17.0 Tracking External Workload Migrations

PlateSpin Transformation Manager tracks external migration workflow for imported workloads with matching workload migrations performed on PlateSpin Migrate servers. Transformation Manager reports the status, but it does not automate or control the workflow. The PlateSpin Migrate Connector retrieves state change events as a subscriber of each Migrate server’s event messaging system, and sends state information to the appropriate project and workload.

After you import workloads to PlateSpin Transformation Manager and discover information about them, PlateSpin Migrate Connectors scan PlateSpin Migrate servers to look for matching workloads. When a match is discovered, the PTM workload status is automatically changed from Automated to Manual (tracking). The Workload dialog displays information about the migration configuration setttings in PlateSpin Migrate.

NOTE:Transformation Manager ignores migrations on the project’s PlateSpin Migrate servers for workloads that have not been imported to your project. After you import a workload, the Connector seeks a match during subsequent scans of the Migrate servers, then begins tracking states for the matching workload.

The tracked status displays in the Status column of the Workloads list and in the header area of the Workload dialog for the workload.