9.8 Configuring the Azure Instance Type Used For the Azure Replication Environment Virtual Machine

For the Azure Replication Environment VM, PlateSpin Migrate Server by default uses the smallest instance size that is required for the workload migration based on the number of disk drives you configure for the target workload.

To change the Azure instance type used during replication, set the value of the AzureInstanceSizeForReplicationEnvironment parameter to the Azure instance type you want to use for the Replication Environment Virtual Machine based on the number of disk drives you configure for the target workload.

To specify an instance size for the Azure Replication Environment VM:

  1. Log in as Administrator to the PlateSpin Migrate Web Interface, then open the PlateSpin Server Configuration page at:


  2. Search to locate the AzureInstanceSizeForReplicationEnvironment parameter and set its value to the required instance size.

    IMPORTANT:To specify the instance size, replace all the spaces in the instance size name with underscore(_). For example, "Standard A4m v2" must be specified as "Standard_A4m_v2".

  3. Save your settings and exit the page.

    A reboot or restart of PlateSpin services is not required to apply the changes.