34.3 Excluding or Including an AWS Placement Group

Discovered Placement Group resources for a target AWS platform are automatically included in the list of resources available for migrations. You can use the Exclude action on the Placement Groups tab in the Platform dialog to hide specified placement groups in migration menus. The excluded resource appears dimmed in the Platform Associations list. Excluded resources do not appear in other dialogs for planning.

NOTE:For enhanced tracking, workload associations to an excluded placement group are not available for the Placement Group resource.

To exclude a Placement Group resource for a target AWS platform:

  1. In the Web Interface toolbar, select Platforms, select the platform, then click Edit.

  2. Under Associations, select the Placement Groups tab.

  3. Select the appropriate placement group, click Exclude.

  4. If workloads are associated with the placement group, you are prompted to confirm the exclusion. Click Yes to continue, or click No to cancel.

You can use the Include action to enable an excluded placement group. Including the previously excluded resource does not reinstate any prior associations it had before you excluded it.

To include an excluded Placement Group resource for a target AWS platform:

  1. In the Web Interface toolbar, select Platforms, select the platform, then click Edit.

  2. Under Associations, select the Placement Groups tab.

  3. Select the excluded placement group, then click Include.