14.3 Upgrading PlateSpin Migrate Connector

You can use the installation files for PlateSpin Migrate Connector 2019.2 to upgrade your existing remote instances of PlateSpin Migrate Connector 2. See Section 13.2.2, Supported Connector Host OS and Dependent Software.

NOTE:PlateSpin Migrate Connector 2019.2 is not backwards compatible with prior releases of Platespin Transformation Manager or PlateSpin Migrate. Upgrade the PTM Appliance before you upgrade remote Migrate Connector instances. Then upgrade your Migrate servers.

To upgrade a remote instance of the Migrate Connector:

  1. Log in to the Migrate Connector host as the root user.

  2. Copy the RPM and KEY files that you downloaded to a location on the server.

  3. Launch a console, then navigate to the location where you copied the RPM and KEY files.

  4. (Optional) Import the PTM Public Key to your keyring.

    If you applied the public key prior to the installation of PlateSpin Migrate Connector 2 on the existing Connector host server, you do not need to re-import the key. The new 2019.2 RPM file will apply the upgrade without security warnings.

    Launch a terminal, then enter one of the following commands as the root user:

    gpg --import <ptm-public-key-filename>
    rpm --import <ptm-public-key-filename>
  5. Update PlateSpin Migrate Connector files. In a console, enter

    rpm -Uvh <ps-migrate-connector-rpm-filename>

    Ensure that you replace xx.x with the actual build number.

  6. Restart the Migrate Connector Service. In a console, enter

    rcps_migrate_connector restart