3.5 Setting up OES iPrint on the NSS File System

It is now possible to host OES iPrint configuration and data on an NSS Volume. In a standard single server setup, you can continue to host OES iPrint on your default native Linux file system or you can host OES iPrint on the NSS file system.

In a cluster setup, we recommend making OES iPrint available in an OES NSS Cluster.

NOTE:When you create a volume, ensure that it has enough space to host all your driver needs.

Use iprint_nss_relocate script to host OES iPrint on NSS file system in a standalone or cluster setup. This script performs the following actions:

  • Moves iPrint configuration data to the NSS Volume.

  • Creates symbolic links on the Linux POSIX file system that point to the location on NSS.

  • Removes the /etc/passwd local iPrint user.

  • Creates an iPrint LUM user and an iprintgrp LUM group.

    These users, along with Apache's www group and wwwrun user, are given rights to those sections of the NSS file system where the iPrint configuration and data are hosted.

3.5.1 Running the iprint_nss_relocate script

To run the iprint_nss_relocate script:

  1. Go to the /opt/novell/iprint/bin folder on your OES server.

  2. Run the following command at the prompt:

    ./iprint_nss_relocate -a <admin dn> -p <password> -n <NSS path> [-l cluster[-c] [-w]]

    For example:./iprint_nss_relocate -a cn=admin,o=novell -n /media/nss/DATA -c o=Novell,t=iPrint_Tree -w o=Novell,t=iPrint_Tree -l cluster

If you do not specify the password in the command, you are prompted to enter the password when the script runs. Refer to the following table for details on the options.




Admin DN in LDAP format


Password for the Admin user


NSS Path with no trailing slash

IMPORTANT:When you specify the path, ensure that there are no trailing slashes after the NSS path.

For example: The path should be specified as /media/nss/NSSVOl1 and not as /media/nss/NSSVOL1/.

-l Cluster

Use this parameter only when you want to achieve clustering on NSS file systems. For more details on clustering, see Section 9.0, Configuring iPrint with OES Cluster Services.

IMPORTANT:Use the cluster keyword with the -l option. Do not replace the cluster keyword with a cluster object name.

-c (Optional)

Specify the container FDN in LDAP format where the iPrint LUM object already exists or should be created.

All the iPrint nodes on an NSS Cluster should share the iPrint LUM objects (iprint user and iprintgrp group) and should be in the same container. If the nodes are in different containers, you should specify the existing iPrint LUM objects' context on subsequent nodes where ipring_nss_relocate is running. To specify the context, give the -c option in the command. Do not choose the context where the non-user object named iPrint already exists.

-w (Optional)

Specify the container FDN in LDAP format where Apache LUM objects exist.