3.3 Monitoring Connections

Table 3-1 Connection Monitoring command options



-Cl, --Conn --list

Lists all active connections.

-C, --Conn

Displays the consolidated list of active and expired connections.

-Cn CONNECTION_ID, --Conn --connection CONNECTION_ID

Displays details of the specified connection number.

The Privileges field displaying Supervisor for the logged in user implies that the user has Supervisor privileges for Entry Rights over NCP Server object. The user with such privileges gets full access to all the mounted volumes irrespective of user rights at file system level.

-Clx, --Conn --list --exp

Lists all expired connections.

A session is called an expired session if there is no request/response packet flow (not even a keep-alive request DSI Tickle) between the server and the client for 2 minutes. Normally expired sessions are cleared by the server at intervals specified by the RECONNECT_PERIOD configuration parameter.


Closes the connection with the specified connection number.

By querying or listing all open connections you can find how many sessions are opened at any moment. The details include session ID, client IP address, user name, user login time, consolidated list of read/write requests, access mode, and total number of other requests received.

You can also drill down to extract per-connection details such as the group the user is a member of.

If the connections are stale and persistent, for example, and if there is no activity for a considerable amount of time, this session occupies a considerable amount of memory. If this happens, you can close the connection/session based on the qualitative analysis of various connection parameters dumped by the new commands and options.

IMPORTANT:Closing a connection by using this utility can leave the associated open files in an incomplete state, so use this command sparingly.