18.2 Configuring Azure Storage Settings

For migrations to Azure platforms, the Storage panel in the Workload dialog has different options depending on whether you use the Azure Managed Disks service (default) for the target VM or you use unmanaged disks and specify a storage account and path where you will manage the storage yourself after the migration.

  • Azure Managed Disks

    Managed disks are resource objects that represent the actual replicated disks being managed. If you enabled Use Managed Disks, you do not have an option to specify the Datastore (Azure Storage Account) and disk path.

    You can optionally provide a custom name for each Managed Disk resource. You cannot rename this resource after it is created. PTM applies a default name for each Managed Disk resource in the following format:

        <parent VM name>-<numeric suffix>

    Names must comply with the naming conventions for resources. Valid characters for the resource name are alphanumeric, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and period (.). The name should start with a letter or number, and end with a letter, number, or underscore. The maximum name length is 80 characters. Managed disk names do not have a .vhd extension.

  • Unmanaged Disks

    If you disabled Use Managed Disks, specify the Storage Account and the Disk Path to use in the storage account. You can optionally provide a custom name for each unmanaged disk. Names must comply with the naming conventions for disks. Disk names have a .vhd extension.