 65535; for example, PIC X(2) COMP-5.

The name of the routine must be coded in upper case.


Describes any parameters shown in the RETURNING and USING clause. A parameter enclosed in brackets, for example, [parameter1] is optional and might not be needed for all forms of the routine.

On Entry: Indicates which of the parameters shown are passed on entry
On Exit: Indicates which of the parameters shown are returned on exit.

Where bits of one or more bytes are referenced, bit 0 is the least significant (rightmost) bit.

Comments: Provides any additional information necessary for the successful use of the routine
See also: Lists other related topics.

The routines are listed in alphabetical order.

18.2.2 List of Routines


Closes a heap.

call "CBL_CLOSE_VFILE" using by value heap-id 
                       returning      status-code
heap-id pic x(2) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
heap-id This contains the heap handle assigned when the heap was opened.
On Exit:


See also:

Introduction to Virtual Heap Routines


Installs or removes an error procedure to be invoked automatically when a run-time system error occurs.

call "CBL_ERROR_PROC" using      install-flag 
                      returning  status-code
install-flag pic x comp-x.
install-addrs usage procedure-pointer.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
install-flag The operation to be performed:
0 Install error procedure
1 De-install error procedure
install-addrs Address of error procedure to install or de-install.
On Exit:



This routine is not supported on the16-bit static-linked run-time system. If a program that contains a call to this routine has been linked using the16-bit static-linked run-time system, then any attempt to link or run the program will result in an error.

You can install several error procedures for an application by repeatedly calling this routine.

Once an error procedure has been posted, subsequent attempts to install that error procedure are silently ignored until it is removed either implicitly (for example, during error processing) or explicitly (by calling CBL_ERROR_PROC with install-flag set to "1").

An error procedure can be written in any language. If it is in COBOL, install-addrs must be the address of an entry point. You can obtain this address using the statement:

     set install-addrs to entry entry-name

An error procedure in COBOL can include any legal COBOL, including CALL statements.

When an error occurs the installed procedures are executed, starting with the most recently installed and ending with the first one installed. When all have been processed, the run-time system error handling procedure is then started.

If you don't want any other error procedures, including the run-time system error handling, to be executed after terminating your error procedure, set RETURN-CODE to zero.

If a program containing an error procedure is canceled, the error procedure is removed.

An error procedure installed in one program can be removed by another program.

On 32-bit systems, an error procedure can install an error procedure. On the 16-bit system, it cannot.

If an error procedure is installed during error processing (either by itself, or by another error procedure) then it is executed as soon as the error procedure that installed it returns, assuming that it doesn't return with a ZERO return code.

If a run-time system error occurs in an error procedure, the procedure is terminated. The run-time system then processes the new run-time system error, starting with the next error procedure, if there is one.

You must ensure that the procedure-pointer you use to install the procedure is valid.

An error procedure belongs to the run-unit from which it was installed. So the error procedure is executed only by the run-unit that installed it.

Pressing interrupt does not cause any error procedures to be called.

If the error procedure is defined as an entry point in a program that itself could give an error, you must to ensure that the program has a Local-Storage Section. This ensures that the program is reentrant and the run-time system will not give error 166 ("Recursive COBOL call is illegal") when trying to execute the error procedure.

Parameter Passed to the Error Procedure

When an installed error procedure is called, the character string containing the relevant run-time system error message is passed as a parameter. The format of the parameter differs between 32-bit systems and the 16-bit system.

On 32-bit systems you should define this parameter in the Linkage Section as PIC X(325), and include it in the USING phrase of the entry to the error procedure. An example of the run-time system error message string follows:

Load Error : file 'prog-name'\n 
error code: 173, pc=0, call=-1, seg=0\n 
173    Called program file not found in drive/directory\n\0

where \n is a new-line character and \0 is a null (x"00") terminator. This format is described in your Error Messages.

On 16-bit systems the format of the parameter passed to the error procedure is as follows:


where the parameters are:

error-type The error type, as follows:
0 General error
1 File access error
2 Load failure error
error-num The actual error number
prog-name The program in which the error occured
seg-no The segment number in which the error occurred (RT = Root)
pc The COBOL PC at which the error occured
error-text The error description text
filename Depends on the error-type, as follows:
error-type = 0 No file
error-type = 1 The file on which the error occurred
error-type = 2 The program which failed to load
0 A null character - x"00".

The following is an example of installing an error procedure, and the skeleton of the error procedure that is called if an error occurs.

 working-storage section 
 01 install-flag       pic x comp-x value 0. 
 01 install-address    usage procedure-pointer. 
 01 status-code        pic 9(4) comp value zeros. 
 linkage section. 
 01 err-msg            pic x(325). 
 procedure division. 
     set install-address to entry "err-proc". 
     call "CBL_ERROR_PROC" using     install-flag 
                           returning status-code. 
* Error procedure: 
 entry "err-proc" using err-msg. 
* Process err-msg to find out the error number. 
* Act accordingly. 
* Terminate, but allow other error procedures to be executed. 
     move 1 to return-code 
     exit program 
     stop run.

The following are examples of the information passed to the error procedure. In these examples, the spaces between numbers are included for clarity and do not actually appear in the parameter:

A run-time system error 163 in program ERRORP.GNT in the Root segment at COBOL PC 033D gives:

0 0 163 0 ERRORP.GNT 0 RT 0 033D 0 
    Illegal character in numeric field  (Error 163) 00

A run-time system error 013 in program APE.INT in the Root segment at COBOL PC 0080 on file xyz gives:

1 0 013 0 APE.INT 0 RT 0 0080 0 
    File not found  (Error 013) 0 xyz 00

A run-time system error 173 in program APE.INT in the Root segment at COBOL PC 0053 on program PROG1 gives:

2 0 173 0 APE.INT 0 RT 0 0053 0 
    Called program file not found in drive/directory (Error 173) 0 PROG1 00
See also:

Example Error Procedure for CBL_ERROR_PROC


Installs or removes a closedown procedure to be invoked automatically when the application terminates.

call "CBL_EXIT_PROC" using      install-flag 
                     returning  status-code
install-flag pic x comp-x.
install-params Group item defined as:
install-addrs usage procedure-pointer
install-prrty pic x comp-x
status-code See Key
On Entry:
install-flag The operation to be performed:
0 Install closedown procedure with default priority of 64
1 De-install closedown procedure
2 Query priority of installed closedown procedure
3 Install closedown procedure with given priority
install-addrs Address of closedown procedure to install, de-install or query.
install-prrty When install-flag is 3, contains the priority of the closedown procedure being installed, in range 0 to 127. Otherwise, ignored.
On Exit:
install-prrty When install-flag is set to 2, returns the priority of the selected procedure.

The installed closedown procedure is executed whether the application finishes normally (with a STOP RUN) or abnormally (for example, with a keyboard interrupt or run-time system error). You can install several closedown procedures for an application by repeated calls of this routine.

A closedown procedure can be written in any language. If it is in COBOL, install-addrs must be the address of an entry point. You can obtain this address using the statement:

     set install-addrs to entry "entry-name"

A closedown procedure in COBOL can include any legal COBOL, including call statements. The closedown procedure terminates when the main program in the procedure executes an EXIT PROGRAM/GOBACK or when a STOP RUN statement is executed.

A closedown procedure does not have any parameters passed to it when it is called.

With the 16-bit COBOL system, a closedown procedure in any other language must preserve the i86 machine code BP register and direction flag, and terminate with a far return (RETF) instruction; that is, it must be a far procedure.

Every closedown procedure installed has a priority. This priority determines the order in which the procedures are executed - procedures with the lowest values are processed first. If several procedures have the same priority, they are executed in reverse order of installation - that is the last one installed is executed first.

Procedures installed without a priority (install-flag = 0) are given the default priority of 64. To set your own priority, set install-flag = 3 and set the priority to a value in the range 0 to 127. Priorities 128 to 256 are reserved for use by the COBOL system. You must not set a priority higher than 127 unless your program is a user-written file handler, in which case it must be 200.

If a closedown procedure has already been installed, an attempt to install again fails. However, if the priority used on the second attempt is different to that used when it was installed, its priority is changed. RETURN-CODE is set to zero.

Use install-flag = 2 to find the priority of a previously installed procedure. This returns the priority in install-prrty if it is found The procedure is identified by its install-addrs. If the procedure cannot be found, RETURN-CODE is set nonzero.


Returns information about the operating system environment.

call "CBL_GET_OS_INFO" using     parameter-block 
                       returning status-code
parameter-block Group item defined as:
    parameter-size     pic x(2) comp-x value 14
    p-os-type     pic x comp-x.
    p-os-version     pic x(4) comp-x.
    p-DBCS-support     pic x comp-x.
    p-char-coding     pic x comp-x.
    p-country-id     pic x(2) comp-x.
    p-code-page     pic x(2) comp-x.
    p-process-type     pic x comp-x.
status-code See Key
On Exit:
p-os-type COBOL system (16- or 32-bit) and Operating System:
0 16-bit COBOL system on OS/2
1 16-bit COBOL system on DOS
2 16-bit COBOL system on DOS + XM
4 16-bit COBOL system on FLEXOS
5 16-bit COBOL system on Windows
128 32-bit COBOL system on UNIX
129 32-bit COBOL system on XENIX
130 32-bit COBOL system on OS/2
131 32-bit COBOL system on Windows NT
p-os-version Use is specific to the operating system. Can include information such as chip type and the operating system version number. For DOS, Windows and OS/2, the third and fourth bytes contain the minor and major release operating system version number respectively.
p-DBCS-support DBCS support flag:
bit 0 0 If DBCS validation unsupported 1
1 If DBCS validation supported
bit 1 0 If PIC N data-type unsupported 1
1 If PIC N data-type supported
p-char-coding Character encoding:
1 Shift-JIS
3 BIG-5 (Traditional Chinese)
4 5550 (Traditional Chinese)
5 GB (Simplified Chinese)
6 KS-CODE (Korean)
7 PC-CODE (Korean)
p-country-id Country code. See your operating system documentation for an explanation of country codes.

Not supported in UNIX environments, set to zero.

p-code-page Code page. See your operating system documentation for an explanation of code page codes.

Not supported in UNIX environments, set to zero.

p-process-type Process type:
0 Process is running in a full screen session
1 Reserved
2 Process is running in a graphical character-screen emulation window
3 Process is running as a true graphical application
4 Process is detached
5 Process is noninteractive (that is, no screen or keyboard I/O) and detached

Not supported in UNIX environments - undefined.


Opens a heap.

call "CBL_OPEN_VFILE" using     heap-id
                      returning status-code
heap-id pic x(2) comp-5.
status-word pic x(2).
200status-code See Key
On Entry:


On Exit:
heap-id Contains the assigned heap handle. A heap handle of zero means the open failed.
status-word The status word for the heap, set to zero on the open. When the first status byte contains the character 9, binary values in the second status byte are:
000 Heap closed by user request
001 Heap access failure - out of buffers
002 Heap deallocated while program inactive
014 Backing-file failure: too many files
037 Backing-file failure: file access denied
201 Backing-file failure: I/O failure

status-word remains associated with the heap until the heap is closed; the first byte is set to ASCII zero by a successful OPEN; status-word is written as file status data by a subsequent heap READ, WRITE or CLOSE that encounters allocation or I/O errors (but is not reset to zero by successful operations).

If a program in which a heap status word actually exists (that is, it is not in a Linkage Section) is canceled, all heaps with status words in that program are automatically canceled, and the heap identifiers (which might have been passed to other programs) should not be used any more.

See also:

Introduction to Virtual Heap Routines


Reads bytes from a heap.

call "CBL_READ_VFILE" using by value heap-id 
                      by reference   heap-buffer 
                      returning      status-code
heap-id pic x(2) comp-5.
heap-ref pic x(4) comp-5.
heap-length pic x(4) comp-5.
heap-buffer pic x(n).
status-code See Key
On Entry:
heap-id This contains the heap handle assigned when the heap was opened.
heap-ref Offset in the heap at which to start reading.
heap-length Number of bytes to read.
On Exit:
heap-buffer Buffer into which bytes are read. It is your program's responsibility to ensure that the buffer is large enough to hold the number of bytes being read.

Trying to read data from an area of the heap which has not yet been written results in indeterminate data being returned to the buffer.

See also:

Introduction to Virtual Heap Routines


Sets up the current COBOL attribute table so as to emulate, as closely as possible, the IBM-PC attribute table.

call "CBL_SCR_SET_PC_ATTRIBUTES" returning status-code
status-code See Key
On Entry:


On Exit:
status-code The return status:
0 Successful.
1 Successful, but one or more colors not exact.
2 Failed.

Using this routine is equivalent to setting the entire IBM-PC attribute table using the generic attribute routines. It is provided to enable you to apply generic attributes to existing programs, making their attribute handling portable. However, this routine is inefficient because it defines every possible attribute. For new applications use the generic attribute routines and define only the attributes you need.

See Introduction to Display Attribute Routines for important information about using this routine.


Declares or deallocates subsystems.

call "CBL_SUBSYSTEM" using      function-code
                     returning  status-code
function-code pic x comp-x. Contains one of the following values:
0 Declare subsystem
1 Cancel subsystem
2 Remove from subsystem
With function-code = 0
parameter Group item defined as:
    ss-handle     pic x(2) comp-x.
    ss-name-len     pic x(2) comp-x.
    ss-name     pic x(n)
With function-code = 1:
parameter pic x(2) comp-x.
With function-code = 2:
parameter pic x(2) comp-x value 0
status-code See Key
On Entry:
function-code The subfunction value.
With function-code = 0
ss-name-len The length of subsystem program-name field.
ss-name The subsystem program-name (space-terminated). This must be a COBOL .int file or .gnt file.
With function-code = 1:
ss-handle The subsystem handle returned by a function 0 call.
With function-code = 2:
dummy-param Value 0.
On Exit:

With function-code = 0:

ss-handle The subsystem handle.

This routine is not available when using the static linked run-time system (16-bit COBOL system) under DOS, Windows and OS/2. Any program containing this routine links correctly, but the call has no effect.

A subsystem is defined to be a specified program in an application, plus any subprograms subsequently called by programs already in the subsystem that do not already belong to any other subsystems.

With function-code = 0:

This function declares a subsystem. The routine returns a subsystem handle. If the program is not already loaded the function loads it. If an error occurs in finding or loading the program a subsystem handle of zero is returned.

A program belonging to a subsystem is only deallocated (that is, deleted from memory), when either it is canceled by the CANCEL verb, or the program cancels the entire subsystem using function-code = 1, or the application executes a STOP RUN or CHAIN statement. The main program of a subsystem should not be canceled with the CANCEL statement unless all other programs in the subsystem have already been canceled.

With function-code = 1:

This function cancels all programs in the specified subsystem. If any program in the subsystem is still active, that program is released from the subsystem and is not canceled.

With function-code = 2:

This function removes the program that called it from any subsystem the program is in. To ensure a program is never included in any subsystem, call this function at the start of each entry in to the program.


Converts a string of letters to lower case.

call "CBL_TOLOWER" using     string 
                   by value  length 
                   returning status-code
string pic x(n).
length pic x(4) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
string The string to convert.
length The number of bytes of string to change; positions beyond this are unchanged.
On Exit:
string The converted string.

The routine starts at the left-hand end of string and converts letters to lower case (also called folding to lower case).


Converts a string of letters to upper case.

call "CBL_TOUPPER" using     string 
                   by value  length 
                   returning status-code
string pic x(n).
length pic x(4) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
string The string to convert.
length The number of bytes of string to change; positions beyond this are unchanged.
On Exit:
string The converted string.

The routine starts at the left-hand end of string and converts letters to upper case (also called folding to upper case).


Writes bytes to a heap.

call "CBL_WRITE_VFILE" using by value heap-id
                       by reference   heap-buffer 
                       returning      status-code
heap-id pic x(2) comp-5.
heap-ref pic x(4) comp-5.
heap-length pic x(4) comp-5.
heap-buffer pic x(n).
status-code See Key
On Entry:
heap-id This contains the heap handle assigned when the heap was opened.
heap-ref Offset in the heap at which to start writing.
heap-length Number of bytes to write.
heap-buffer Buffer from which bytes are written. It is your program's responsibility to ensure that the buffer is large enough to hold the number of bytes being written.
On Exit:


See also:

Introduction to Virtual Heap Routines


Sends the specified file to the printer.

call "PC_PRINT_FILE" using      filename 
                     by value   flags 
                     by value   window-handle 
                     returning  status-code
filename pic x(n).
document-title Group item defined as:
    title-len     pic x(2) comp-5.
    title-text     pic x(n).
flags Numeric literal or pic x(4) comp-5.
window-handle Numeric literal or pic x(4) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
filename The name of the file to be printed. The name must be space- or null-terminated.
title-len The length of the document title
title-text The title of the document to be printed
flags A set of bits to define printer options:
bit 0 Display a dialog for defining printer characteristics (cannot be used with bit 2 or bit 3)
bit 1 Display a font dialog box, so you can select the font for the printer
bit 2 Print in portrait orientation (cannot be used with bit 0 or bit 3)
bit 3 Print in landscape orientation (cannot be used with bit 0 or bit 2)
bit 4 Display a progress indicator dialog box

All remaining bits are reserved for future use and should not be set

window-handle Handle of the parent window. The parent window is used as a reference for positioning dialog boxes on the screen. If window-handle is 0 positioning is system dependent.
On Exit:



This routine is available in 32-bit environments only.

You can check the success of the call by examining RETURN-CODE.


Closes a previously opened printer channel.

call "PC_PRINTER_CLOSE" using     printer-handle
                        returning status-code
printer-handle pic x(4) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
printer-handle The printer handle returned when the printer was opened.
On Exit:



This routine is available in 32-bit environments only.

You can check the success of the call by examining RETURN-CODE.


Sends a print command to a printer.

call "PC_PRINTER_CONTROL" using      printer-handle 
                          by value   print-command
                          returning  status-code
printer-handle pic x(4) comp-5.
print-command Numeric literal or pic x(4) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
printer-handle The printer handle returned when the printer was opened.
print-command The command to send to the printer:
1 Abort printing the document and close the printer
2 Throw a page
3 Flush the print buffers
On Exit:



This routine is available in 32-bit environments only.

You can check the success of the call by examining RETURN-CODE.


Frees a bitmap from memory, releasing its image and palette back to the operating system.

call "PC_PRINTER_FREE_BMP" using     printer-handle
                           by value  bmp-id 
                           returning status-code
printer-handle pic x(4) comp-5.
bmp-id pic x(4) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
printer-handle The printer handle returned when the printer was opened.
bmp-id The unique id of the loaded bitmap, returned when the bitmap was loaded.
On Exit:
status-code Printer status code:
0 Successful
3 Printer device not open
20 Failed to free bitmap
    call "PC_PRINTER_FREE_BMP" using     printer-handle,
                               by value  bmp-idlogo, 
                               returning printer-retcode 

This routine is available in 32-bit environments only.

See also:



Returns a native HDC, HPS, and other information that can be used to enhance the printing of a document by calling native graphics functions directly.

call "PC_PRINTER_INFO" using     printer-handle 
                       returning status-code
printer-handle pic x(4) comp-5.
printer-info-struct Group item containing:
    pi-struct-size     pic x(4) comp-5.
    printer-hdc     pic x(4) comp-5.
    printer-hps     pic x(4) comp-5.
    printer-orient     pic x(4) comp-5.
    printer-rows     pic x(4) comp-5.
    printer-cols     pic x(4) comp-5.
    printer-rows-left     pic x(4) comp-5.
    printer-max-horz     pic x(4) comp-5.
    printer-max-vert     pic x(4) comp-5.
    printer-min-horz     pic x(4) comp-5.
    printer-min-vert     pic x(4) comp-5.
    printer-cur-horz     pic x(4) comp-5.
    printer-cur-vert     pic x(4) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
printer-handle The printer handle returned when the printer was opened.
pi-struct-size The size of the structure.
On Exit:
printer-hdc Device context associated with printer-hps
printer-hps Graphic presentation space associated with printer-handle
printer-orient Orientation of the printed output:
1 Portrait
2 Landscape
printer-rows Total number of rows on a page, in the current font
printer-cols Total number of columns on a page, in the current font
printer-rows-left Number of rows left on the current page, in the current font
printer-max-horz Maximum value of graphics coordinate available in the horizontal axis
printer-max-vert Maximum value of graphics coordinate available in the vertical axis
printer-min-horz Minimum value of graphics coordinate available in the horizontal axis
printer-min-vert Minimum value of graphics coordinate available in the vertical axis
printer-cur-horz Current graphics X coordinate
printer-cur-vert Current graphics Y coordinate

This routine is available in 32-bit environments only.

You can check the success of the call by examining RETURN-CODE.


Loads a bitmap into memory ready for the PC_PRINTER_WRITE_BMP function.

call "PC_PRINTER_LOAD_BMP" using         printer-handle
                           by reference  bmpfilename 
                           by reference  bmp-id 
                           returning     status-code
printer-handle pic x(4) comp-5.
bmpfilename pic x(n).
bmp-id pic x(4) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
printer-handle The printer handle returned when the printer was opened.
bmpfilename The name of the file to be printed (null or space terminated).
On Exit:
bmp-id A unique identifier for the loaded bitmap.
status-code Printer status code:

0 Successful
3 Printer device not open
18 Failed to load bitmap
19 Invalid bitmap id given
    call "PC_PRINTER_LOAD_BMP" using          printer-handle 
                               by reference   "mflogo.bmp" & x"0" 
                               by reference   bmp-id 
                               returning      printer-retcode 

This routine is available in 32-bit environments only.

See also:



Opens a printer channel, giving it a document title, and optionally displaying the dialog boxes for printer control, font selection, and progress indication.

call "PC_PRINTER_OPEN" using     printer-handle 
                       by value  flags 
                       by value  window-handle 
                       returning status-code
printer-handle pic x(4) comp-5.
document-title Group item defined as:
    title-len     pic x(2) comp-5.
    title-text     pic x.
    flags     Numeric literal or pic x(4) comp-5.
    window-handle     Numeric literal or pic x(4) comp-5
status-code See Key
On Entry:
title-len The length of the document title.
title-text The title of the document to be printed.
flags A set of bits to define printer options:
bit 0 Display a dialog for defining printer characteristics (cannot be used with bit 2 or bit 3)
bit 1 Display a font dialog box, so you can select the font for the document
bit 2 Print in portrait orientation (cannot be used with bit 0 or bit 3)
bit 3 Print in landscape orientation (cannot be used with bit 0 or bit 2)
bit 4 Display a progress indicator dialog box

All remaining bits are reserved for future use and should not be set.

window-handle Handle of the parent window. The parent window is used as a reference for positioning dialog boxes on the screen. If window-handle is 0 positioning is system dependent.
On Exit:
printer-handle Returns a handle to be used for subsequent printer operations.
status-code Printer status code:

0 Successful
1 Could not open printer device
5 Failed to open file
9 No default printer found. Select a printer from Windows Control Panel.
24 User pressed Cancel on the printer setup dialog or the font selection dialog.

This routine is available in 32-bit environments only.

You can check the success of the call by examining RETURN-CODE.


Sets the color on the printer.

call "PC_PRINTER_SET_COLOR" using     printer-handle 
                            by value  fore-or-back
                            by value  color-red 
                            by value  color-green
                            by value  color-blue 
                            returning status-code
printer-handle pic x(4) comp-5.
fore-or-back pic x(2) comp-5.
color-red pic x(2) comp-5.
color-green pic x(2) comp-5.
color-blue pic x(2) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
printer-handle The printer handle returned when the printer was opened.
fore-or-back Whether to set foreground or background:
1 foreground
2 background
color-red Value between 0 and 255; intensity of red
color-green Value between 0 and 255; intensity of green
color-blue Value between 0 and 255; intensity of blue
On Exit:



This routine is available in 32-bit environments only.

You must open the printer before using this routine.

If your printer does not support color, it is up to the printer device driver to interpret these values. For example, some perform gray-shading; others choose either black or white for each color.

You specify the color you want by combinations of values showing the intensity of the three primary colors. For example, to get the colors in the following table, you set the RGB values as shown:

Color Red Green Blue
Red 255 0 0
Yellow 255 255 0
Green 0 255 0
Cyan 0 255 255
Blue 0 255 255
Magenta 255 0 255
White 255 255 255
Black 0 0 0

Some other, more unusual, colors are:

Color Red Green Blue
Dark orange 255 120 238
Navy blue 0 0 128
Violet 238 120 238
Beige 245 245 220


Sets the font on the printer.

call "PC_PRINTER_SET_FONT" using     printer-handle
                           by value  font-size
                           by value  font-style 
                           returning status-code
printer-handle pic x(4) comp-5.
font-family-name Group item defined as:
    name-len     x(2) comp-5.
    name-text     pic x().
font-size Numeric literal or pic x(4) comp-5.
font-style Numeric literal or pic x(4) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
printer-handle The printer handle returned when the printer was opened.
name-len The length of the font family name.
name-text The family name of the font to be used, such as Courier, Times and Symbol
font-size Point size of the font
font-style Set of bits defining the required font style:
bit 3 Bold
bit 2 Strikeout
bit 1 Underline
bit 0 Italic

All remaining bits are reserved for future use and should not be set.

On Exit:



This routine is available in 32-bit environments only.

You can check the success of the call by examining RETURN-CODE.


Writes a text string to the printer.

call "PC_PRINTER_WRITE" using     printer-handle
                       by value  print-buff-len
                       returning status-code
printer-handle pic x(4) comp-5.
print-buffer pic x(n).
print-buff-len Numeric literal or pic x(4) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
printer-handle The printer handle returned when the printer was opened.
printer-buffer The buffer from which the bytes are to be printed
printer-buff-len The number of bytes to print
On Exit:



This routine is available in 32-bit environments only.

You can check the success of the call by examining RETURN-CODE.


Write a loaded bitmap to a printer at a specified position with a given size.

call "PC_PRINTER_WRITE_BMP" using     printer-handle
                            by value  bmp-id 
                            by value  reserved 
                            by value  bmp-row 
                            by value  bmp-col 
                            by value  bmp-width 
                            by value  bmp-height 
                            returning status-code
printer-handle pic x(4) comp-5.
reserved pic x(4) comp-5 value 0.
bmp-id pic x(4) comp-5.
bmp-row pic x(4) comp-5.
bmp-col pic x(4) comp-5.
bmp-width pic x(4) comp-5.
bmp-height pic x(4) comp-5.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
printer-handle The printer handle returned when the printer was opened.
bmp-id The unique identifier of the bitmap to print
The position of the bitmap to print.
The size of the bitmap to print.
On Exit:
status-code Printer status code:
0 Successful
3 Printer device not open
4 Out of memory while printing
5 Disk full while spooling file
7 Print job aborted, no file spooled to Print Manager
11 Write failure
21 Failed to print bitmap

This routine is available in 32-bit environments only.

This routine works with PostScript and HP PCL printers. It is not supported on HP Deskjet or dot matrix printers.

See also:



Returns information about the status of a printer.

call "PC_TEST_PRINTER" using      printer-no
                       returning  status-code
printer-no pic x comp-x.
printer-status pic x comp-x.
status-code See Key
On Entry:
printer-no Number of the printer to check; must be 0, 1, or 2. Note that for LPT1, printer-no is 0, for LPT2 it is 1, and so on.
On Exit:
printer-status A value indicating the status of the printer. For fully IBM compatible printers, it is a combination of the following values. For other printers, See Comments below.
128 (x"80") Not busy
64 (x"40") Acknowledge
32 (x"20") Out of paper
16 (x"10") Selected
8 (x"08") I/O error
4 (x"04") Reserved
2 (x"02") Reserved
1 (x"01") Timeout

This routine is available only in DOS environments.

This routine is only available for use with parallel printers that are local to the machine. It does not work for printers that are on a network, as these are serial printers.

You only get the correct printer-status returned if you are using an IBM PC and an IBM-compatible printer. If you are using equipment which is not 100% compatible at the BIOS level with equivalent IBM equipment, you can get different values in printer-status. A more reliable alternative is to use the run-time switch +L and check the FILE STATUS after using a WRITE statement to write to the printer.

Use this routine for determining the status of local non-spooled printers only. If the printer is spooled by the network or a local spooler, the status returned is always the same.

Note that this routine gives different results on the shared and static run-time systems. To get the same results, run the application with the P switch turned on if you are using the shared run-time system.

X"84" - Execute a DOS Interrupt

Executes the specified DOS interrupt.

call x"84" using interrupt-number
interrupt-number pic x comp-x
flag pic x comp-x field
AX-parameter Group item defined as:
    AX-byte-hi     pic x comp-x
    AX-byte-lo     pic x comp-x
BX-parameter Group item defined as:
    BX-byte-hi     pic x comp-x
    BX-byte-lo     pic x comp-x
CX-parameter Group item defined as:
    CX-byte-hi     pic x comp-x
    CX-byte-lo     pic x comp-x
DX-parameter Group item defined as:
    DX-byte-hi     pic x comp-x
    DX-byte-lo     pic x comp-x
On Entry:
interrupt-number The DOS interrupt number.
flag Indicates which registers are initialized on entry, and which return values on exit.
bit 7 When set, DX returns value on exit into DX-parameter.
When clear, DS:DX addresses DX-parameter.
bit 6 When set, CX returns value on exit into DX-parameter.
When clear, DS:CX addresses DX-parameter
bit 5 When set, BX returns value on exit into DX-parameter.
When clear, DS:BX addresses BX-parameter
bit 4 When set, AX returns value on exit into DX-parameter.
When clear, DS:AX addresses DX-parameter
bit 3 When set, DX is set to value DX-parameter on entry.
bit 2 When set, CX is set to value DX-parameter on entry.
bit 1 When set, BX is set to value DX-parameter on entry.
bit 0 When set, AX is set to value DX-parameter on entry.
aX-parameter A value to be placed in the aX register if the corresponding bit in flag is clear.
18.2.2..2 On Exit:
aX-parameter The contents of the aX register if the corresponding bit in flag is set.

This routine is available for use only on DOS.

This routine can be used only for interrupts that accept parameters through the AX, BX, CX, and DX registers. Any interrupt which requires support outside of this constraint, such as control of DS and ES or adjustments to the stack after the interrupt, should be accessed using an assembler subprogram.

On entry to the interrupt call, DS=ES=program address space.


The following example uses the DOS FCB interface to open a file.

* dos interrupt number=21h 
 01 msdos          pic x comp-x value h"21". 
* The contents of the parameter funct are to be placed in and 
* taken from AX before and after the interrupt. 
 01 flag           pic x comp-x value h"11". 
 01 funct. 
     02 funct-ah   pic x comp-x. 
     02 funct-al   pic x comp-x. 
 01 fcb. 
     02 filler     pic x value x"00". 
     02 filler     pic x(8) value "myfile". 
     02 filler     pic x(3) value "dat". 
     02 filler     pic x(25). 
 01 null-param     pic x. 
     move 15 to funct-ah 
* ah = dos function, open fcb 
     call x"84" using msdos 
* al = result 
     if funct-al <> 0 
         go to file-not-found 

X"85" - Read Byte from Memory

Returns the contents of the byte at the specified memory address.

call x"85" using segment
segment pic 9(5)
offset pic 9(5)
data-value pic x
On Entry:
segment The segment you want to examine.
offset The offset within the segment.
On Exit:
data-value The contents of the byte read.

This routine is available for use only on DOS.

See also:

X"86" - Write Byte to Memory
X"94" - Read Word from Memory
X"95" - Write Word to Memory

X"86" - Write Byte to Memory

Writes to the byte at the specified memory address.

call x"86" using segment
segment pic 9(5)
offset pic 9(5)
data-value pic x
On Entry:
segment The segment you want to write to.
offset The offset within the segment.
data-value The value to be placed in the byte.
On Exit:



This routine is available for use only on DOS.

See also:

X"85" - Read Byte from Memory
X"94" - Read Word from Memory
X"95" - Write Word to Memory

X"87" - Read Byte from Hardware Port

Reads a byte from a hardware port.

call x"87" using port
port pic 9(5)
data-value pic x
On Entry:
port The address of the port to read from. If you have the address in hexadecimal, specify as VALUE h"xxxx".
On Exit:
data-value The value read from the port.

This routine is available for use only on DOS.

See also:

X"88" - Write Byte to Hardware Port
X"96" - Read Word from Hardware Port
X"97" - Write Word to Hardware Port

X"88" - Write Byte to Hardware Port

Writes a byte to a hardware port.

call x"88" using port
port pic 9(5)
data-value pic x
On Entry:
port The address of the port to write to. If you have the address in hexadecimal, specify as VALUE h"xxxx".
data-value The value to write to the port.
18.2.2..3 On Exit:



This routine is available for use only on DOS.

See also:

X"87" - Read Byte from Hardware Port
X"96" - Read Word from Hardware Port
X"97" - Write Word to Hardware Port

X"91" function 11 - Set Programmable Switches

Sets the programmable COBOL switches.

call x"91" using result

result pic x comp-x
function-code pic x comp-x
parameter Group item defined as:
    switch-flag     pic x comp-x occurs 8
    debug-flag     pic x comp-x
On Entry:
function Value 11
switch-flag The values (0 or 1) to set in switches 0 thru 7.
debug-flag If set to 1, the ANSI Debug module is enabled.
On Exit:
result Set to zero if the call was successful, nonzero otherwise.

This routine is available for use only on DOS, Windows and OS/2.

To update one switch without affecting the others, you should read the switches with X"91" function 12, update parameter, and then call this function.

See also:

X"91" function 12 - Read Programmable Switches

X"91" function 12 - Read Programmable Switches

Reads the programmable COBOL switches.

call x"91" using result
result pic x comp-x
function-code pic x comp-x
parameter Group item defined as:
    switch-flag     pic x comp-x occurs 8
    debug-flag     pic x comp-x
On Entry:
function Value 12
On Exit:
result Set to zero if the call was successful, nonzero otherwise.
switch-flag The values of switches 0 thru 7.
debug-flag Set to 1 if the ANSI Debug module is enabled, otherwise zero.

This routine is available for use only on DOS, Windows and OS/2.

See also:

X"91" function 11 - Set Programmable Switches

X"91" function 13 - Set Run-time Switches

Sets the run-time switches.

call x"91" using result
result pic x comp-x
function-code pic x comp-x
parameter pic x comp-x occurs 26
On Entry:
function Value 13
parameter Each byte represents one of the switch letters, each bit in a byte is the state to set the numeric switch for that letter. For example, parameter(1) bit 0 represents switch A (or A0), bit 5 of parameter(19) represents switch S5.
On Exit:
result Set to zero if the call was successful, nonzero otherwise.

This routine is available for use only on DOS, Windows and OS/2.

To update one switch without affecting the others, you should read the switches with Function 14, update parameter, and then call this function.

See also:

X"91" function 14 - Read Run-time Switches

X"91" function 14 - Read Run-time Switches

Reads the run-time switches.

call x"91" using result
result pic x comp-x
function-code pic x comp-x
parameter pic x comp-x occurs 26
On Entry:
function Value 14
On Exit:
parameter Each byte represents one of the switch letters, each bit in a byte is the state of the numeric switch for that letter. For example, parameter (1) bit 0 represents switch A (or A0), bit 5 of parameter (19) represents switch S5.
result Set to zero if the call was successful, nonzero otherwise.

This routine is available for use only on DOS, Windows and OS/2.

See also:

X"91" function 13 - Set Run-time Switches

X"91" function 15 - Check Program Exists

Checks for the existence of the specified program.

call x"91" using result
result pic x comp-x
function-code pic x comp-x
Group item defined as:
pic x comp-x
pic x(n
On Entry:
function Value 15
name-len The length of the name in filename.
progname The name of the program to be looked for. This parameter must be at least 65 characters long.
On Exit:
progname If the program is found, contains the full name.
result Set to zero if the program was found, non-zero otherwise.

This routine is available for use only on DOS, Windows and OS/2.

If the program file is found, you must then call the program, using the filename returned.

This call must not be used to check for the existence of data files; use CBL_CHECK_FILE_EXIST instead.

X"91" function 16 - Count Linkage Parameters

Shows how many of the parameters in the call statement of the calling program have been transferred to the called subprogram.

call x"91" using result
result pic x comp-x
function-code pic x comp-x
parameter pic x comp-x
On Entry:
function Value 16
On Exit:
parameter The number of parameters.
result Set to zero if the call was successful, nonzero otherwise.

This routine is available for use only on DOS, Windows and OS/2.

This function is used in the called program; for the function to work in generated code, the program must be compiled with the PARAMCOUNTCHECK directive.

This function can only be used if the program is called from a COBOL program.

In certain circumstances, the number returned by the call is greater than the number of parameters transferred by the call statement of the calling program. For example:

X"91" function 35 - Execute a Program

Performs an EXEC call (like the DOS 4B call) to the specified program file, executing it.

call x"91" using result
result pic x comp-x
function-code pic x comp-x
parameter Group item defined as:
    name-len     pic x comp-x
    progname     pic x(n)
On Entry:
function Value 35
name-len The number of characters in the name of the program. If this is set to zero, whatever has been previously written to the command line is executed.
progname The filename of the program to be executed.
On Exit:
result Zero if the EXEC call was successful, nonzero otherwise. If the reason for failure is an operating system error and has a number less than 255, that number is returned. Otherwise, 255 is returned.

This routine is available for use only on DOS, Windows and OS/2.

To execute a command line instead of just a named program, set name-len to zero, and set the command line using the DISPLAY...UPON COMMAND-LINE syntax (see your Language Reference for details).

If this function is called from a program linked with the lcoboldw or the coblibw library (Windows default window), the EXECed program is executed in a different window (if it is a Windows application) or in a DOS session (if it is a DOS application).

If you want to execute batch (.bat) or command (.cmd) files with this routine, you must use DISPLAY...UPON COMMAND-LINE. This facility is available only on DOS and OS/2.


The following example shows how you can perform a dir/w using function 35 on DOS and OS/2:

 working-storage section. 
 01 command-lin-string  pic x(80) value "dir/w". 
 01 result              pic x comp-x. 
 01 func                pic x comp-x value 35. 
 01 command-lin. 
     03 command-lin-length  pic x comp-x value zero. 
 procedure division. 
     display command-lin-string upon command-line 
     call x"91" using result, func, command-lin 
     if result = zero 
         display "call worked" 
         display "call failed" 
         stop run 

The result field in this example shows whether the command processor is invoked successfully, it does not show if the command itself is executed. The return code from the application you are trying to call is also not given.

16-bit OS/2 only:

If you use this routine to execute a new process on 16-bit OS/2 systems, you need to ensure that the new process you want to create is the same type as the process creating the process. For example, if you want to create a new Presentation Manager (PM) process then you must create it from a PM process. Note that you cannot use DISPLAY ... UPON COMMAND-LINE to create a new PM process, whether the creating process is a PM process or not.

X"91" functions 60/61 - Fixing Data in Memory

Fixes and unfixes a program's Data Division in memory.

call X"91" using result
result pic x(2) comp-x.
function-code pic x comp-x.
parameter pic x(2) comp-x.
On Entry:
function-code The action to perform:

60 Fix the data area
61 Unfix the data area
parameter Reserved (must be set to 0).
On Exit:
result Contains zero if failed, else nonzero

This routine is available for use only on DOS.

This routine is useful when interfacing with non-COBOL applications where there is a requirement that a COBOL data area should not be relocated by the RTE memory management.

X"94" - Read Word from Memory

Returns the contents of the word at the specified memory address.

call x"94" using segment
segment pic 9(5)
offset pic 9(5)
data-value pic xx
On Entry:
segment The segment you want to examine.
offset The offset within the segment.
On Exit:
data-value The contents of the word read.

This routine is available for use only on DOS.

See also:

X"85" - Read Byte from Memory
X"86" - Write Byte to Memory
X"95" - Write Word to Memory

X"95" - Write Word to Memory

Writes to the word at the specified memory address.

call x"95" using segment
segment pic 9(5)
offset pic 9(5)
data-value pic x
On Entry:
segment The segment you want to write to.
offset The offset within the segment.
data-value The value to be placed in the word.
On Exit:



This routine is available for use only on DOS.

See also:

X"85" - Read Byte from Memory
X"86" - Write Byte to Memory
X"94" - Read Word from Memory

X"96" - Read Word from Hardware Port

Reads a word from a hardware port.

call x"96" using port
port pic 9(5)
data-value pic xx
On Entry:
port The address of the port to read from. If you have the address in hexadecimal, specify as VALUE h"xxxx".
On Exit:
data-value The value read from the port.

This routine is available for use only on DOS.

See also:

X"87" - Read Byte from Hardware Port
X"88" - Write Byte to Hardware Port
X"97" - Write Word to Hardware Port

X"97" - Write Word to Hardware Port

Writes a word to a hardware port.

call x"97" using port
port pic 9(5)
data-value pic xx
On Entry:
port The address of the port to write to. If you have the address in hexadecimal, specify as VALUE h"xxxx".
data-value The value to write to the port.
On Exit:



This routine is available for use only on DOS.

See also:

X"87" - Read Byte from Hardware Port
X"88" - Write Byte to Hardware Port
X"96" - Read Word from Hardware Port

Copyright © 1998 Micro Focus Limited. All rights reserved.
This document and the proprietary marks and names used herein are protected by international law.
PreviousIntegrated Preprocessor Interface