3.7 Cluster Design Guidelines

Your Novell Cluster Services solution for each of the peer clusters in the business continuity cluster must consider the following configuration guidelines. Ensure that your approach is consistent across all peer clusters.

  • IP addresses:

  • Volume IDs: Volume IDs of BCC-enabled clustered volumes must be unique across all nodes in every peer cluster. Duplicate volume IDs can prevent resources from going online if the resource is BCC-migrated to a peer cluster.

  • Configuring Nodes: As you build nodes for each peer cluster, consider the configuration requirements for each of the services supported across all peer clusters, and for the preferred nodes for each service.

  • Planning BCC-Enabled Resource Failover: As you plan your BCC solution, create a failover matrix for each cluster resource so that you know what service is supported and which nodes are the assigned nodes for failover within the same cluster and among the peer clusters.