Serena PVCS Version Manager
Readme File: Known Issues

The readme contains information, not included in the manuals or online help, on installing and using the current release of Version Manager. Additional information is available in KnowledgeBase articles available via your browser.

The Version Manager readme consists of the following files:

This readme file is organized into distinct parts. Please read the parts that correspond to the Version Manager components you are using.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Version Manager CLI, Desktop Client, and PCLI
Part 2: Version Manager IDE Client
Part 3: Version Manager Web Client
Part 4: Version Manager WebDAV Server
Part 5: Serena Meritage
Part 6: Copyright/Disclaimers/Support


Part 1: Version Manager CLI, Desktop Client, and PCLI

1.0 Known Windows and UNIX Issues

1.1 LDAP & SSL: "Failed to connect to LDAP server"

1.2 PCLI: Command-Line Help for the Deploy Command is Out-of-Date

1.3 As of Version Manager 6.8: Create Archive Privilege Name and Behavior Has Changed

1.4 As of Version Manager 6.8: Behavior of Command-Line Interface Output Messages Has Changed

1.5 As of Version Manager 6.8: Default Refresh Interval Has Changed

1.6 Extra Colon in Show History Report

1.7 Serena Collage Integration: Can't Specify Multiple Setup Files

1.8 Output of Vlog Command Has Changed

1.9 File Server Does Not Resolve Paths in Event Triggers or Custom Tool Definitions

1.10 CLI: File Server Error Gives Wrong User ID

1.11 CLI: Help (‑h) Output Incorrectly Displays All Options in Uppercase Letters

1.12 Log Entries for File Server Authentication Are Confusing

1.13 makedb: Confusing Error Message If File Server Utilities Are Disabled

1.14 "Check Tip Against Version/Revision" Fails If Default Version Is Set

1.15 Using Multiple Clients via a Proxy Server Uses Multiple Licenses

1.16 Lowest-Level Promotion Group Does Not Appear in the Checkout Dialog Box

2.0 Known Windows Issues

2.1 Logging Out of the File Server Generates an Error If You Log In Using the Old URL

2.2 File Server Expects a Configuration File to Have a ".cfg" Extension

2.3 TrackerLink: Associations Are Required for Check-In If Associations Are Required for Checkout

2.4 Using Certain High ASCII Characters (č, ě, ř) in Version Labels

2.5 Chmod.exe Is No Longer Installed

2.6 After Version Manager Patch On Non-English System, Interface May Change to Non-English

2.7 Windows Vista: Run as administrator

3.0 Known UNIX Issues

3.1 VTRANSFER -r: Attempting to Change the Case of a File Name on a Case-Insensitive File Server Fails to Rename the Archive

3.2 Full Path to Helper Applications Sometimes Required

3.3 Using Exceed 7.1 in Multiple Window Mode Causes Inconsistent Behavior in Version Manager

3.4 HP-UX: Exceed 7.1 Required

3.5 Disable Font Substitution in Exceed or other X Servers

3.6 Linux: Diff/Merge Tool Causes Error Message in the Linux Konsole

3.7 Linux: System Hangs When You Check Out or Lock Files in a Project with Multiple Lowest-Level Promotion Groups

3.8 Linux: "Segmentation fault (core dump)" Error Occurs During Execution of Command-Line Commands

3.9 Linux: "Open Server Configuration File" Dialog Box Displays Empty Drop-Down List

4.0 Known PCLI Issues

4.1 Spaces Not Supported in a Variable Index

4.2 Wildcard Characters Do Not Work at the Top Level of Workspace Paths

4.3 CTRL+D/CTRL+Z Cannot Be Used to End Descriptions

4.4 HP-UX: PCLI Out of Memory Messages Appear

4.5 PCLI Put -r: Specifying a Revision Number Results in a Yes/No Prompt

4.6 PCLI: Deploy Command Fails When the Version Manager Username or Password Contains Spaces

5.0 Conversion Utility for SourceSafe

5.1 General

6.0 Documentation Issues

6.1 Help Does Not Work on Internet Explorer Using Sun's 1.4.0x JRE


Part 2: Version Manager IDE Client

7.0 Known Issues in SCC IDEs

7.1 SourceBridge: "Failed to Initialize..."

7.2 ColdFusion: Pulse Displays Redundant Information

7.3 Pulse: Displays "pvcs.vm.param.LogInfo" Messages

7.4 RAD and Power Builder: javaw.exe, eclipse.exe, pclioutproc.exe Processes Do Not End After closing the Version Manager SCC Interface

7.5 Rational Rose: Error Occurs on Get or on Undo Checkout

7.6 Rational Rose: Tracker Admin Dialog Box Is Not Available

7.7 VS 2005: Package Load Failure on First Run of Visual Studio

7.8 Cleanup Required When You Unlock Files with TrackerLink Associations

7.9 Visual Basic: Prompts for Confirmation of Check-In Location

7.10 Workfile Location Options Are Available for Getting Projects

7.11 Visual Studio 2005: Erroneous Errors in Output View when Adding Solution

8.0 Known Issues in Eclipse IDEs

8.1 Eclipse: Conflicts May Occur with the ATL.DLL File Placed by Another Application

9.0 Known Issues in Eclipse and Visual Studio Rich Integrations

9.1 Server-Side Processing in RIDE Clients Causes Instability in File Server and Web Server

9.2 Eclipse: "Resource Key" Errors

9.3 Eclipse: Copy All Changes Toolbar Button Not Working

9.4 Eclipse Command Line: You Can Specify a Larger Heap Size If You Have Extremely Large Projects

9.5 VS 2005: Merged Files Are Saved in UTF-8 Format

9.6 VS 2005: Package Load Failure on First Run of Visual Studio

9.7 VS 2005: Crash when Adding "Project from Existing Code" to Source Control

9.8 VS 2005: Microsoft Error on Get Latest

9.9 VS 2005: Cannot Add Empty Visual Basic Web Projects to Source Control

9.10 VS 2005: Restored Folder Still Shown as Deleted in Compare Workspaces View


Part 3: Version Manager Web Client

10.0 Known Issues

10.1 Internet Explorer: Do Not Open Multiple Project Databases in Multiple Tabs or Browser Instances

10.2 Refreshing Content Pane after Viewing Revision

10.3 UNIX: Add Workfiles Directory Browsing Is Sometimes Disabled

10.4 IO Error Messages Occur When the Version Manager Web Server Is Down

10.5 Unable to Change Password If No ACDB Exists

10.6 Licenses Tab of Version Manager Web Server Application Configuration Utility Displays Multi-Byte and High-ASCII Characters Incorrectly

10.7 Dates Sometimes Displayed Incorrectly in Web Client Project Pane

10.8 Error: "Certificate not verified"

10.9 Browse Does Not Work After You Switch to a Project on a Different Server

10.10 Windows XP SP 2 Security Settings May Disrupt Viewing of Online Help

10.11 Request for Password Displayed Rather Than Licensing Error

10.12 You have encountered an internal processing error: 2xxxx

10.13 UNIX: "Restart Firefox" Option Might Crash Firefox

10.14 UNIX: Uninstalling Web Client Without Closing Connections Might Crash Firefox

10.15 Internet Explorer 7: Cannot Work in Two Project Databases At One Time


Part 4: Version Manager WebDAV Server

11.0 Known Issues


Part 5: Serena Meritage

12.0 Known Issues

12.1 PowerPoint Is No Longer Supported

12.2 Office 2000

12.3 WebDAV Server

12.4 SSL Support


Part 6: Copyright/Disclaimers/Support

13.0 Support

13.1 Support Information

14.0 Notice Regarding Third Party Software

14.1 Third Party Software Disclaimers

14.2 Third Party Software Rights


To Top

Part 1: Version Manager CLI, Desktop Client, and PCLI

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1.0 Known Windows and UNIX Issues

1.1 LDAP & SSL: "Failed to connect to LDAP server"

If you receive the following error:

"Failed to connect to LDAP server."
"You cannot access this project because your login account, UserName, is invalid ..."

See LDAP Connection/Authentication Fails in the Usage_Cautions.html readme file.

1.2 PCLI: Command-Line Help for the Deploy Command is Out-of-Date

In Mover 2, you deploy "packages" rather than "deploy maps". As a result, the deploy command usage statement (output by the -h option) should refer to a "package id" rather than a "deploy map id".

1.3 As of Version Manager 6.8: Create Archive Privilege Name and Behavior Has Changed

As of Version Manager 6.8, the "Create Archive" privilege has been renamed to "Create Archive and Workfile" because this privilege now allows the user to add workfiles. In previous releases the "Create Archive" privilege had to be combined with the "Add or Remove Versioned Files" privilege in order to allow the same behavior with respect to adding workfiles. This changed behavior makes it possible to allow users to add workfiles without also allowing them to delete files.

Version Manager Administrators should be aware that users who may have had only the "Create Archive" privilege can now add workfiles. The behavior of the "Add or Remove Versioned Files" privilege has not changed.

1.4 As of Version Manager 6.8: Behavior of Command-Line Interface Output Messages Has Changed

The output messaging behavior in the Command-line Interface (CLI) has been changed so that all error messages are directed to stderr and all other types of messages are directed to stdout. This change provides for more consistent behavior, but may have an impact on existing scripts.

1.5 As of Version Manager 6.8: Default Refresh Interval Has Changed

The default refresh interval is now 30 seconds, which means that changes made in one interface will be visible in another interface (or another instance) after 30 seconds. To refresh immediately from the Version Manager desktop client, choose View | Refresh from the Menu or press CTRL+R.

1.6 Extra Colon in Show History Report

The Show History Report contains colons to use when you filter for reports on archives. The colons are used to separate the "owner", "author", and "locker" filter criteria. If you use scripts to parse the output of Show History Archive reports, you may need to update the scripts.

1.7 Serena Collage Integration: Can't Specify Multiple Setup Files

The Serena PVCS Version Manager Administrator's Guide indicates that multiple setup files can be specified with the runvmcm command. This does not work correctly at this time. If you specify more than one setup file, only the last one will be used.

To workaround this issue, define multiple transfers in a single setup file. See "Creating a Setup File" in the Collage chapter of the Serena PVCS Version Manager Administrator's Guide.

1.8 Output of Vlog Command Has Changed

The output of the CLI and PCLI vlog commands have been changed to include the Split mode of an archive. You may need to update scripts that parse the output of these commands.

1.9 File Server Does Not Resolve Paths in Event Triggers or Custom Tool Definitions

Paths specified in event triggers or custom tool definitions must be accessible by the client operating system. If you migrate an existing Project Database for use with a file server, you may need to change the definitions so that paths remain accessible to the OS.

For security reasons, only Version Manager executables can access paths served by the Version Manager File Server. If the directories mapped by the file server contain files other than archives and Project Database files, and if third-party applications need to access these files (or if the files are third-party applications), you need to provide another form of access for these files (such as a shared directory or a mapped drive).

NOTE: Any Version Manager executable used in your event trigger will work fine without a shared directory or mapped drive, as long as the executable itself--and any script containing it--can be found using regular (OS) file access.

1.10 CLI: File Server Error Gives Wrong User ID

If you issue a CLI command against a file server path map that has security enabled but the user ID that you pass to that command using ‑iduser:password is not authorized, the error message that you receive refers to the HOST user ID as being invalid rather than the incorrect ID that you entered.

1.11 CLI: Help (‑h) Output Incorrectly Displays All Options in Uppercase Letters

The output from the -h option for CLI commands always shows options as all-uppercase; however, many options do not work if you use uppercase letters. To be safe, always use lowercase letters for CLI options.

1.12 Log Entries for File Server Authentication Are Confusing

If a user performs a makedb operation on a path for which the user is not authorized, two messages appear in the log:

    Access to writing utility by user userName is granted

    Error during authentication.
    User userName is not authorized for path path.

The first message should appear only if the second message does not.

1.13 makedb: Confusing Error Message If File Server Utilities Are Disabled

If a makedb operation fails because the destination is on a file server that disallows utilities, the user sees the confusing error text, "makedb: cannot create semaphore path."

1.14 "Check Tip Against Version/Revision" Fails If Default Version Is Set

If a default version label is defined for the Project Database, the Show History report does not work when you perform a Check tips against version/revision operation.

1.15 Using Multiple Clients via a Proxy Server Uses Multiple Licenses

Simultaneous use of the desktop client (Version Manager or Tracker) and a Web client (Version Manager, Tracker, or TeamTrack) consumes two licenses if access is via a proxy server. The desktop application will license to the client hostname and the Web servers will license to the proxy server's hostname, so two licences are consumed.

1.16 Lowest-Level Promotion Group Does Not Appear in the Checkout Dialog Box


  1. Deploy a promotion model at the root level of a Project Database (PDB).

  2. Create a sub-project with a configuration file.

  3. In the sub-project's configuration file, declare an additional promotion group below the main promotion model's bottom level.

  4. Add a workfile to the sub-project.

  5. Place the desktop client in recursive mode (View | Filter | Recursive).

  6. Select the PDB level. The sub-project and versioned file appear in the right pane.

  7. Select the versioned file directly in the right pane.

  8. Right-click and select Check Out.

  9. Open the drop-down list.

    It shows the original bottom-level promotion group as defined by the top-level configuration.


  1. After placing the desktop client in recursive mode (step 5 above), select the PDB level. The sub-project and versioned file appear in the right pane.

  2. This time, select the sub-project.

  3. Select the versioned file in the right pane.

  4. Right-click and select Check Out.

  5. Open the drop-down list.

    This time, it displays the new bottom-level promotion group as defined by the sub-project configuration.

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2.0 Known Windows Issues

2.1 Logging Out of the File Server Generates an Error If You Log In Using the Old URL

Administrators see an error message when logging out of the File Server if they log in using the old URL (merantfs rather than serenafs).

The error is harmless.

2.2 File Server Expects a Configuration File to Have a ".cfg" Extension

If you open a project database (PDB) from a File Server and specify a configuration file with a name that doesn't have a ".cfg" extension, Version Manager does not recognize the configuration file.

2.3 TrackerLink: Associations Are Required for Check-In If Associations Are Required for Checkout

If you set up TrackerLink to require associations for checkout, you should also require associations for check-in. Otherwise, the revision number of the checked in revision will not appear in the Tracker issue, and the issue information will not be added to the revision description. You should also select the "Clean up associations on undo checkout" check box from the Serena TrackerLink Settings dialog box (Admin | TrackerLink Settings).

If associations are not required on check-in, you can still complete associations during check-in by clicking the Associate Issues button on the Check In dialog box and clicking OK.

2.4 Using Certain High ASCII Characters (č, ě, ř) in Version Labels

When used in a version label, the characters would be displayed as "???" or cause an error to be thrown. The characters are: č, ě, ř (c, e, and r with a caron). In Windows CP1250 Latin, these are the High ASCII characters 200, 227, and 236.

Windows CP1252 Latin (Western Eurpean Languages) does not contain these characters. To use these characters, you must change the region and language settings of your system to one that uses Code Page 1250, such as Romanian.

2.5 Chmod.exe Is No Longer Installed

Chmod.exe is no longer part of the Version Manager installation. For similar functionality, use the MSDOS Attrib command.

2.6 After Version Manager Patch On Non-English System, Interface May Change to Non-English

If English Version Manager has been installed on a non-English system, installing a Version Manager patch may change the Version Manager interface to match the language of the operating system.

To restore the English interface, delete the following files:

2.7 Windows Vista: Run as administrator

In the PVCS Version Manager desktop client, to save the Admin | Make Secure configuration settings, you must use the PVCS Version Manager Run as administrator option.

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3.0 Known UNIX Issues

3.1 VTRANSFER -r: Attempting to Change the Case of a File Name on a Case-Insensitive File Server Fails to Rename the Archive

Attempting to change the case of a file name on a case-insensitive File Server fails to rename the archive.

3.2 Full Path to Helper Applications Sometimes Required

In some situations, the Helper application may not start correctly unless you enter a full path.

Under the View | Options Application tab, you should enter full paths for the following applications:

  1. The editor that Version Manager will use to display and edit your workfiles and to display reports

  2. Adobe Acrobat Reader, used for viewing online manuals

  3. An HTML browser, used for displaying reports and online help

3.3 Using Exceed 7.1 in Multiple Window Mode Causes Inconsistent Behavior in Version Manager

Using Exceed 7.1 in Multiple Window mode causes inconsistent behavior in Version Manager when you click tabs in a dialog box with multiple tabs. The dialog box may move to the upper left corner of the screen. This problem does not happen in Single Window Mode.

3.4 HP-UX: Exceed 7.1 Required

Earlier versions of Exceed may cause problems with random shut downs and other unexpected behavior. This is an Exceed issue. Upgrading to Exceed 7.1 should resolve these issues.

3.5 Disable Font Substitution in Exceed or other X Servers

If you use Exceed, you must configure it NOT to use font substitution. If font substitution is enabled, many dialog controls will not display correctly. Some may be unusable.

When you install Exceed, it enables font substitution by default. This may also apply to other X server software.

To disable font substitution in Exceed:

  1. Launch Xconfig.

  2. Select Font Management.

  3. Select the Advanced Settings tab.

  4. Deselect the Automatic Font Substitution checkbox.

    NOTE The following two steps are optional, but recommended.

  5. Select the Local Fonts First checkbox.

  6. Select the Optimize for Java VM checkbox.

NOTE The procedure above is for Exceed 10. For other versions or for other X server software, consult the product's documentation.

3.6 Linux: Diff/Merge Tool Causes Error Message in the Linux Konsole

Launching the Diff/Merge tool may cause an error message about missing fonts to appear in the Linux console. This is an erroneous message; The Diff/Merge operation will work correctly.

3.7 Linux: System Hangs When You Check Out or Lock Files in a Project with Multiple Lowest-Level Promotion Groups

When you check out or lock files in a project that has multiple lowest-level promotion groups, the system may hang. This problem occurs sporadically on under-powered or overworked systems. Try closing other open applications to free more memory and CPU resources.

3.8 Linux: "Segmentation fault (core dump)" Error Occurs During Execution of Command-Line Commands

See "Setting Up Your UNIX Environment for Version Manager" in Chapter 4 of the Serena PVCS Version Manager Installation Guide.

3.9 Linux: "Open Server Configuration File" Dialog Box Displays Empty Drop-Down List

When you try to select a file server or local location from the Open Server Configuration File dialog box, the drop-down list may draw incorrectly and appear to be empty. You can prevent future occurrences of this behavior by changing your locale settings from UTF8 to ISO-8859-1.

To do so, run the following commands:

export LANG=en_US
export LC_ALL=en_US

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4.0 Known PCLI Issues

4.1 Spaces Not Supported in a Variable Index

When referencing a variable's elements in PCLI, do not use leading or trailing spaces. For example:

$FOO[ 3 ] should be changed to $FOO[3]

4.2 Wildcard Characters Do Not Work at the Top Level of Workspace Paths

You cannot use wildcard characters at the top level of workspace paths. For example, if you enter the following, the PCLI does not list the names of any public or private workspaces:

pcli list /@/*

However, this command lists all private workspaces of AdamJ, provided you are logged in to the project database as AdamJ:

pcli list /@/AdamJ/*

The following command lists all the public workspaces:

pcli list /@/Public/*

4.3 CTRL+D/CTRL+Z Cannot Be Used to End Descriptions

When you are being prompted to enter a description by the AddFiles or Put command, you cannot use the EndOfFile (EOF) character of the operating system you are running on (UNIX: CTRL+D, Windows: CTRL+Z). When prompted, enter a single period (.) on a line by itself to end the description. Windows users can also press CTRL+D.

Note that this is different from the old-style command-line interface (CLI) that allows you to enter the EOF character to end the description.

4.4 HP-UX: PCLI Out of Memory Messages Appear

On HP-UX systems only, in certain situations, running a complex PCLI script (or many java processes) may result in a message similar to: "You have encountered an out of memory error. Please restart Version Manager and try the operation again. If you continue to have problems, contact your Version Manager administrator for further assistance. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread...". Additional Java errors may appear after this message.

HP has a tool called "HPjconfig" that may remedy this situation. It is designed to tune HP-UX to use Java applications. Go to and search for "HPjconfig". Note: Changes made by HPjconfig will require modifications to the kernel.

4.5 PCLI Put -r: Specifying a Revision Number Results in a Yes/No Prompt

If you specify a revision number during check-in, you are prompted to confirm the action. Use the run -y put command in your scripts to automatically answer "Yes" to this prompt.

4.6 PCLI: Deploy Command Fails When the Version Manager Username or Password Contains Spaces

Running Deploy from the command line fails if the Version Manager username or password contains spaces. The problem does not occur when you perform the deploy operation directly from Mover.

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5.0 Conversion Utility for SourceSafe

5.1 General

The Version Manager Conversion Utility for SourceSafe can convert your existing SourceSafe databases into Version Manager project databases.

Please refer to the Serena PVCS Version Manager Administrator's Guide for information about how to use this utility.

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6.0 Documentation Issues

6.1 Help Does Not Work on Internet Explorer Using Sun's 1.4.0x JRE

The Version Manager help will not launch on Internet Explorer if IE is using Sun's 1.4.0x JRE. See the Version Manager Installation Readme for a list of supported JRE versions.

Part 2: Version Manager IDE Client

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7.0 Known Issues in SCC IDEs

7.1 SourceBridge: "Failed to Initialize..."

If you install SourceBridge while TrackerLink is still set as the SCC provider, SourceBridge will try to use TrackerLink as the SCC provider. Source control will not work.

To correct this, set the SCC provider in the System Settings tab of the SourceBridge dialog box. For details, see the "About Setting Up SourceBridge" section of the Serena PVCS Version Manager Administrator's Guide.

7.2 ColdFusion: Pulse Displays Redundant Information

If you close one project and open another without restarting ColdFusion, Pulse may display redundant source control activity information.

7.3 Pulse: Displays "pvcs.vm.param.LogInfo" Messages

Pulse may display messages containing the text "pvcs.vm.param.LogInfo". Disregard these messages.

7.4 RAD and Power Builder: javaw.exe, eclipse.exe, pclioutproc.exe Processes Do Not End After closing the Version Manager SCC Interface

In some situations, javaw.exe, eclipse.exe, pclioutproc.exe processes may not end automatically when closing the application. This occurs when Power Builder or RAD is run using the Version Manager interface. You must manually stop the processes.

7.5 Rational Rose: Error Occurs on Get or on Undo Checkout

When you perform a get or when you undo checkout of a file or a unit, Rational Rose may display a Version Control Integration message, and the operation may fail. See the sections below for information on successfully performing a get or undoing checkout.

7.5.1 Write-Protecting Before Getting Files

To ensure that you can successfully get a file or unit, do one of the following before getting:

You can now get the file.

7.5.2 Completing Undo Checkout

If a Version Control Integration message appears during undo checkout, the following has occurred:

To complete undo checkout, you can get the latest revision of the file by write-protecting it and getting it as explained in the section above.

To avoid this error on future undo checkout operations, write-protect the model file or unit before attempting the operation.

7.6 Rational Rose: Tracker Admin Dialog Box Is Not Available

In most SCC IDEs, you can submit issues and switch Tracker projects from the TrackerLink Admin dialog box. In most cases, this dialog box appears when you choose to run the external source control application.

Rational Rose, however, does not display the Tracker Admin dialog box. When you select Tools | Version Control | Start Version Control Explorer, the TrackerLink Settings dialog box appears instead.

Although there is currently no way to access the TrackerLink Admin dialog box from within Rational Rose, you can still submit issues and switch projects. See the next two sections for more information.

7.6.1 Submitting Issues

There are two ways to submit issues with Rational Rose:

7.6.2 Logging In to Different Projects

Complete the procedure below if you are using TrackerLink with Rational Rose and wish to switch to a different Tracker project:

  1. Select Tools | Version Control | Start Version Control Explorer. The Serena TrackerLink Settings dialog box appears.

  2. Deselect the Auto-login to project check box. Once this option is deselected, you will be prompted to log in to a Tracker project every time you start Rational Rose.

  3. Exit and restart Rational Rose. The Tracker login dialog box appears.

  4. Complete the login process.

7.7 VS 2005: Package Load Failure on First Run of Visual Studio

If you have not launched Visual Studio at least once before installing the Version Manager integration, you may see a package load failure the first time you open it. Do NOT tell Visual Studio to stop attempting to load the Version Manager package. Choosing incorrectly at this point will disable the integration and require an uninstall and reinstall to fix the integration. It will load properly the next time you open Visual Studio.

7.8 Cleanup Required When You Unlock Files with TrackerLink Associations

You can configure TrackerLink to "clean up" records from files that have been unlocked. Cleaning up removes the association with the file. If you are working with TrackerLink 6.5 and you unlock an unchanged file that you have associated with an issue, the file remains associated with the issue. This does not occur with TrackerLink 6.6 or later.

7.9 Visual Basic: Prompts for Confirmation of Check-In Location

Visual Basic may prompt you to confirm the check-in location even though you are checking a file in from the same location to which you checked it out. This occurs when the case in the filename is changed during the check-in process. When prompted to check in anyway, select Yes. The file will be properly checked in to the correct location.

7.10 Workfile Location Options Are Available for Getting Projects

Some IDEs allow you to get an entire project from source control, which copies all files in the Version Manager project to the location of your choice. You can specify any workfile location except a root drive (such as C:\).

7.11 Visual Studio 2005: Erroneous Errors in Output View when Adding Solution

You may receive erroneous errors in the Output view when adding a solution to source control. The operation will report that it completed successfully, and everything will work correctly. However, text similar to the following may appear:

Error: /SCCWA_01/SCCWA_01.sln: The entity (or entities) for "/SCCWA_01/SCCWA_01.sln" could not be loaded.
The entity (or entities) for "/SCCWA_01/SCCWA_01.sln" could not be loaded.
Added: C:\Projects\SCCWA_01\SCCWA_01.sln
---- Operation completed successfully at time 12:25:30 PM ----

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8.0 Known Issues in Eclipse IDEs

8.1 Eclipse: Conflicts May Occur with the ATL.DLL File Placed by Another Application

If you receive an error similar to "Ordinal 58 not found at ATL.DLL" when launching an Eclipse-based IDE, you may need to update your ATL.DLL file. Check the ATL.DLL file in the system32 directory of your Windows installation. The ATL.DLL file should be about 60 KB in size. If it is much smaller, the installation of another program has overwritten the file with an outdated version. Obtain the current version from Microsoft or from another computer that has the proper version installed.

For information on Microsoft DLLs, see

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9.0 Known Issues in Eclipse and Visual Studio Rich Integrations

9.1 Server-Side Processing in RIDE Clients Causes Instability in File Server and Web Server

WARNING! Enabling the Server-Side Processing feature in Version Manager RIDE clients can cause instability in Version Manager File Servers and Web Servers (regardless of version). To avoid this issue, DO NOT ENABLE the Server-Side Processing feature. This feature will be fixed in a follow-up release/patch.

9.2 Eclipse: "Resource Key" Errors

On systems that are not set to the en_US locale, "Resource Key" errors occur in the serena_java.log file in your Serena installation directory. These errors do not mean that features are not working correctly; however, to ensure that the log remains readable, you can edit the log to remove these error messages.

9.3 Eclipse: Copy All Changes Toolbar Button Not Working

In the compare dialog box, the Copy All Non-Conflicting Changes from Right to Left toolbar button does not work in Three-Way Compare mode.

Workaround: Toggle the Three-Way/Two-Way Compare toolbar button.

9.4 Eclipse Command Line: You Can Specify a Larger Heap Size If You Have Extremely Large Projects

Update your Windows shortcut (target value) to use the heap size of your choosing. For example, if the location of the Eclipse executable is D:\eclipse3.0.1\eclipse\eclipse.exe and you want to specify a heap size of 512m, enter the following command:

D:\eclipse3.0.1\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xmx512m

Choose a value that is suitable for the amount of memory on your machine.

9.5 VS 2005: Merged Files Are Saved in UTF-8 Format

When you save the results of a merge, the resulting file is saved in UTF-8 format. This does not pose a problem within Visual Studio 2005, but some older editors, such as Visual Studio 6, will be confused by the byte-order mark added to the front of the file.

To keep your files compatible with older editors, you can change the default to ASCII. To do so, select Options from the Tools menu in Visual Studio. Select Serena from the left pane of the resulting dialog box. Change the default to ASCII.

9.6 VS 2005: Package Load Failure on First Run of Visual Studio

If you have not launched Visual Studio at least once before installing the Version Manager integration, you may see a package load failure the first time you open it. Do NOT tell Visual Studio to stop attempting to load the Version Manager package. Choosing incorrectly at this point will disable the integration and require an uninstall and reinstall to fix the integration. It will load properly the next time you open Visual Studio.

9.7 VS 2005: Crash when Adding "Project from Existing Code" to Source Control

If you create a new project by selecting File | New | Project from Existing Code and then try to add the project to source control without saving it first in Visual Studio, Visual Studio will crash. To prevent this problem, save such projects before adding them to source control.

9.8 VS 2005: Microsoft Error on Get Latest

In some circumstances when attempting to get the latest revision, an error may appear which gives you the opportunity to send an error report to Microsoft. Clicking the Send button may crash Visual Studio.

9.9 VS 2005: Cannot Add Empty Visual Basic Web Projects to Source Control

An empty Visual Basic Web project cannot be added to source control. Place some content in the project before attempting to add it to source control.

9.10 VS 2005: Restored Folder Still Shown as Deleted in Compare Workspaces View

The Compare Workspaces view can sometimes erroneously indicate that a restored folder is still deleted. This occurs if you:

  1. Delete a folder from the Solution Explorer.

  2. Compare workspaces.

  3. Do a Force Update on the deleted folder:

    1. Select Overwrite at the local workfile prompt.

    2. Select Reload for the project prompt.

    3. Select Overwrite for the solution prompt.

NOTE The folder is properly restored. It is only the display of its status in the Compare Workspaces view that is incorrect.


Part 3: Version Manager Web Client

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10.0 Known Issues

10.1 Internet Explorer: Do Not Open Multiple Project Databases in Multiple Tabs or Browser Instances

Internet Explorer 7 and 8 does not allow you to work in two project databases at one time. Do not attempt to open multiple project databases in multiple tabs or browser instances of Internet Explorer 7 or 8.

10.2 Refreshing Content Pane after Viewing Revision

When viewing a file in the revision pane, you can refresh the contents of its parent project by pressing CTRL and clicking the project in the project pane. You can also click the Return to Contents of Project link in the revision pane.

10.3 UNIX: Add Workfiles Directory Browsing Is Sometimes Disabled

When you click the browse button in the Add Workfiles dialog box, the resulting directory selection dialog box sometimes does not function properly on UNIX.

The workaround is to restart the browser.

10.4 IO Error Messages Occur When the Version Manager Web Server Is Down

One way in which the Web client will report communication difficulties with the Web server is by displaying IO error messages (such as "" or "").

10.5 Unable to Change Password If No ACDB Exists

If an Access Control Database does not exist for a project database, you cannot change your Version Manager Web client password to log in to that project database. To fix this problem, create a new ACDB for the project database using the Version Manager desktop. Uncheck the "Enable access control database security" box. You can now change your password in the Version Manager Web client.

NOTE: Creating the new ACDB does not affect the users' existing permissions, since the ACDB is disabled.

10.6 Licenses Tab of Version Manager Web Server Application Configuration Utility Displays Multi-Byte and High-ASCII Characters Incorrectly

The Licenses tab of the Version Manager Web Server Application Configuration utility displays multi-byte and high-ASCII characters as a string of numbers and letters. This behavior will be addressed in a future release.

10.7 Dates Sometimes Displayed Incorrectly in Web Client Project Pane

This is a display issue only; the archive data is correct. If you perform a lock operation on the file and then refresh the display, the dates appear correctly.

10.8 Error: "Certificate not verified"

If you get a "Certificate not verified" error when logging in to the Web client, do the following:

  1. Close the browser and reopen it.

  2. Bring up the Login page, but do not log in. After a moment or two, a Security Warning dialog box appears.

  3. Click the Always button on the Security Warning dialog box.

  4. Now log in to the Web client.

10.9 Browse Does Not Work After You Switch to a Project on a Different Server

The browse feature may quit working when you switch to a project database on a different server. This can occur with any browser that uses the Sun Java plugin. Firefox and Mozilla use the Sun Java plugin, and Internet Explorer can be configured to use it, also. To switch to a project on another server, exit the browser and restart it.

10.10 Windows XP SP 2 Security Settings May Disrupt Viewing of Online Help

When you upgrade to Windows XP Service Pack 2, default security settings are changed. These changes can cause messages to appear that prompt you to explicitly allow the Help system to be viewed.

To allow the Help system to be viewed wihout seeing warnings, perform the following steps:

  1. Open Internet Explorer.

  2. Go to Tools | Internet Options.

  3. Click the Advanced tab.

  4. Scroll down to the Security section.

  5. Select the Allow active content to run in files on My Computer check box.

  6. Click OK.

10.11 Request for Password Displayed Rather Than Licensing Error

If as a user without a password you access a project database that is configured for HOSTID, any licensing errors will result in a request for a password.

10.12 You have encountered an internal processing error: 2xxxx

A message similar to the following may indicate that the locale setting of your system is not compatible with that of the server.

c:\work\pileon\pileon_rgering\chars\File€Euro.txt, You have encountered an internal processing error: 27749. Please restart Version Manager and try the operation again. If you continue to have problems, contact your Serena administrator for further assistance.

In the above case, a UNIX-based file server was running in the en_US locale, which does not include support for the Euro character.

To avoid this issue, ensure that the characters in your file names are compatible with the locale that the file server and/or Web server are running on.

10.13 UNIX: "Restart Firefox" Option Might Crash Firefox

The Restart Firefox option in the Add-ons dialog box might crash Firefox after installation of the PVCS Version Manager Web client on UNIX platforms.

Workaround: Close Firefox and then open a fresh Firefox session to connect to the PVCS Version Manager Web server after installing the PVCS Version Manager Web client on a UNIX platform.

10.14 UNIX: Uninstalling Web Client Without Closing Connections Might Crash Firefox

Uninstalling the PVCS Version Manager Web client without closing Web client connections to the PVCS Version Manager Web server might crash Firefox on Unix platforms.

Workaround: Uninstall the PVCS Version Manager Web client from Firefox after closing all the PVCS Version Manager clients connected to the PVCS Version Manager Web server.

10.15 Internet Explorer 7: Cannot Work in Two Project Databases At One Time

Internet Explorer 7 does not allow you to work in two project databases at one time. Do not attempt to run multiple sessions in different project databases on multiple tabs in Internet Explorer 7.

Part 4: Version Manager WebDAV Server

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11.0 Known Issues

See the Usage Cautions file.


Part 5: Serena Meritage

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12.0 Known Issues

12.1 PowerPoint Is No Longer Supported

Microsoft PowerPoint is no longer supported by Serena Meritage.

12.2 Office 2000

12.2.1 Meritage Client Fails to Detect Microsoft Office 2000

Please refer to KnowledgeBase article 5001075.

12.2.2 Missing Icon

In Office 2000, the "My Meritage" icon does not appear in the left pane of the Open File dialog box.

12.3 WebDAV Server

If you are using version of WebDAV Server and you check in a file from outside of Meritage using the Keep revision locked option, you will not see the new version of the file from within Meritage until the file is checked in or unlocked.

12.4 SSL Support

12.4.1 Meritage Fails When Tomcat Is Configured to Accept Only SSL Connections

Please refer to KnowledgeBase article 5001095.

Part 6: Copyright/Disclaimers/Support

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13.0 Support

13.1 Support Information

To contact Serena support, please log in at

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14.0 Notice Regarding Third Party Software

14.1 Third Party Software Disclaimers

The following disclaimers are provided on behalf of third party components used by and distributed with the Version Manager Web server, Version Manager File Server, and WebDAV Server. Please see the Serena PVCS Version Manager documentation for acknowledgements, and individual LICENSE files for additional information, regarding any third party components.


14.2 Third Party Software Rights

DocuComp® comparison technology licensed from ASI Software.
Portions of the software, DocuComp® comparison © 2004 ASI Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

This product includes software developed by
The Apache Software Foundation (

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (

Portions © Copyright 2006 Microsoft Corporation. Al Rights Reserved.

Portions © Copyright 1996, 1999 International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.

Portions © Copyright Intalio Inc. and others. All Rights Reserved.

Portions © Copyright eHelp Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


End Readme
Copyright © 2003–2010 Serena Software, Inc. All rights reserved.